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  • Can people "fix" misspellings on embroidery?

    My husband got a shirt from a club he is in and they misspelled his name. The club says they can't get it fixed since they had to send it across the country to get it done. Can people undo the name and re-do it or will that mess up the shirt?

    6 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Last Line from Tony Dungy's book?

    I finished reading Tony Dungy's book "Quiet Strength" over the weekend. It's an amazing book. Anyway, i wanted to quote the last line of the book, something about us all being mentors, but i let someone borrow it. I'll give 10 points to the first person who can give me that line. THANKS!!

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Do i stay out of this family argument?

    I am 26 yrs old, married and living my life in Texas. My family (mom, dad, little sis) are back home in another state. My parents divorced a few years back but still get long fine.

    Long story short, my sister (19) stole my dad's identity and co-signed his name on an $8000 loan that she spent on furniture, clothes, rent, and a new TV for her apartment. My dad is threatening to fill out paperwork to turn her into the police if she doesn't pay the money back right away. My mom nor i knew what was going on until my dad caught my sister.

    So, do i stress myself out by getting involved and being the peacemaker (like usual)? or distance myself for a little while and let them fight it out?

    I'm afraid this whole thing could blow up evern more and strain my dad/sister's relationship for a LONG time.

    21 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Can you answer this brain teaser about legs?

    There are 7 girls on a bus

    Each girl has 7 backpacks

    In each backpack, there are 7 big cats

    For every big cat there are 7 little cats

    Question: How many legs are there in the bus?

    8 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • How would having a higher testosterone ratio help?

    I don't understand how having a higer testosterone ratio would have helped Floyd Landis. It's not like adreneline ... is it?

    5 AnswersCycling1 decade ago
  • How can i avoid getting red bumps on my thighs and bikini line when i shave?

    My skin is not super sensitive ... except when i shave my legs. My calves are fine, but my thighs (especially the inner and back sides) and bikini area get TONS of red bumps. It itches, too. I've tried sensitive skin lotion, free-of-everything lotion, and even stuff called "Bikini Zone" that you put on after shaving to prevent the bumps (which it doesn't). Does anyone have anything else for me to try?

    FYI: don't suggest waxing b/c it's too expensive to go to a spa and it never works well when i do it at home. :-)

    7 AnswersSkin & Body1 decade ago
  • I have a Maine Coon Cat at home. How do i stop the shedding?

    Maggie (my Maine Coon) is 13 lbs. She is wonderful, but her fur is everywhere. My fiancee isn't so fond of the shedding. I've had her stomach shaved and it helped a little. He wants me to get "lion cut" for her - where she is all-shaved except her head and feet. Is there any other way to stop the shedding?? i've tried food additives, special food, and i brush her 2-3 times a week.

    12 AnswersCats1 decade ago