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My husband's attitude towards my kids?
This is my second marriage. This is my husband's third. My children are grown from my first marriage, however, my husband can never say anything good about them. Of course my kids are not perfect, but my daughter is finishing her college degree, my oldest son has graduated college and has a degree in Spanish and my youngest son is a senior in college, moving towards law school. My husband was formerly married to a woman with two sons who were constantly in trouble. One ended up in a correctional institution. Yet, he never mentions that. I find him very hypocritical in his attitude towards my children when his ex- step sons were into drugs, alcohol and delinquents. I brought that up to him last night and he got ANGRY, saying that the past is simply that. The past. I say it's a double standard. And he remained with those boys' mother for over 20 years!! He isn't speaking to me today for bringing that up. Am I wrong in wondering why he condoned that, but is constantly arguing about MY children?
29 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoMy husband is a narcisisst, how do I handle that?
I have been married (2nd time) for nearly 4 years. When we first met, my husband was attentive and we enjoyed doing things together, events, family things, etc. However, as time passed, I noted that everything we did, was what HE wanted to do. If I wanted to do something that he didn't care to do, he wouldn't. I could handle that. However, now he is involved in our church to the point that his whole life centers around it, the activities, the people. I went along with him until lately. I have other interests, like my children, friends...that I don't want to neglect due to all the church-related things. During the month of May, 3 out of the 4 Sundays are to be "fellowship" days at the church. That's really the only day of the week I have to visit my elderly mother, children and get things done around the house. I KNOW he will not want to miss a moment with the church people...what do I do? If I don't go, he will be ticked.
14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoMy son's fiancee' is causing concern.?
My son met a young woman at college almost a year ago. He decided within months that she was "the one" and against my advice, he bought her her dream engagement and proposed. He also bought the wedding bands, far too premature to my likning. This girl does not seem to fit into our family. In fact at a family gathering last Aug. she embarrassed me when she laid on the couch at my brother's house, putting her bare feet on whoever was sitting on the other end. She associated very little, and took control of the tv remote...all this at my brother's house whom she had never met before.
Since then, I expressed my dissatisfaction to my son, who says he tries to change her, but she won't. He is in college also and though working two jobs, she spends his money as fast as he makes it. She wants him to herself, which means he doesn't see his friends much anymore, his siblings or me and the rest of the family. I told him in an email the other day, I think he should reconsider his choice, as they are now disagreeing on the size of the wedding they will have as well as when it should be held. She wants a large wedding, insisting that my son and his family pay half on it. My son has sold things, worked and tried to please her, but it doesn't seem to be working. I really don't care for this girl but don't think it seems to matter. How do I get by these bad feeings toward her?
1 AnswerFamily1 decade agoCheapskate or am I missing something?
My husband got upset with me this morning when I used a paper to blow my nose. He said "paper towels are too expensive to use as tissues!!" He said something to me the other day that "we're just using WAYY too many paper towels. Those are too expensive to be wasting."
My problem is this: He's an attorney. I don't abuse his job and earnings. I pay for my own clothes, my medicines, my gas, etc. He pays the rent and utilities. point is: It's not like I'm going through his money like water. I even buy my own groceries.
Am I wrong for getting into a heated argument with him about that? I am his third marriage. His prior marriage...he took the woman everywhere, money was no object. And I'm using too many paper towels. Is something wrong with me?
8 AnswersEtiquette1 decade agoShould I confront my husband?
Maybe I'm imagining this, but there is a woman in our church who seems to be wherever my husband and I are. She is married and her husband is normally with her, but I noticed that no matter where we sit in church, she and her husband sit near, in front of or next to us. This past Sunday they sat in front of us and I saw my husband watching her for a short time.
We were going to have a church function at another location a couple of hours away from here last May. I wasn't able to attend as I had to work, but he was going to go without me. She asked during one of the events prior to that if she could ride along with him. He said sure, no problem. I thought that was a bit bold of her. I wouldn't think of doing that with another man, even though it might be innocent enough.
He's been very upset with me lately as I've been having issues with depression and anxiety. Our 3rd anniversary is tomorrow. Oddly, he wondered if I wanted to go out to eat for the occasion this Sat. night. I thought it would be nice for the two of us to do that as he has been having lots of meetings for the church. However, he wants to invite a male friend of his along. I said why can't we go alone and make a night of being together? He said if we didn't invite him, we weren't going to go.
I felt hurt but agreed to invite the friend along. I'm on the verge of confronting him on this woman, but don't want to do it if it's petty on my part. I wonder if I'm making more of this than there is. Any thoughts?
19 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoBattling severe depression, I have a question.?
I am battling a severe bout of depression right now. I spent much of last night crying. Life seems bleak and I see no future. I have been here before so need to see my doctor at the earliest possible time. However, my husband acts as if I am a bother. Last night he sat on his laptop ignoring me. Maybe that is his way of dealing with me, I don't know. We've only been married 3 years, me for the 2nd time, he for the third. I've not had any episodes over our marriage till now. I finally asked him last night if he would help me get through this. He said only I can do anything about my situation, that I am the only one who can change me. He is not compassionate, as I had thought he might be. Today he made the comment that he doesn't know if HE will survive this. Should I tell him to move in with a friend till this has passed so he won't have to deal with me? I feel alone...and he says he can't help how I feel. I don't want this to ruin our marriage. Help.
6 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoShould I change my religion?
I was raised Roman Catholic though I didn't attend regularly over the last 10 years or so. I began dating after my divorce and met a man who I eventually married. He was a member of the United Methodist Church. I began attending church when we were dating and though it was different than what I was used to, I liked the pastor and the church. I became a member. Things were fine until my husband got involved in the building project of a new church sanctuary. In the past two years, he has assumed a huge leadership responsibility. He is on 6 committees, teaches Sunday School, facilitates another church group and it is consuming the majority of his time. When I became a member, I had no idea that this church would expect me to be involved to the point that it takes time from other areas that are also responsibiities, such as my kids, my elderly mother, etc. They expect members to bring in new people in the hopes of gaining more membership. When I tell my husband I don't feel comfortable in pushing religion, he says it is Satan speaking through me and that who am I to challenge God? It causes a great deal of grief in our marriage and I am at a loss as to what to do. He feels we need to attend all church functions and only wants to associate with church members. I want a life beyond the church. Should I go back to the Catholic faith or keep trying to please my husband and fit into our church?
16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoAny ideas for church fundraisers?
Our church is in the beginning stages of constructing a new building (the old one was falling apart, literally), but with ecnomic woes, we are in need of money to complete the project. I would like to know any fundraising ideas that can be shared as we would like some direction into what might generate some extra money for this worthwhile cause.
5 AnswersSmall Business1 decade agoAm I a horrible person?
I suffer from anxiety and depression and have battled both for many years. Tonight I made a comment, while reading the headlines online regarding Heather Locklear's struggle with the same thing...that it makes me feel better to know there are others in the world who have the same issues. My husband said I was admitting I was "glad" that there are people suffering in the world with the same things. He said it sounded horrible and that why must I justify myself in having these problems. He said that by saying that others have this, that means it's okay for me to have it, in my mind. I told him he was playing mind games with me, that I take no pleasure in other people having this same diagnosis. Was I wrong for becoming upset over his perception?
16 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoTorn between my sons. Help!?
My two college-age sons live with their father in the same town as I do. They are both out for the summer. My youngest son has a girlfriend who is living on the college campus for the summer which is 40 miles from here. My son misses her during the week and with the price of gas, does not see her anytime during the week. They communicate via emails and cell phones. He has invited her to come and stay at his father's house this weekend, as she did about 3 weeks ago. My other son is upset with he feels uncomfortable giving up his room for her to stay in. He says it disrupts his life when she is there. They argue about this to me...and I see both sides. I see my older son having to give up his bedroom to her and his lifesytle, but also see my younger son misses seeing her and cannot afford to go there with the price of gas. They argue about it to me...and I am in the middle. Any advice?
11 AnswersFamily1 decade agoFrustrated with my husband's meetings! Help!?
My husband finds great pleasure in being involved with various things in the community. I didn't mind it when we got married 3 years ago, but then it wasn't numerous times a week, lasting for 2 or more hours. Our lives revolve around his meetings and his committments. Is that being selfish on my part? Other couples do things apart from their obligations; we USED to. However, now our lives revolve around his responsibilities to everyone but our relationship. What should I do?
10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoI'm losing my husband. What should I do?
My husband and I used to share a number of activities together. We took walks, we sat and talked, we dined out, we went to the theater, etc. In the past year, my husband has become very involved with our church. At first I thought it was a great thing, as we are building a new church and I thought it was a positive thing that he was assisting in that process. However, it has gotten to the point that our lives are only centered on church-oriented things. He is on 7 different committees. We attend 2 services each Sunday, along with Bible Study. This past week he had a meeting Tuesday night, one Wednesday night, had an event there all morning this morning, will be back in church 3 times tomorrow, with another meeting on Tuesday and again on Wed. of next week. I am on one committee and that is plenty for me. I also want time with him and my kids. However, all the things we used to do are in the past. What do I do? I want him to be involved, but not as much. Help!
13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoNeil Armstrongs's homes in Ohio?
Need this information for school. Neil Armstrong lived in 16 towns across Ohio. Can anyone name those 16 places?
2 AnswersCincinnati1 decade agoWho wrote the poem "Life is Eternal"?
I need it for a funeral tomorrow and left my book in Atlanta. Help!!
2 AnswersPoetry1 decade agoMy husband corrects me and accuses me of being uninformed.?
Tonight one of my kids called. I was telling them something and my husband kept correcting me on every aspect of what I was sharing. He accuses me of being naive and uninformed. He says I "assume" things and he needs to clarify those things when I am relaying something via a phone call or otherwise. When I tell him I resent being constantly corrected or told I am wrong, he says I am not being rational. He also says I am depressed??!!! He is a highly intelligent person and I'm beginning to feel he married below himself. I know that isn't good on my part to feel this way, but how can you listen to someone who is never wrong and not feel intimidated? HELP!
21 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoIs anyone else offended by Rev. Wright?
I am personally appalled that anyone would find Rev. Wright inspiring or worthy of being a mentor. I have never heard such outright racial remarks than from his pulpit.
8 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoEmbarrassed by a middle name...?
I thought it so amazing that John McCain had to apologize for one of his people using Obama's middle name of Hussein. Bill Clinton changed his name. Gerald Ford changed his name. Yet, Barrack Hussein Obama keeps his muslim name and and another politician has to apologize for someone using it? What's with that?
13 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoCan anyone tell me what small group ministry is?
Also the positives and the negatives?
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoObama, Osama, it scares me!?
I cannot imagine electing a president with Muslim ties. I'm sorry, but Barrack Hussein Obama is not a Christian name. Does anyone else have a problem with this, given our tragic history with those of the Muslim ethnicity?
17 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoObama and Yahoo Answers?
All I hear on the television and read in the papers is regarding what they call a phenomenen and his name is Barrack Obama. He is compared wrongly to John Kennedy when the only thing he has in common with JFK is that they were both male!! The press idolizes him and prints nothing but positive things about his campaign. He has not yet produced a resume to the experience he has that is necessary to being the president and he is winning states and his monetary contributions are historical. And yet, I see sooooo many people on Yahoo Answers who agree with me in thinking that his Hollywood icon status is covering up his lack of experience. If so many see through his shallowness, why is he winning so many states?
24 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago