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  • What do you think of my clips?

    My first two videos on Youtube. Would love to have some views to encourage me. What do you think of my videos?

    1 AnswerCurrent Events8 years ago
  • Your opinion of my Chicken Youtube video.?

    Created a strange video with Chicken's photos during his holidays in France. Love to have a few views and opinions. Would be grateful for a few thumbs up and a few comments on Youtube. (Or thumbs down if you hate it)

    Thanks for your time.

    2 AnswersYouTube8 years ago
  • Flowers Video - Your Opinion?

    My passion is gardening. I created a video on Youtube with photos of the flowers in my garden. Would love to know what you think... by leaving a comment here or on Youtube.

    And yes all the flowers are from my garden, which was completely wild 5 years ago.

    See the link below to view the video.

    And thanks for your time.

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape8 years ago
  • How to find a publisher for a book?

    The book is about the difficult road of life as a gay man. It is about the struggle in rural Ireland, the blows from a catholic mother, and the complications endured because of being different.The boy was forced to accept a promise of silence, born not out of my mother's love to protect him, but from her selfish attitude to save her dignity from the shame of having a gay son. It was forbidden to reveal his secret, and he evolved in a home of violence and agression because he was gay. He relives his complete life from the beginning step by step. He speaks about the monstrosities that he lived, very very dark moments, the war of his life to survive, but in the end the promise of silence becomes the promise of freedom. So many wasted years of his life with the solitude of his secret, but after 17 years the promise of silence betrayed him. His parents no longer had the strenght to love him, therefore they evicted him from their lives. But the promise of silence is not only about destruction, there is also a lot of love, 13 years of love with his partner, and also love from amazing people in life that loved him for him, and how they made the difference to his existence.

    How do I find a well reputed and reliable publisher?

    My objective is to find an international publisher, open minded too, but not specially one that would class the book as gay liberature.

    Any ideas to help would be welcome or even a comment on what your impression of the book subject. Is there a market?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Homework : Please help with an idea.?

    I must describe in words the visual signs of the recession on people's faces. How would you describe what you see? Or what do you imagine are the visual signs on faces to portray the impact?

    2 AnswersHomework Help9 years ago
  • Impact of recession in the faces?

    Can the impact of the recession be seen in people's eyes?

    Walking down the street can one notice the impact of of the recession worn of faces?

    How would you describe what you see?

    Or what do you imagine are the visual signs on faces to portray the impact?

    1 AnswerOther - News & Events9 years ago
  • What does this sentence mean to you?

    What do you understand by this sentence?

    "And why did she categorically refuse a paternity test to finally break the silent mystery of her orgasm?"

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • What does this sentence mean to you?

    What do you understand by :

    What curse contaminated me from falling in love forever?

    1 AnswerLanguages9 years ago
  • Translate German sentence to English?

    What does this sentence mean, please? I know it says for me that ............... the training on the 27/02.

    Fir mir, dat *** onméiglech, ech sinn en Formatioun den 27/02.

    3 AnswersLanguages9 years ago
  • Assurance moto : OU JE PEUX Trouvé un bon contrat.?

    Je voudrais assurer ma moto Honda CBF125, mais ou? Je cherche une assurance bon qualité rapport prix, fiable en cas d'accident. Est-ce que on peux assurer une moto simplement pour la belle saison, sans payer une assurance pour la garer dans mon garage en hiver sans rouler? Je suis actuellement chez MAIF, et je veux changer avant le 01/01/12. Je ne suis pas trop content avec eux. Alors, merci beaucoup pour vos conseil, je suis nouveaux dans le monde motard et un peu perdu.

    3 AnswersMoto10 years ago
  • My parents have cut me out of their lives.?

    For 17 years my (ex) parents knew I was gay and in an 11 year relationship with a fantastic guy, who they accepted. There was always tension in our relationship, but I was able to live with that. For example, it was forbidden to tell relatives that I was gay, my mother was a compulsive liar covering up my sexuality, and the word gay was not allowed in their house. But it didn't matter as I live far away and have my own life, so I accepted their rules. During my last visit my parents informed me that I was dead and no longer existed. They kicked my partner and me out of their home for absolutely no reason. This broke my heart and I am struggling to battle my sadness. I have good days when I smile all day, but I'm also familiar with difficult days when I cry a lot. I'm in my mid-thirties and don't know how to deal with my hurt. they hurt me a lot in my life, but this time they've exceeded the limit. They told my relatives, who now know the truth as I came out to them afterwards, the I am dead and that they never want me in their life again. I know my mother misses me, we were very close, I miss her a lot too, but I no longer feel any love for her. I don't want to become a cold person, but I am not strong enough in my heart to forgive them and think my life will be better off without their homophobia. It's been 6 months since this all happened, no contact for my birthday nor Christmas. I didn't think this could ever happen to me. I can't envisage the possibility of opening up my life to them again as they hurt me a lot and I don't want to risk being hurt again in the future. But am I strong enough to live my life without them? I feel that my life is on pause, that this is killing me, I've never felt so much hurt before. Please give me your point of view. Thanks.

    12 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Homophobic parents said I no longer exist.?

    For 17 years my (ex) parents knew I was gay and in an 11 year relationship with a fantastic guy, who they accepted. There was always tension in our relationship, but I was able to live with that. For example, it was forbidden to tell relatives that I was gay, my mother was a compulsive liar covering up my sexuality, and the word gay was not allowed in their house. But it didn't matter as I live far away and have my own life, so I accepted their rules. During my last visit my parents informed me that I was dead and no longer existed. They kicked my partner and me out of their home for absolutely no reason. This broke my heart and I am struggling to battle my sadness. I have good days when I smile all day, but I'm also familiar with difficult days when I cry a lot. I'm in my mid-thirties and don't know how to deal with my hurt. they hurt me a lot in my life, but this time they've exceeded the limit. They told my relatives, who now know the truth as I came out to them afterwards, the I am dead and that they never want me in their life again. I know my mother misses me, we were very close, I miss her a lot too, but I no longer feel any love for her. I don't want to become a cold person, but I am not strong enough in my heart to forgive them and think my life will be better off without their homophobia. It's been 6 months since this all happened, no contact for my birthday nor Christmas. I didn't think this could ever happen to me. I can't envisage the possibility of opening up my life to them again as they hurt me a lot and I don't want to risk being hurt again in the future. But am I strong enough to live my life without them. Please give me your point of view. Thanks.

  • Tulips without flower this year.?

    Last year I planted many different varities of tulips in my garden, which all bloomed in such great spendor with a fantastic result of colours. I left the leaves regenerate the bulbs before cutting them and hoped for the same result this year. HOWEVER, my tulips have really disappointed me, 70% have not produced flowers and just big leaves. I did not dig them up and replant them, internet every five years is enough for this, the region I live in is cold and winter was long this year, the soil is not water logged and is rich due to peat added. So, what exactly went wrong? Should I dig them up every year and replant in Autumn? My daffodiles were perfect on the other hand. I'm so tulip disappointed. Any info would be appreciated.

    5 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • I need a song to express friendship and sorry after disagreement with friend...?

    I feel like crap, had a disagreement with a close best friend. He said some hard things spur of the moment, which hurt me. It was all a big misunderstanding. We've communicated by email a little since, and things seem ok. But I'm afraid to lose him, he means a lot to me. I just want things to be the way they were, and expressed this to him. if he lived near by I'd visit him with some flowers, hug him and it would be easier to communicate with him. However, this isn't the case. Any ideas how I can show him by a song on you tube for example, that he means the world to me, that I am genuine in our friendship, that I'm sorry about our disagreement, I want to forget about it and continue the way we have always been.

  • How much is your weekly food bill?

    Just curious to know how much is your weekly food bill. On average our is 70 Euro a week, 14.3% is for chocolate, I love chocolate. The rest is to feed my partner and I, breakfast and evening meals. Lunch is not included in this, I get free food at work or have a sandwich, and he eats in a restaurant everyday, but that's his budget. When my partner does the shopping the bill doubles, so I prefer that it's me. Note, we always eat healthy meals, food is a priority. And you, can you share something about your food habits with me, the bill, how many do you feed, do you feel you waste money, do you pay attention to what you put in your trolley and make an effort to eat healthy.

  • Gay pride - What does it represent for you?

    I'm totally like gay, and proud of being so. I've never participated in gay pride, I think just because gay doesn't mean I need to demonstate it in a 'parade'. Like there is no straight pride, so why a gay pride. I live with a man and we integrate into society like any other couple. I am aware that being gay isn't easy, there is homophobia, we struggle to have our rights, but is gay pride the solution. Men half naked, dressed in pink with feathers up their a'ss isn't exactly the image of the gay community I want to be associated with. I understand gay pride is a fun thing, but would like to understand more what it the objective of gay pride. For me, it is not a means to achieve equal right. Sorry if you may find my words offensive, it is not my objective. But help me to understand what exactly is gay pride, I'd like some interesting points of view which could educate me. Thanks.

  • ADIEU Andrew Van de Kamp !?

    Avec une grande tristesse ce matin, j'apprends la mort définitive de notre cyber ami Andrew Van de Kamp. Je dois avouer que je n’ai pas eu assez de temps pour faire ample connaissance avec lui, mais il m’a apporté un petit sourire, un peu d’espoir dans ce monde agressive, et un formidable soutien en lisant ses questions et ses réponses.

    Et voila, il est mort, brutalement assassine en plein jeunesse par des trolls, supprimé par le dieu yahoo, sans appel. On a lutté évidemment pour le sauver, en vain, rien à faire, Il est mort. Adieu, notre cher Andrew. Tu nous manques.

    La vie est tellement injuste. Donc je pense qu’il faut organiser un petit funéraire pour Andrew. Rien trop compliqué, simple comme il était. Mais, personne prends un effort pour organiser un cyber truc dans son mémoire, trop des gens en larmes, mais il faut au moins une question dans son honneur.

    Je propose que vous laisser un petit mot dans cette question, pour rappeler un homme super gentil comme Andrew VDK, mort pour la France, mort pour sa liberté d’expression, mort tout simplement pour nous.


  • Pourquoi les éléphants sont differentes?

    Pourquoi les éléphants d'Asie ont-ils de plus petites zizis que les éléphants d'Afrique?

  • L'étrange histoire de Benjamin Button?

    Simplement pour vous dire :

    C'est un chef d'oeuvre. On en ressort tout bouleversé. Ce film nous ramène à la dure réalité de la vie, de l'amour et la perte des êtres chers. A voir absolument.

  • Gay Education Video.?

    Interesting video on being gay. What do you think of it?