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Lv 2581 points

yamaha bassman

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I play bass in a local bar band, just weekend stuff.

  • I'm 54. She just turned 36. Is this too big of an age difference?

    We are both getting out of relationships. She has two children, 10 and 8. She also has food issues and she has been treated for anorexia. She is beautiful and she is probably the nicest person I have ever met. We are just at the beginning phases of this thing but I really don't want to cause her any problems if it is too big of an age difference. Should I back out or pursue this???

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I have been going through a tough time with my girlfriend. It seems like we're on the verge of breaking up.

    We have been together for 10 months now. I was married when we met and I left my wife of 20 years to be with her. The marriage was not good. It has been a struggle for us since I left the marriage as she is feeling guilty and we are truly getting to know each other. I found out after I left the marriage that I was not the first married guy that she had been with and that it was almost a pattern for her. She says that it was just easier for her as she didn't have to make an emotional committment. Tonight I told her that she either commit to our relationship or it was time to get out. I do think she is in love with me but she has become distant since the marriage broke up. I am totally in love with her, but I'm not sure if we can get through this mess we've created. How do two people regain the trust and love they once had? It seems that all we do is fight and I just want her to love me like she used to. By the way, she is 38 and never been married with no children.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How much should you spend for an engagement ring?

    I'm currently paying $900.00 in child support and I only make $2600 net. I don't have any other bills.

    12 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • I'm thinking about asking my girlfriend to get married? How do you make that decision?

    I have a very volatile relationship with my girlfriend. She is younger than me by 14 years. We are either fighting or making love. It is the strangest relationship I have ever been in and I'm afraid it's not going to work. She is 38 and she has never been married and she doesn't have children. One time she had 53 cats. (This is not a joke) Now she just has two older cats. I have no idea if she wants to marry me. I'm trying to hold off as long as I can because I know it's probably the wrong decision, but I think about her constantly. I can't sleep at night when we're apart. She has never lived with anyone before, but I have been staying with her about 3 nights a week. She is the strangest person I have ever met, and she is totally unpredictable. There may be some mental illness issues involved. Please help me decide what to do?

    13 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • My girlfriend and I looked at wedding rings the other day? by accident?

    My girlfiend and I went to a pawn shop the other day to look at CD's. When we got there, instead of going over to the CD's, she went right to the case with the wedding bands. We've been going out for 7 months and we don't have any plans to get married. We have joked around about it a few times but all in fun. She even says that I'm a lot more involved than her in our relationship. She even told me her ring size after we left the store. Does this mean anything or am I reading this all wrong?

    14 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • My girlfriend and I looked at wedding rings the other day; by accident?

    My girlfiend and I went to a pawn shop the other day to look at CD's. When we got there, instead of going over to the CD's, she went right to the case with the wedding bands. We've been going out for 7 months and we don't have any plans to get married. We have joked around about it a few times but all in fun. She even says that I'm a lot more involved than her in our relationship. She even told me her ring size after we left the store. Does this mean anything or am I reading this all wrong?

    17 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • My girlfriend won't tell me she loves me.?

    We've been going out for seven months and she has said "I love you" only once. She said it is hard for her to say that. She was in a previous relationship for seven years and she only said it to that guy twice. Something traumatic happened to her in the past but she won't tell me what it is. I keep telling her how much I love her and people need to know that they are loved, but she just won't say it. All she'll say is that she cares about me a lot. Do I keep talking to her about this or do I just leave it alone?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • My girlfriend is jealous of one of my co-workers? How can I get her to accept that she is the only one?

    My co-worker also happened to be my best friend, but we have not had a relationship and we are not going to have a relationship. The problem is my co-worker is very good looking. My girlfriend is also very beautiful but very insecure. She feels threatened by our friendship and she is constantly bringing it up. I love my girlfriend more than anything else, but I don't want to give up my friendship with this co-worker. By the way, I've known my co-worker for 11 years and my girlfriend for two years. Help me!!!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • My girlfriend says it's hard for her to say I love you. She's only said it once in six months.?

    I was having an affair with my current girlfriend and I decided to leave my wife to be with her. The only time she has ever said I love you was the day I told my wife I was leaving her. Since then she has backed way off and I'm really questioning our relationship. I am in love with her but I'm not sure she loves me. She might be feeling guilty about my marriage falling apart. There are children involved and I know that's why I stayed in the marriage way too long. I keep hoping that things will return to the way they were but I'm starting to have my doubts. I know the statistics are not good for relationships that start as an affair, but I just can't let it go. Do I hang in there or should I leave? I really do love this woman.

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I'm married, fell in love with a single woman, wife suddenly wants to fix our marriage. Help!?

    My wife of 20 years has not shown any interest in our relationship for over 5 years. No love, No sex, nothing. Actually she has hated me for quite some time, but we have two children so I haven't left. I met this woman over a year ago but we have only been intimate for about two months. We are now in love. My wife has sensed something and now she wants to fix our relationship. I would leave but it would affect the children emotionally and financially. I do not want to have a relationship with my wife and I'm thinking seriously about leaving. I'm not sure where this affair I am having is going to go. I just don't love my wife anymore. My kids are 16 and 12 years old. Do I wait until they are older or do I leave now?

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce2 decades ago