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Favorite Answers31%
  • Does anyone believe that what has happened the last couple days will turn into WWIII?

    Honestly, if Syria and Iran are found to have a part in all of this or if they get more involved, do you think there will be a World War? Those extremists are ruling those countries...the good people do not have a say.

    16 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • British Press.....Liars, Instigators, Troublemakers, & Incompetent source of news???!!!?

    Well, it appears that the great Zidane is an honest man. He did not fall for the British media trap set in front of him. He could have easily said that Materazzi called me a "dirty terrorist". He didn't. Materazzi said something "about his sister and possibly mother". The British Press should be ashamed of themselves once again....will they ever be credible? What a misfoutain of information. How much did they pay these so called lip readers? What do you think?

    8 AnswersFIFA World Cup (TM)1 decade ago
  • Companion Ticket Restrictions.......Saturday Night Stay, WHY?

    I have a free companion ticket. I was going to use it by flying Wed and coming home on Saturday. It's important that I get home on Saturday night. The airline said that a Saturday night stay is required. Why? It doesn't make sense to me. If I flew out on Saturday to Wednesday they would be alright with this? But I want to fly home on Saturday? So, what's the difference? At first I thought it might be some kind of deal made out with the hotels....but, there is no way that all hotels are linked up on this deal. Not only that, but maybe I'm staying at a friend's or relatives what do they care? Anyone else been in this situation? Anyone ever able to get the airline to make an exception? Thanks in advance for your answers!

    2 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • What should be done to Answer's like "ahhnoukhy"?

    Does anyone care about folks consistently getting away with scamming points? For instance, there is this one user "akhnoukhy" that has another account set up under "**** wang". The other account is set up to ask questions and reward "akhnoukhy" with ten points everytime. It wouldn't really bother me, but I hate seeing so many people typing answers to this guy only to have the 10pts set up for his his scam. Check out "akhnoukhy", his history. You'll see that he moves around different accounts to get the 10 pts. If you want, do a search on the question "do you think brit music is better than American?". At least I have exposed this person out here....I feel some satisfaction. Maybe, by you complaining to Yahoo!, something could be done. Those points are not valid, if you ask me. Again, at first I didn't care, but now I see people answering these questions with good intentions but those answers meant nothing to this guy as he know ahead of time that the 10pts were going to akhnoukhy

    5 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Who's your favorite Italian Player??

    I have always liked Del Piero and Cannavaro!!!

    11 AnswersFIFA World Cup (TM)1 decade ago
  • Directv versus AOL......who wins for worst customer service?

    I had the opportunity to deal with both sides. When cancelling a particular service, they put their Warrior Robots to the challenge. These Warrior Robots are armed with the most powerful bad scripts. You cannot get by the Warrior Robot....they do not they are on a mission. The word cancel is a word they do not comprehend. I wonder how these Warrior Robots cancel a service from each other?

    Directv's ammo.......first you have to wait 100 hours before you talk to someone. Then when you do.....they put you on hold about 5 want to give up...sometimes you can get some very rude people there too.

    AOL....OMG, I can't stand this company. Try, I dare anyone to try and cancel a service and not lose their temper. They make matters so much worse when you are adament about cancelling and they just bait you....try anything to keep you.....which NEVER works and it just makes people more angry with the company.

    2 AnswersCorporations1 decade ago
  • Should I care......repeat offender????

    Does anyone care about repeat abusers out here, consistently getting away with scamming points? For instance, there is this one user "akhnoukhy" that has another account set up under "cock wang". The other account is set up to ask questions and reward "akhnoukhy" with ten points everytime. It wouldn't really bother me, but I hate seeing so many people typing answers to this guy only to have the 10pts set up for his his scam. Check out "akhnoukhy", his history. You'll see that he moves around different accounts to get the 10 pts. If you want, do a search on the question "do you like nelly furtado?". At least I have exposed this person out here....I feel some satisfaction. Maybe, by you complaining to Yahoo!, something could be done. Those points are not valid, if you ask me. Again, at first I didn't care, but now I see people answering these questions with good intentions but those answers meant nothing to this guy as he know ahead of time that the 10pts were going to akhnoukhy

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Why do some people in work, pass by you in the hall, look, and not say a thing?

    How many people encounter this? You work with others, pass by them in the hall and you nod or smile and get nothing back? Isn't that rude? I can understand if someone was a creep. But there are a lot of people that seem so stuck up. Does this happen to you sometimes.

    Thumbs up to those who smile back, say hi, or nod.

    12 AnswersOther - Society & Culture2 decades ago
  • Who was your first crush?

    Do you ever wonder what they would look like today?

    My first true crush was 5th grade....Dana Riccardi. She moved after the 5th grade. *sigh*.........I wonder what came of her and what she looks like!

    17 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships2 decades ago
  • I want to soap up my car for Italy support...what should I write?

    Come on Azzuri fans....what should I write on my car to support the Azzuri during the remainder of the World Cup?

    1. Forza Italia

    2. Forza Azzuri

    What else? Help me out. The best answer and most postive answer will get the 10pts. Thanks!

    15 AnswersFIFA World Cup (TM)2 decades ago
  • What is it about these light blue shirts?

    What is it with females and these light blue shirts? It seems like they really can grab guys attention. Is it just me?

    6 AnswersFashion & Accessories2 decades ago
  • How do you pick corn in the market?

    Sorry for the dumb questions....but it's legit. I see people pull back the husks. What are they looking at and how do I know if it's good? Thanks for your answers.

    10 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan2 decades ago
  • How do you pick a good orange?

    How do you pick a good seedless orange at the store? When are they in season? Lately, I get oranges where it is almost impossible to peel the skin off. Sometimes they are dried out at the tips of each slice. Help!

    2 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan2 decades ago
  • Is there a legal age limit on drinking alcohol in England?

    I heard that there is no age limit in this true? Does that mean a 10 yr old could walk into a pub and order a beer? If so, does anyone see this frequently?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture2 decades ago
  • What's the worst thing you ever lost?

    For's still bothers me....I lost my mother's engagement ring. My father passed away and she gave me the engagement ring to give to my son when he gets older years from now. One of two things happened, I was careless and have no clue where I put it. Or when we had some work in our house, one of the contractors found it and stole it. Not sure....but needless to say....I believe it's gone.

    25 AnswersOther - Society & Culture2 decades ago
  • What's your best dish?

    I love what I call "Sunday Meals". I grew up going over my grandmother's house on Sunday's and she would have these great meals. My mother continued this....and now my wife has too. I love it, because a good Sunday meal involves a football game on TV and a great meal. Do you have a favorite "Sunday Meal"?

    10 AnswersCooking & Recipes2 decades ago
  • Do you have a favorite outfit that you wear?

    Do you have a favorite outfit? Why is it your favorite? Describe it. Me, I like wearing black slacks with a grey patterned button down shirt (nicer than it sounds). I think I look good in it, like the way it fits, and it makes me feel good when I wear it. I've gotten compliments and I think it raises my self esteem when I wear it.

    6 AnswersFashion & Accessories2 decades ago