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Friends/family call me Dr.Christina because I have 10+ years of medical experience & I give accurate advice.

  • What is the title of a Chinese folklore children's book with a character named Kapi?

    There were also creatures that carred water in indentations in their heads.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What is the title of a Chinese folklore children's book with a character named Kapi?

    There were also creatures that carried water in indentations in their head.

    1 AnswerMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • What's the title of the Chinese movie where the main character is kidnapped because...?

    What's the title of the Chinese movie where the main character is kidnapped because... he had wronged someone. He had no idea why he was kidnapped. He was imprisoned for a long time, eating the same chinese food from the same take out place every day for at least a few years. It isn't until later that the guy finds out that he was kidnapped and confined because someone wanted revenge on him. There's also a woman that he falls in love with then later finds out is his ?daughter? (I think..)

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Where in Phoenix can I get Risotto (@ restaurant)?

    I've never had Risotto and always hear about how heavenly is. I've done some research and can't find a restaurant in Phoenix & surrounding cities that serves it. I'm looking for authentic risotto. I've seen some menus with broccoli or saffron or caper or berry risotto & the customer comments say that it's not as good as the real thing. Or -- does anyone know of any good Italian Deli's in the area that would sell it? Or -- markets? T H A N K S !

    3 AnswersPhoenix1 decade ago
  • Is it true that scratching athlete's foot spreads the spores?

    Anyone know of good HOME REMEDIES? (Please don't tell me "pee" or urine.) Serious answers only please!! Thanks!

    6 AnswersSkin Conditions2 decades ago
  • How would one go about moving to Sweden when they are currently a U.S. citizen?

    Serious answers only please! Of course a passport would be necessary. Where would I start to look for the requirements? Do I have to get a work visa? Can I only move there if I'm working? What kind of benefits would I get? When would I become a citizen? How long do I continue to get benefits as a U.S. citizen? How do you get dual citizenship? Do I have to file taxes in the U.S. if I work in Sweden to maintain my U.S. citizenship? Any resources or general pushes in the right direction are super appreciated!! Are Swedes kind to Americans that move there? How common is it for Swedish business to speak english? and the general Swedish public? Where can I learn Swedish quickly? No, I do not have a criminal record and I'm not moving there because of legal or financial problems. What type of government does Sweden have? What's the weather like? (I know -- I can get that info from a great web site -- weather and gov't info will be easy for me to find.)

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture2 decades ago
  • What home remedies can I use for my adult MED-LG breed DOG for vomiting & tummy trouble?

    Or any ideas on home diagnosing? She is a mixed breed (possibly yellow lab/pit bull/& ?) We think she's about five yrs old. No blood in vomit or stool. She vomits about once a day. Gets one treat per day and fed once in the AM (her whole life). Her tummy makes LOTS of noise usually in the afternoon or at night. When she vomits, it's usually once a day, large amount, light brown to dark brown-black (the black part worries me). We have not changed her food. I was thinking: feeding her twice a day, switch to a dog food for sensitive tummies (I have no idea what brand/type) ?? Any suggestions or knowledge here? We don't have a lot of $ for a vet. We're also afraid to change her eating to twice a day because she does NOT DO WELL WITH CHANGE! (Issues from puppy-hood / previous owner.) Help us help Belle!!

    10 AnswersDogs2 decades ago
  • Where can I turn for help RE: unemployment, finances, disability?

    I have a chronic illness and have lost three jobs in the past six years or more because of it. I often go without insurance because of this and my illness gets worse. I get deeper and deeper into financial turmoil. I can't seem to get any assistance. Then I find a new job and go back to work ill and the cycle repeats itself. The longest I was unemployed was maybe six months. Two of the jobs that I lost - I struggled to stay employed successfully for over a year @ one place & over two years @ another. The healthcare that I do get is horrible. Who can help me get financial or medical assistance? Do I talk to an attorney? Do I write my congressman? All other avenues (going to Department of Economic Security and Unemployment) have failed me.

    3 AnswersOther - Business & Finance2 decades ago
  • How do I get help with Unemployment VS Disability ?

    I have a chronic illness and have lost three jobs in the past six years or more because of it. I often go without insurance because of this and my illness gets worse. I get deeper and deeper into financial turmoil. I can't seem to get any assistance. Then I find a new job and go back to work ill and the cycle repeats itself. The longest I was unemployed was maybe six months. Two of the jobs that I lost - I struggled to stay employed successfully for over a year @ one place & over two years @ another. The healthcare that I do get is horrible. Who can help me get financial or medical assistance? Do I talk to an attorney? Do I write my congressman? All other avenues (going to Department of Economic Security and Unemployment) have failed me.

    1 AnswerOther - Health2 decades ago