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Favorite Answers30%
  • Let's give the attaboys to Obama?

    Are we ready for more job losses? How about higher utility rates? Thanks to Obama and the EPA crap, this is what we can look forward to. Sadly, it's going to be hitting some of the hardest hit areas. What other damage can he pull out of his hat?

    13 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Who does this man think he is?

    Jack Welch wants Ron Paul to leave to drop out of the race, however, it must be done in a way not to p!ss off his supporters, the GOP needs them? Watch his face on the video as his wife blabs that all 4 of their sons support him! They so fear Ron Paul!

    5 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Ron Paul, this is so rigged?

    This is mind-boggling to me. How can this man have such a strong following, yet, the polls show (in the first link) he's going to win this thing (taken after the debate), however, in the end, he came in last? I know the media has their nominee chosen, and sadly, there are too many who won't go out and do their own research on the nominees, they'll lazily go with the media. Those who call him crazy go off the media. How can anyone who truly knows his views not back this man? I take the time to research my candidates, all of them. I will choose the one that's best for our country, not what the media tells me. Why doesn't anybody want our freedom back? People seem to be stuck on his foreign policy, has anyone actually taken the time to understand it? I threw in a little clip (2nd linnk), that's only a snippet of his military thoughts, how can we disagree with this? Maybe people feel his not wavering on his beliefs is dangerous, maybe people would rather a more "presidential-looking" person, maybe they want someone who will say what they want to hear, yet that's as far as that will go. I would like to hear some REAL answers as to why you don't like him, not because he's a nut case, foreign policy, and such, those aren't answers, those are what the media feeds you. Why do you think he's a nut case? What is wrong with his foreign policies? I see this man wanting to help US and what used to be our great country, not someone in it for himself.

    5 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • To those who try to "orientate" the believers?

    Most people believe due to their experiences, not because they're delusional. Do those who orientate the believers also feel the need to orientate Alzheimer's patients to yours reality as well? I've got not problem with alternate views to those seeking answers, but to belittle them because they don't share your views is quite cruel, IMO. Perhaps less criticism and more logical explanations would be more beneficial. There are some people who fear being ripped to shreds by asking a question, therefore, they're having to resort to emailing others instead of feeling safe enough to post and get courteous answers. Skeptical answers are great and very useful, but only when done in a nice manner.

    9 AnswersParanormal Phenomena10 years ago
  • Stomach another Paranormal Activity 3 question?

    Now that we'll be inundated with questions asking if they were true, was it scary, how old you have to be to see it, and where to view it for free online, I've got a couple of q's:

    If you thought the first one sucked so bad, why did you bother to see the 2nd, and now the 3rd?

    If you have trouble sleeping after watching one of the others (or other scary shows), why will you torment yourself by seeing it yet again, therefore trouble sleeping again?

    6 AnswersParanormal Phenomena10 years ago
  • Question about the Rapture?

    Now, I'm a believer of the Rapture, however, not that it will be coming on Saturday. It's just all the talk about the Rapture due to Harold Camper that got me wondering. My question, when this does happen, what do you think happens to our pets? Do you think they'll come along? Do you think they'll be left to fend for themselves?

    I can care less what atheists and agnostics have to say, I'm not asking if it's real or just our fantasy, or to be converted. Knock yourself out if you must, you're only wasting your own time.

    10 AnswersParanormal Phenomena1 decade ago
  • If you've got psychic ability, got questions?

    Do you see my husband making a full recovery?

    Do you see us moving? When and where?

    5 AnswersParanormal Phenomena1 decade ago
  • I'm getting spam from myself on Yahoo mail!?!?

    I update my virus protection quite regularly and scan for viruses. How can I find out what's happening, where it is, and put a stop to it????

    1 AnswerAbuse and Spam1 decade ago
  • Yahoo answers search my yahoo homepage?

    I've got yahoo answers on my homepage but somehow, someway, I have it listing a specific subject (which I want) that is being asked asked (ex. Banshee). My dilemma, I want to add other subjects and I've scrubbed both answers and my yahoo for ways to add the subjects of interest and have come up emptyhanded. I don't know when or how I did it before. Any help would be greatly appreciated and 10 points to the best answer!

    1 AnswerMy Yahoo1 decade ago
  • Daylight I nuts???

    I can't figure out how they come up with saving energy by prolonging it. Now, in my mind, prolonging it consumes more energy (A/C running longer, etc). Also, why are we going through the rigamorow of changing times, why not just tack on 1/2 an hour and leave it that way? By the time I finally adjust to the time change, it's almost time to change back, then I've got to get used to that one too!

    9 AnswersOther - Environment1 decade ago
  • Daylight I nuts???

    I can't figure out how they come up with saving energy by prolonging it. Now, in my mind, prolonging it consumes more energy (A/C running longer, etc). Also, why are we going through the rigamorow of changing times, why not just tack on 1/2 an hour and leave it that way? By the time I finally adjust to the time change, it's almost time to change back, then I've got to get used to that one too!

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • I bought my fall decorations, when do I put them out?

    When I got them home, I realized that they look Thanksgiving-y. Essentially, it's just the colorful leaves, candles, and fall plants (fake, but nice), and a couple of wreaths (one with fall leaves, the other with berries, etc). My question, is it too early to set these out now or should I wait until after Halloween?

    6 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Why do non-Christians even click on Christian questions and vs?

    I'm sick of the non-Christians answering Christian questions/thoughts, likewise with Christians getting into the non-Christian questions. If I'm asking a Christian question, I don't want the non-Christians throwing in their sarcastic, non-believing remarks....I didn't ask you, I'm asking the Christians!!!!

    37 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • This question was deleted..."What would Jesus do?!? "?

    I don't understand...I went to answer it and the question was deleted! I thought it was a great question and here was my response:

    He would teach us the Word. He'd teach us to love our neighbors and show us how to live our lives. He'd show us that technology today has spoiled us. He'd have tons a followers and I'd be one of them. I'd give up my life to be in His presence. I'd curl up at His feet to keep them warm!

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians only need respond...purgatory?

    What are your thoughts on purgatory? Do you believe it's a temporary hell until our judgement or perhaps it's where we are today, this world?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christmas or Xmas? Does this bother you?

    I hate to see Christmas being replaced with Xmas! It kills me that people are taking Christ, the reason for the season, out of such an important day/time of the year! Any thoughts?

    36 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Tattoo for birthmother and son?

    I had to give my son up for adoption 23 years ago. We're talking about getting matching tattoos/symbols together now. Any ideas?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago