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21year-old,white,femal, loves Slipknot & Incubus,hates contry music,loves disc golf & simming,live in Las Vegas,loves Matt norton
WHY is my Female cat attacking my Male cat? HELP! HELP! HELP!?
My female cat had kittens about 2 months ago. moma kitty would only attack daddy kitty if he was rough with the kittens. now out of no where. moma is attcking daddy like she is going to kill him. when we try to get her off of him she bites us. she is a very nice cat and has never bit anyone before.she may be on her period. neither cat is fixed. could she just be trying to keep him from having sex with her? we put them in different rooms and now she's at the door of the room he is in, meowing at the door. what is her deal? her kittens won't even come out of hidding. what should we do? we are going to get them all fixed, so besides that what can we do till they are fixed. and do you think it is because she doesn't whant more kittins?
9 AnswersCats2 decades agodoes any one like slipknot, otep, cradle of filth, or pantara?
I think they are all great bands. what do you think? if you don't like any of them, why?
4 AnswersMusic2 decades agoq for the ladys... do you enjoy a*** sex???
5 AnswersSingles & Dating2 decades agoq for the ladys... do you enjoy anal sex???
4 AnswersSingles & Dating2 decades agohow many lovers have you had in your life so far?
that is have had sex with. I think I've had too many. over 25 and I'm only 21. most of witch where befor 18 years of age. I'm only with one now and hopefuly he will be the last. we plan to get married soon. and I can only hope it will last for ever.
12 AnswersMental Health2 decades agohow do you get a male cat to stop spraying after you get him fix, when he lives with several other cats?
He's not fixed quite yet.
5 AnswersCats2 decades ago