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I'm 23 have a beautiful baby girl... :) She's the love of my life.

  • I think he thinks he owns me or something.?

    My fiance, we have been together for almost 4 years (on and off). I have a baby he has taken daddy role over for. We have lived together for just 3 months almost. (I got my own place and he just doesn't go home) Well lately it's like he doesn't want me to anything, I want to go back to school in the fall I would have to take night classes as I work full time, he acts like it's going to kill him to watch my baby till 10 or 11 when she goes to bed at 9. He breaks his neck to get with his friends when they invite him over to do something (like to watch meat cook for 6 hrs in a smoker), but when my friends (the 3 of them) come into the picture all he says is "They better not mess with you blah blah blah." He is acting like he owns me or something. I'm starting to rethink this whole relationship, I feel like he's smoothering. He talks to his friends about how our life is suppose to be, like our "intimate life" we don't have one anymore cause I'm sick or hearing, well I heard that when your basically newlyweds your suppose to have "intimate time" every night. He tries to make his best friends wife jealous by showing off my engagement ring and showing off stuff in the house that we bought it's stupid. He's about to drive me crazy.

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Front Facing baby in car?

    When can you turn your baby around in the carseat? I heard everything from 3 months and up...

    Know people that turned their baby's around at 6 -7 months. I'm asking because my 6 month old will turn her head around to see the drive in the car, and will scream when she can't turn any further... I thought about placing her forwards cause she can sit up fine by herself. Other's opinion?

    12 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Question about Kitten and Baby?

    I'm getting a kitten but I have a 6 month old baby, when I get the kitten my baby will be 7 months. I was wondering if I could get the kitten's nails clipped to keep her from sctraching my baby and furniture? Or do the scratch pads really work.

    I had a cat a long time ago but it never scratched my furniture and I didn't have a baby then. So I was just wondering.

    Maybe I should just wait on getting a kitten period with a 7 month old??

    Any advice?

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • My fiance's mom is driving me crazy...?

    She has to put her input into everything. I have a 5 month old baby girl that is not her sons (she will call him daddy though). But lately my Fiance's mom puts her 2 cents everywhere! She wants to be the first to do everything with my daughter, (she's wanting to buy he first pair of earrings, I don't even know if I'm getting her ears pierced). She talks about her "other grand kids" to me, I just ignore her. This morning I told her not to feed her anything for like an hour cause she was spitting up bad, his mom said well I told you the milk wasn't good enough for her, I'm going to give her regular milk.

    All she wants is to know what is gong on in my and his relationship, why we are waiting till next year to get married, why I won't live there with him.

    Is there anyway to tell her nicely that she can keep her 2 cents to herself??

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I'm bummed. Need some opinions.?

    My bf and I were talking about getting married when I took care of some debt stuff from a previous relationship. I have a 4 month old little girl that he loves with all his heart (she isn't his) we have been dating again since I was 4 months pregnant. We dated before for almost 2 years. We have been talking about getting married and building a house. Well all the sudden yesterday he wants to wait till next year to start building due to the economy and to due to his neice and her soon to be husband both loosing their jobs (they work at the same company). He scared that is going to happen to us now (I can understand this). I have a chance to move in my brothers house (he doesn't live there anymore) for 400 a month. I moved back with my parents when my ex and I broke up. I hate living there. I'm just an independant person and want to be on my own. I decided to stay with my parents till we got our house finished but now it seems like it's never gonna happen. Everyone is telling me NOT to stop living for myself. If I want to move then move, even if it makes him mad show him that I'm not going to sit and wait on him forever.

    I don't know really what to do. I make almost 1700 a month, and the only bills I have right now is a car payment 375 a month.

    Any opinions?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How long would it take to get?

    a fill in on pink and white french manicure, pedi and brow waxed? I don't usually time this stuff cause I'm usually not in a hurry when I go to the nail salon, but my bf and I have a babysitter and are going out tonight, we are leaving at 9. I get off at 5 I can get to the nail salon about 5:45. I'm scared I won't be able to spend any time with my little girl before I leave.

    2 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • While I'm in the process of trying to find out if I can bankrupt?

    should I keep trying to pay what I can where I can to the companies I owe or should I just forget it till I know if I can bankrupt or not.

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • I am a single mother. I'm in bad debt probably around $30,000 or $40,000?

    I make $1,600 a month. I have tried to pay some back and have set up payment plans with some companies. I also have a $1,093 a month house payment that my parents help me pay. I'm living paycheck to paycheck. My baby's father left me in debt over my ears and he doesn't help pay anything for her (he doesn't see her). I was wondering if I filed bankruptcy could I file Chap 7 or Chap 13 or do I even have a chance? And if I filed bankruptcy would I loose my house?

    15 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • If you and your boyfriend have decided that you want to get married?

    You kinda set the year and you have 2 years till then. You haven't really made it official but you know you want to get married in this year. Would it be bad to start buying things up a little bit at a time for your house? I mean like kitchen utensils, towels and etc... Little stuff like that...

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • The Cricut machines by Provocraft?

    Do they need special paper or can you use any kind of paper?? Or does anyone actually know??


    5 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • I need some advice... ?

    So Christmas is coming up and family gathering galore. Fun times for most. My bf sister doesn't approve of me because I have a child by another man (I have been with my bf since I was 4 months pregnant). We dated for 1 yr and 6 months 2 years too. Well they are having a family gathering at her house. My bf's mom wants me to come, she even bought my baby (2 months old) a new outfit to wear. Well his mom said she wasn't buying any of her grandchildren Christmas presents (they are in their 20's I'm 22 my bf is 29, his sister is in her 40's). Well she bought my baby some christmas presents. Since me and his sister already don't get along, I don't think it would be right for me to go to this gathering I think my baby and I should just meet my bf later. What do you guys think? I'm scared that if his mom starts telling them what she got may baby for Christmas it will make his sister not like me even more... Cause I don't want people to treat my baby over others ya know. She's 2 months old she's not going to relize what's going on anyway...

    Additional Details

    I'm scared her acutal grandchildren will get mad.

    I don't think I should go anyway, cuase the last family thing I went to she annouced the whole place that my baby isn't her sons... You can read my previous question.

    I think that if I go it will just add fuel to the flame.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I need some advice please.?

    So Christmas is coming up and family gathering galore. Fun times for most. My bf sister doesn't approve of me because I have a child by another man (I have been with my bf since I was 4 months pregnant). We dated for 1 yr and 6 months 2 years too. Well they are having a family gathering at her house. My bf's mom wants me to come, she even bought my baby (2 months old) a new outfit to wear. Well his mom said she wasn't buying any of her grandchildren Christmas presents (they are in their 20's I'm 22 my bf is 29, his sister is in her 40's). Well she bought my baby some christmas presents. Since me and his sister already don't get along, I don't think it would be right for me to go to this gathering I think my baby and I should just meet my bf later. What do you guys think? I'm scared that if his mom starts telling them what she got may baby for Christmas it will make his sister not like me even more... Cause I don't want people to treat my baby over others ya know. She's 2 months old she's not going to relize what's going on anyway...

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Over reacting maybe? ?

    This past weekend, my bf and I had to go to his family Christmas thing. I have a baby that isn't his. He has been there with me thru the whole pregnancy though. I consider him as my baby's daddy, and we all call him daddy. He loves her very much. Well we got to his family thing and his mom stands up and say "No he is not the daddy of this baby, but he does claim her." It's likeevery timee I turn around she reminding him that's she's not his, as if he can forget! He doesn't like her REAL daddy, they don't get along and her real daddy hasn't even seen her and I wouldn't allow him to if he wanted to (he doesn't pay child support for none of his kids, he has 3). I just feel like his mom needs to loosen up and stop reminding my bf about the past. We are looking towards our future and forgetting our past. His mom wants us to get married so bad she offered to give my bf a ring to give to me. If she wants that so bad why does she keep reminding us of something that we already know. I don't want my little girl to know different until she's old enough to understand that her REAL daddy left us and didn't claim her when I was pregnant. Am I wrong to think like this??

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Bankruptcy or Debt Relief?

    I got in WAY over my head. I know it was stupid. I have 3 repo's and a bunch of credit cards that I owe. I just had a baby too. Smart me! Which would you recommend?

    5 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Tongue Piercings... ?

    OK seriously I have heard they kill I have heard they don't hurt until they swell, I figure if I had a tattoo on my hip bone I can handle a tongue piercing. I have heard people say they don't swell at all. I want to get mine done, but I work in an office and can't really have a swollen tongue or a metal ball in my mouth (not appropriate). If I got my tongue pierced on a Friday if it did swell would the swelling be gone by Monday? And if I got it done could I get a tongue colored ball (like red or dark pink) to keep it from sticking out so bad around the office till I could change to a retainer?

    10 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Guys when your sister doesn't like your gf...?

    When your sister doesn't like your gf (she can't stand her), and your gf doesn't like your sister, does that put a lot of stress you? Or could you really care less about what your sister and gf think of each other, as long as you are happy with your gf?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I need some opinions please.?

    I'm in a relationship with a guy (he's 29 I'm 22). We dated before about 2 years ago for 1 yr and a half. Well I was in a relationship and got pregnant and my baby's father and I separated. I was 4 months pregnant when my guy and I got back together. My little girl is now a month and a half old he was there during delivery and calls himself daddy to her. He's a great guy. He was suppose to go out of town next week for Thanksgiving, but he has decided not to go. I was wondering if maybe he felt like he can't go (we don't live together) cause he's a daddy now? Or maybe he just doesn't want to go? I ask him why he's not going and he just says he doesn't feel like it, but it's not like him to change his mind. He goes on this trip EVERY year.

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • 40 weeks and 2 days.. Still no baby... :( ?

    I'm not dilating. I'm only to a 2 and still 50 % effaced. The baby is dropped and all that good stuff. Just was wondering if any knows any tips to get my cervix soft (that's why the nurse said I wasn't dilating my cervix was still hard)...

    They are inducing me Monday Oct 6th if she isn't here, but I would try stuff till then! Thanks!!! :)

    Good luck on all the labors soon to happen or happening now! :)

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I'm 40 weeks and 1 day pregnant. I have a dr's appt today?

    at 4:15 to schedule inducement. When do you think they will schedule it. My dr won't let me go 41 weeks.

    Thanks! I'm so scared... It's getting to the nity gritty now and it's getting nerve recking!

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago