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Lv 2462 points


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  • 3 Statements?

    Which of the following is true?

    1) There is one false statement here.

    2) There are two false statements here.

    3) There are three false statements here.

    Explain your answer as well for the points.

    12 AnswersWords & Wordplay2 decades ago
  • Who's who?

    Three models, named Mrs. Blue, Mrs. Pink, and Mrs. Green, are wearing blue, pink, and green dresses, but not that match their name. After their show, they talk together, and Mrs. Blue comments, "You know what, none of us is wearing a color dress that matches our name." The woman in the green dress says, "Yes, that is very interesting..." Based on this information, can you tell me AND explain the answer for the 10 points?

    5 AnswersWords & Wordplay2 decades ago
  • Stuck In A Snowstorm?

    You are stuck in a snowstorm, walking around outside, only to come across an old wooden cabin by mistake. You go inside and you get warmed up a bit, and then you take a look around you. For now, your only concern is heat so you don't get frostbite or contract a cold of any sort. You find three heat sources around the house, a candle, an oil lamp, and a fireplace. You notice that the candle is particularly bulky and would last quite a while. When closer observed, the oil lamp is filled to the brim with oil, and the fireplace appears to be filled with dry logs and newpaper, to start it easier. While considering the following, you bring out a match that you have, the last match that you have, and you determine which one will burn for the longest period of time. What do you light first?

    13 AnswersWords & Wordplay2 decades ago
  • The World Association for Learning, Laughter, and Youth (WALLY) Test?

    1)There were 8 ears of corn in a hollow stump. A squirrel can carry out 3 ears a day. How many day does it takes for the squirrel to take all the ears of corn from the stump?

    2)Which triangle is larger: one with sides measuring 200, 300, and 400 cm, or with sides measuring 300, 400, and 700 cm?

    3)How far can you go into a forest?

    4)Which animal would see best in total darkness: an owl, a leopard, or an eagle?

    5)What was the highest mountain in the world before Mt. Everest was discovered?

    6)Where are the Kings and Queens of England crowned?

    7)If the VP of the USA was killed, who becomes president?

    8)Which candles burn longer, beeswax or tallow?

    9)A farmer had 4 haystacks in one field and twice as many in each of his other 2 fields. He put all the hay from the 3 fields together. How many haystacks did he now have?

    10)What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add 2 letters to it?

    11)Which weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of gold?

    12)What has four legs and only one foot?

    5 AnswersJokes & Riddles2 decades ago
  • Here's another riddle...?


    If today is Wednesday...

    What is the day, before the day, after the day, 3 days after the day before tomorrow?

    Not too hard...just think about it logically...

    38 AnswersWords & Wordplay2 decades ago
  • For those riddle lovers out there...?

    I know the answer, so you guys are guessing to get the 10 points.

    What walks on four legs by day, two legs in the afternoon, and 3 legs at night?

    This is an old riddle by the way, supposedly is was the riddle that the Sphinx used to keep people out of a city, I think Thebes. Anyone who didn't answer or who did and was wrong was destroyed. (Yikes!)

    16 AnswersWords & Wordplay2 decades ago