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Lv 55,843 points

Yummy Canadian Mummy

Favorite Answers13%

I formerly used Y!A ID "akickinthebox" but that was an inside joke and no longer funny. Mum to a 14 month old little girl, formerly a 33 week preemie Still breastfeeding, absolutely no CIO ever, very happy with our AP lifestyle. For a lot of very good parenting advice, I use

  • How to fix my garmin nuvi 250 gps - resetting?

    This week my husband's garmin nuvi 250 gps started restarting over and over again. We've tried doing a manual re-start and it just keeps resetting itself over and over and over. There doesn't seem to be much that's helpful on other online forums.

    Any DIY suggestions?

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • My cat keeps pooping on my bed?

    She's 5 yrs old and has never done this before. What the.... ??? Any advice? What can I do about it?

    9 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • home birth after c-section?

    I'm wondering if anyone has been through this before --

    Has anyone out there had a successful home birth after delivering a previous child by caesarean section? If so, what kind of push-back did you get from your OB? (I'm anticipating lots).

    My dauthger (now 10 months and very healthy) was born at 33 weeks by c-section due to pre-eclampsia. If everything goes well with the next pregnancy I'd like to try a home birth, not just a VBAC in hospital. I'll still need to have my pregnancy followed by a OB and perinatologist because of my history now, but I'd also like to try a midwife and home birth.

    16 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What happened in Survivor last night? Preview said there was going to be a "Survivor first"?

    My Tivo failed me last night and I missed the episode :( What exactly happened? This clip frpom Probst hints that there was going to be a "survivor first" happen and I haven't read about it on any of the episode summaries I've read online. What happened!

    3 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • How do I keep from feeing guilty about having to go back to work?

    My hubby and I have made the decision this week that I really have to go back to work. Here in Canada we are subsidized by the government to take 1 year maternity leave, but 7 months in we really can't afford it anymore. I'm the primary breadwinner and it's litteraly come down to go back to work or lose everything. I know this is what I'll have to do when my daughter's 8 months old.

    I know how fortunate I am to have 8 months with my daughter, and that MANY women, particularly in the US, have much less than this. However, I'm still feeling a world of guilt and sadness right now. I'm still breastfeeding, so I'm stressed about keeping my milk supply up enough to pump. I think of all the firsts I'm going to miss now and it makes me bawl. I know that our daycare provider is WONDERFUL (a close family friend who will only need to watch her 2 days a week), but I still feel bad that it's not going to be me.

    For those of you who are back at work, how did you manage emotionally?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • baby new to solids, how to keep her from getting constipated? (warning - TMI)?

    Okay, so my 6 mon. 3 wk. old DD just started solids 2 weeks ago. She's eating rice , oatmeal, sweet potatos, banans, and I'm introducing her to winter squash later today. She is breastfed and I'm continuiong to feed her on breast before each solids meal, which she gets twice a day and is quite eager to eat. She's also on vitamin and iron supplements due to her mild prematurity (no other health issues).

    Like any baby who has started to eat solids, her poop is really starting to change (TMI warning!). It's no longer the diarreah-breastfed-baby consistency and is now more "tubular" but still soft. Still, I worry about keeping her regular. I've had some real painful constipation in the past and don't want her to have the same.

    Am I worrying too much?

    Are there any foods I can introduce at this stage to help keep her regular?

    What should I do if she does get constipated?

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • My 6-mo old no longer wants to nap!!?

    Okay, I'm starting to go crazy... since when is the afternoon nap no longer important to a six-month-old? Momma needs *some* down time!! Did this happen to any other parents around the six-month mark? She's actually 6 months and three weeks, started solids about two weeks ago, is breastfeeding, and has been teething for about 1 1/2 months with no tooth poking through yet. I'm not really interested in the CIO method, but...

    How much sleep should a baby this age be getting? She's only sleeping 11 hrs a night now and I'm lucky to get another 1/2 hour nap into her.

    Is there anything else I can try to get her to take a nap?

    All of a sudden wearing her just gives her more to look at -- it no longer calms her down like it used to.

    I'm a very dedicated parent, but I do need *some* time every day. Plus, my DD's getting SO grumpy when she doesn't have a nap during the day.

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • The wierdest thing to make your baby laugh?

    Just out of interest -- I know that babies laugh at the wierdest stuff.

    My 6 m.o. DD just laughed when I said; "Do you want some boobie?" (I usually call it "milk"). Now she laughs every time I say boobie, even when she's in the middle of a crying fit. What's so funny 'bout "boobie"? Who knows...

    14 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • First foods (home made) for a breastfed baby?

    Okay, I chickened out at my DD's 6-mon. check-up with our doctor this morning. I was already to stand up and say "I REFUSE to give my daughter manufactured, over-processsed pablum!" and I chickened out. I told her doctor that I planned to start the baby on bananas as her first food later this week, and the doctor said "no, it must be rice pablum. Starting them on something sweet will only make them reject everything else." Why didn't I stick to my guns?

    Here's the deal -- my daughter was born prematurely but is doing vvery well now with no complications, gaining weight well and exclusivcely breastfed. She's on iron and vitamin suplements due to her prematurity (most iron and vitamin stores are developed in babies during the last trimester) which I will continue for at least 2 more months. So... does it really matter that I don't start with pablum? Help... I need proof and scientific studies that I can show to my Dr next month when she freaks out at me!

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How to help a baby get over jet lag?

    We're taking our 6 m.o. daughter on her first plane trip tomorrow and I want to know about any tips for helping a baby get over jet lag. Well, do babies get jet lag?

    Our plane is scheduled to depart at 7am and arrive at 10 am, and she usually feeds at around 7 aftter sleeping through the night, goes back to bed and wakes up for the day sometime between 9:00 and 9:30 so I think we've timed it as well as we can to co-ordinate with her regular sleeping pattern. She should get a normal amount of sleep tonight (hoping!!). Also, I am exclusively BFing and plan on feeding her for take off and landing.

    I'm looking for tips to help her get accustomed once we arrive. My husband always gets REALLY bad jet lag, so I guess I only want to have one cranky baby on my hands :P Any pointers?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Daytona USA attraction -- can you take a baby on the tour??

    We're going to be at the race next weekend (woo hoo!) with our 6 month old. I'm staying back at the hotel with her during the race but my hubby wants to bring her to the track fo the Daytona USA tour. I see they don't charge for kids under 5, but is it really a baby-friendly tour? I know it includes a track tourn on a tram. Is there anything else that's non-baby friendly? Can we bring a stroller?

    4 AnswersNASCAR1 decade ago
  • natural alternatives for teething pain?

    My 5 1/2 month old daughter is teething. Poor thing! We're a month in and she's starting to show real discomfort when nursing. I gave her some infant tylenol last nigh and that didn't seem to work. Problem is she's alergic to the active ingredient in anbesol and oragel (benzocaine). Has anyone tried some of the natural health store products on the market? Anything you could recommend?

    14 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Birthstones/flowers/etc for my daughter?

    I know that there are different birthstones, flowers, and other symbols assigned depending on when someone was born. My daughter was born August 14th, 2007. I'm wondering what stones, flowers or other symbols may represent her birthday/year/month. I'm thinking of getting a symbolic tattoo and I'm trying to brainstorm some options.

    8 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Clogged milk duct?

    I'm pretty sure that I have a clogged milk duct, and it really hurts! Just noticed it last night, it looks like an inflamed pimple 1 cm from my nipple. I've continued nursing as often as I can get my daughter to breast, I've used a hot compress before nursing.

    What worked for you? Do you have any other suggestions for what I can try to pass this? It hurts!

    13 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Baby's first cold -- how to help her nurse?

    My little daughter ( 5 months old) has contracted her first viral cold. We went to the doctor's today, no fever, but she's quite congested and has a sore throat and bad cough.

    Here's what I'm doing already to make it easier for her to nurse. Any other suggestions?:

    -Using a nasal aspirator before each nursing session to help remove some of the congestion

    -Giving her children's advil to help her sore throat

    -Nurisng as much as she will take it to make sure she has lots of liquids

    -Vicks on her chest at night to help clear the congestion

    -Lots of cuddles and letter her nap as much as she wants

    -Sitting her in the steamy bathroom while I have a shower

    We only have a cool-air humidifier and this made her room preety cold. Is it worth using anyways? Will the cool air help ease her congestion?

    11 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What do you like about cloth diapers? How much does it cost you?

    I currently have my 4 month old using disposables and I'm thinking about possibly switching to cloth.

    What was your start-up cost for buying the diapers, and do you use the velcro pants that go overtop?

    Also, what do you find the advantages to be of buying cloth?

    We don't have a diaper service business in my city, so I'd be washing them myself.

    What are the disadvantages? Is diaper rash more likely?

    My daughter was born 6 weeks early, and I had yet to research my diapering options. Therefore, the quick and easy option at the time was disposables. I'm not certain that I'll switch now, but at least I'll be better informed by the time we have a second little baby.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Using a menustral cup after c-section?

    I had a c-section this past August, am fully healed now, and would like to start using my rubber, reusable "keeper" menustral cup again. Does anyone know why...

    (a) I would need to purchase the "after child-birth size" if I didn't have a vaginal delivery?

    (b) any other reason why I shouldn't use a menustral cup after pregnancy? I've been using one for 8 years now and much prefer it to tampons or maxis.

    6 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Breasfeeding help -- daughter fussy when feeding?

    I need some advice from any experienced breastfeeding moms out there. I've found that my daughter is particularly fussy when breasfeeding in the afternoons/evenings the last week and I need help!

    I'm exclusively breastfeeding my 4 month old daughter, born 6 weeks premature so I was pumping and bottle feeding for the first 4 1/2 weeks. We're breastfeeding normally now, about every 2 - 3 hours during the day, every 3 - 4 hours at night. She feeds for 25-30 minutes each time and is having lots of soaking wet diapers.

    What worries me is that the past week she's been particularly fussy at her evening feedings and I'm not sure what could be wrong. She squirms and pulls away at the nipple like there's none there & cries. When I try to express a bit manually, there's lots there. I know she's not getting a full feeding in the evening because of this. I'm concerned about my supply diminishing because of these poorer evening feedings so I'm starting to pump again.


    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • My bizarre post-pregnancy body -- BMs?

    Anyone else have this problem after their pregnancy, and any suggestions? Please be considerate as this is difficult to talk about.

    I had my daughter via emergency c-section almost 4 months ago and my bowel movements have yet to return to normal. I am not constpated -- I'm having a BM with the same frequency as before, about 1 X day -- but my BMs are very dense and I rip every time I go. It's gotten to the point that I can't go without crying.

    When I was hospitalized, I was given a stool softener to help with my 1st BM (dolcusate sodium). About a month ago I started taking the standard dosage again -- 1 tablet twice a day. It didn't help so my doc told me I could double the dosage. However, that appeared to give my breastfed daughter terrible gas, so I stopped.

    Could it be something I'm eating? Are there foods that can help or that I should avoid? Has anyone else been prescribed different meds or treatments by their doc? Needs to be safe for a breastfed baby.


    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago