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  • Does Social Security Pay you Permanent Disability after your State Disability Expires?

    I just acquired Stage 5 Renal Kidney failure and lost my job,I appiled for State disability benefits w/c was approved because my Nephrologist signed and endorsed my Medical papers.The Social Security Administration also approved me for Medicare because of my medical condition but my State disability checks will soon expire in about a month.Will Social Security pay me a Permanent Disability monthly right after my State disablity checks ran out? Please help for i don't have anymore livelihood because of my Medical condition! Thank You

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • How could a person qualify for Social Security Permanent Disability?

    I was recently diagnosed with Stage 5 Renal Kidney Failure and my kidneys stopped working, I was thinking of applying for Social Security Permanent Disability Program because according to their records, i already qualify.Since i'm a Legal Permanent Resident of this country since 1986, what kind of Documents that they need from me in order to qualify?

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • How good really are IBM T60 Laptops?

    I recently bought a IBM Thinkpad T60 laptop online and it's presently on the way to me as i'm typing this. The Specs are the following: IBM T60 (2007), T2400 processor, 512 RAM, 80GB HD, Fingerprint swipe. My question is: How good really are these laptops compared to the present laptops right now? I just wanna know the real facts about the T60 so i know that i just didn't plunk down $ 365.00 of " hard-earned-money " for a machine that i'll regret later. BTW, here are the uses for that IBM ThinpadT60: Browse & surf the net, online shopping, online bill payment, Play DVD movies and some CD games (Old games). Any information is highly and greatly appreciated and Thanks a Million in advance!

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • how do you stay happy and content in this life?

    i have been contemplating for this question for a very long time...i'm 47 years old, single male, no wife nor kids to support & never been married, never been more content in my life, i am in a certain stage of my life where i need to be w/c is i'm in self-complacency zone(Happy & content). My question is: how to do you permanently stay in this stage w/o anyone ever getting jealous at you?

    4 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • When will America ever learn about greed?

    First, it was the great depression then the 90's dot com bust now this sub-prime housing crisis,and what is the common denominator here? GREED! apparently power is America's blessing but greed is it's curse.Dirty Harry was right about what he's famous quote:"Man's got to know his limitations" what do you think?

    7 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • What can we do if we get a real-life scenario like in the movie "Live Free Or Die Hard"?

    I just recently watched this movie "Live Free Or Die Hard" Starring Bruce Willis just Last night. This movie got me thinking...what if it really happens in real-life? I can only imagine the horrifying nightmare where you have no access to anything(ATM + Bank accounts gone,No electricity,No gasoline,No running water because everything is virtually ranned by Computers). It doesn't really take a lot IMHO from a super hacker to achieve this &we are virtually at the mercy of this thing we invented called technology. My fear is if it did's guaranteed that America will go back to the stone age! Let's just hope that the Government is really ready & has a lot of Contingency plans (Plan A,B,C,D & E). let's hope they're on top of things.What do you think!? It's Fiction; meaning that there's a slight possibility that IT MIGHT HAPPEN.....

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • How do you go on when you just lost the love of your life?

    "I just Recently lost my wife of 2 years due to a drunk driver.She's 23 yrs.old & was 6 months pregnant carrying my child to be.We Were high school sweethearts & I consider her my soulmate. We practically planned everything; from diapers to cribs to college fund.The driver was prosecuted,sentenced 15 years for vehicular Manslaughter. I haven't got any decent sleep since she & i son died after the accident, I really miss her a lot.Iv'e been crying all this time and seeked professional medical help on how do i put the shattered pieces of life altogether. Lately i'm thinking of ways to end my life to get this pain out. How do you go on when something like this happens to you? You see all of your pics w/ her as a family, the trips you took, the videos, the ultrasound from the hospital, the memories & fun times.Please help...I'm really am at the very end of my rope.I tried pretty much everything including psychotherapy to no avail. Right now I'm thinking of doing something reallystupidHELP"

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • "What Should I do if my parents won't let me have a motorcycle even with my own money to buy it?"

    I have been fascinated w/ motorcycles since i was a young kid.I wanted 1 so badly i told my parents i'll get 1 when i became old enough & they just smiled. Now i'm 18, have a job & saved enough money to buy myself one...but they wouldn't allow me to have one. I took The MSF coarse,Passed it w/ flying colors, bought all my safety gear(helmet boots Gloves & Jacket) in advance. They told me that this day will come & they're afraid that i might get hurt or even killed. Dad won't talk to me; Mom was crying. They even offered to co-sign a brand new car, but i told them that i'm set on the bike.And i told them that i'm a safe& responsible rider(even showed them my gear+ my MSF test Results) but they still wouldn't budge.Even my best buddies dropped by to educate them about riding safety; but to no avail.Why are my parents so not fair about this? Please help...I don't know what to do, i never wanted a car or any 4 wheeled vehicle for that matter...just a motorcycle. Thank You & God Bless...

    12 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • "Why is it a No-No to call a woman Ugly even if it is obvious?"?

    "The other night, me & my GF were going to a party from one of our friends.My GF was trying on some dress & asks me how do i look on this dress. I said "it looks hideous & really ugly on you. You look like a Fat Hippo on a Tutu..change it".I don't know what i said but she started crying and she told me that dress was given to her by her mom.Now before you judge me...i was brought up to be honest up front to anything & everything...she is a size 6 trying to fit on a size 2.What does she want me to say? does she want me to lie to her for her to feel good about herself? I can't do that.Ugggghhhh!!! Please help me because this is the 2nd time this happened.I'm dealing with a Dilemma here.......Thank You & God Bless"

    19 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How do you do Real Levitation?

    "Recently I saw the New Episode of MindFreak Starring Criss Angel on Where he Levitated down from the very top floor(500 Feet down!) inside of the Pyramid Hotel In Las Vegas. Is He doing illusions or is this the Real deal that Rumors has it...he has demonic powers!?...what's the deal and if so...How can i myself experience it?"

    2 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Will You Stop Menstruating If You Could?

    "My GF of 3 years always comes to me crying whenever she had the PMS. She always complains about the Human Female Condition, that why do women had to suffer for this while men can go around fancy free & worry free & don't have to worry about staining everything. I told her that i personally don't have the answers...that I guess Momma-Nature preferred it this way. You see...she suffers this condition called "Dysmenorhea", or Severe Menstral Cramps. I Love this woman so much that i sometimes take several days off just to be w/ her, holding her close to me & Giving her assurance that whatever she needed,(Heating Pad, Midol,Motrin,advil) i'm just right beside her. She told one time that if the Lord asks her to go back & have another life here, she said she rather be a man returning than being a woman once again. Here's My question to the ladies outthere: Do You resent men bcoz they have an easier life & Would You stop Menstruating if you could?"....

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why do women treat so Mean to each other? Why are they so catty?

    I've recently saw a movie that really made me wonder about the nopposite sex, I saw the Movie..."The Devil Wears Prada".OMG!!! do women really treat each other that mean!?...The bigger question is: WHY!!!!??? You see...i'm a guy & have lots of friends. we have lot's of disagreements sometimes & some we took swings @ each other, but we forgive and forget each other's fault through drinking & having a great time.That's how most guys get along...we never really took things personally & we let go to forgive each other.I mean when a women or girls are good friends but when it comes to their BF's or husbands,they let every woman in the room know that if you even as the thought of talking to them let alone flirting w/ their man...ALL BETS ARE OFF!!! what gives?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why do most women never trust their men?

    My GF always accuses me of having a wandering eye & she has this perception that Men in general must never be trusted when it comes to relationships.Why is that? I've always told her that I love her & she's the only one for me but she never takes my word. She gets really worried When we attend parties, me seeing my buddies there & there's a lot of Beautiful women there. I told her that she has nothing to worry about & i even proposed to have a Lie Detector test just to prove to her that i'm not cheating on her. Why do most women torture themselves by this along with their men? Please Help...I'm at the end of my ropes here...I love this woman to death by her ways are just pushing me to the edge because of her dramas! Why do they drive us men Crazy like this?

    30 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why is it very offensive to call a woman Fat or Ugly when they insist you tell them the truth?

    My GF and I had a terrible argument yesterday because of my Honesty prior to us attending a Friend's B-Day Party. She dressed up then asks me if she looks fat on that dress she just put on.I ask her..."Would You like my personal Opinion Or The Honest truth?".She said my opinion & i said I love You! then she asks the truth,then i told her you don't want to hear it.but she insisted & I said "You look like a hippo on a tutu!" She Cried,Bawled loudly Then stormed out the room. I said I was sorry But She wouldn't talk to me. She 's giving me the silent treatment.Now Before you judge me...I was brought up to tell the truth no matter what. What did i do wrong!? She insisted the truth so i did! We've been together for 2 years now & i never seen her behave like this b4.What she expect from me...Lie to her!? I Really Love this woman w/ all of my heart & i'm willing to lay down my very own life for her on a moment's notice but she's driving me crazy! Please Help me!....

    23 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How Do You Choose Between Someone you love & Something That your'e really Passionate With?

    I Love Motorcycles.It is my Passion.I learned to ride when i was 8 yrs.old and I'm still riding to the present at the age of 46.I just got married about a year ago to the love of my life.Prior to the Marriage when we were still dating, she was ok w/ me riding my motorcycles & we both agreed that i can keep my bikes (i have 2 of them & no car but she has a car of her own). Recently she became a witness to a really tragic motorcycle accident that killed the rider.From then on she was having nightmares to the point that she wakes up screaming & crying that i have to calm her down.Here's My Dilemma: she wants me to SELL ALL my motorcycles. I told her that i'm a safe rider & have been riding all of my life & assured her that i'm gonna be OK. But she's really worried & terrified that what she witnessed might happen to me someday.When i was a kid, i was involved in a car accident as a passenger you see so it gave me a phobia of cars. Now i'm torn between her & my Passion.What should I do?....

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Does Having Sex with a massage parlor attendant meant That i'm exploiting her?

    I'm a truck driver and i work a lot of hours.I go to have a massage every now and then to relax myself. One time i went to have a massage in this newly opened place not far from where i work. The Masseuse told me that i'm her type & offered some "Extra Service" free of charge. Knowing that I'm a bachelor, No GF and No children, i said what the heck...and WE did it. She gave me a kiss & a hug; told me that she really enjoyed it and i gave her a tip, said goodbye and then i went home.Right after that when i got home...suddenly i felt really guilty to what i did to the attendant but i constantly remembered that SHE offered the "Service". Now I'm torn & confused because i felt that i just explioted A human being even though she offered & agreed. Was i wrong to take her offer?

    14 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How long is the wait to apply for a new credit card after Personal Bancruptcy?

    I filed for chapter 13 Personal Bancruptcy 7 years ago. I was just wondering: How long can someone wait to aquire a new line of credit; Is it 7 or 10 years now? I'm asking Because recently my Personal Bank sent me a Pre-Approved Unsecured Credit Card Application via the net. I filled it up w/ my Personal Info. Thinking it was just a fluke then after about a week,Lo and behold ,a Brand Spanking New Unsecured Credit Card w/ my name on it! Right After that, i applied with another Credit card company via the net, but it said that it can't process my application at this time. Iv'e been out of the hole for 7 years now so do you think is it ok to apply for more New lines of credit?...any info or suggestions is highly appreciated ,God Bless & Thanks a million in advance!

    5 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • Why do Women Give their children away knowing they can't support them?

    Lately i acquired a family secret through a family friend that i was adopted at 2months old.Iv'e confronted my adoptive mother about this: asked her why she kept this secret from me.She cried & confessed to me that my birth mother was a poor 18 y.o. girl who got pregnant early & didn't know what to do.She told me also that they adopted me because they wanted a boy at the time...hence all of my adoptive siblings are all girls. I had sleepless nights,bouts of depression over this and it's affecting people around me:co-workers,my employer,my friends and most of all,my adopted family. Now Mind You: i have no regrets whatsoever by being adopted by avery caring and loving family: they raised me right w/all the proper values and educated me. Here's my question: Why in the World do women do this?...don't they even realized that they're child who they gave away knowingly grows up not complete coz they don't know their real Mother? do i have the right to curse and resent her for what she did?

    16 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Why Do Most Car drivers Hate Motorcyclist?

    I Ride a motorcycle.Lately; i noticed that a lot of car drivers either want to cut me off in traffic, close me in when i lane split in the freeway and just plain mean that they yell at me; "I hope you die you son of a !@#$^&!!!." Why all this hostilities towards us!?.Don't they even realize that we are actually REDUCING traffic by having one less car on the road? I already told my car driving friends that if half of the people started riding motorcycles to work(Lest you drive a Truck or a car for a living),There would be minimal or NO traffic at all whatsover. Am I wrong on suggesting this?

    12 AnswersCommuting1 decade ago
  • "What Do You do when The Trust And respect in a relationship is Gone?"?

    Me and My GF of 7 years Had a big argument yesterday.Whenever he have an argument this big She always make Threats to never to see me again.I told her to go for it and told her I'm getting sick & Tired of Her Crap Treating me this way.I Left That night and went to my buddies along with my stuff,and told them that when my GF Calls them; To tell Her that they never saw me.I've Had enough of her, period.I gave her 7 years of my life and she's not happy with it,TOUGH!This is problem of relationships today. How do you get over the anger and resentment over this?...Because at this point,I want to go somewhere Far away; anywhere but near her...

    20 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships2 decades ago