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Should the cat's symptoms be gone before the antibiotics are used up?
The cat has a cold and the vet gave him antibiotics. He has gotten a little better, and I've given him all of his doses, but he is still coughs a bit. Should he go back to the vet, or will the antibiotics he's already had clear him up?
2 AnswersCats1 decade agoKitty had an abcess, any pointers on aftercare?
The vet put a drain in and told me to wash it with a damp rag daily and give him his antibiotics.
Is there anything else I could do to help him? He's so miserable, I want to help.
3 AnswersCats1 decade agoHow do I get the title for a car, if the person you buy from still owes on their loan?
I'm in the market for a new-to-me used car. If I buy from a private party, all cash to them, completely paid for on my side, but the person selling still owes money on their car loan, how do I know that they will use those funds to pay their loan and transfer the title to me?
I realize a receipt would prove I paid for the vehicle, but if the people I buy from don't pay their finance company, I doubt the finance company would sign off on the title because of a hand written receipt.
8 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade agowhat is the difference between a US state and a US territory?
Do territories have their own government rule and laws? Does the US government provide funding, i.e. social security, food stamps, road repairs? What are the benefits of being a territory, both for the territory and for the US to have territories instead of making them states or leaving them alone?
3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agodoes de-wormer hurt the animal?
It seems to me, that something that kills things inside you wouldn't be too gentle on your insides. My cat was wormed two days ago, and definitely did not appear to be feeling well for over a day. I want to keep my little guy healthy and happy, but not if it hurts him.
I guess I just want to know the lesser of my two evils. Worm him every 3-4 months like the websites I've found suggest, or wait for symptoms to appear first.
3 AnswersCats1 decade agoMy cat is scratching himself bald. Why?
I'm hoping for someone with a similar experience, with a reliable vet diagnosis.
When he came to me (as a stray) he was infested with fleas and worms. I wormed/neutered/frontline-ed him and he was good. But he always scratched himself more than I thought he should. I changed his diet. From Purina kitten chow to Nutro Max Cat Kitten Chow, then for three weeks only real chicken, until he stopped eating chicken all together and started trying to eat my "people" food. I put him back on Max Cat chow.
Diet didn't make a difference.
Two weeks ago, he was really sick and the vet put him on anti-biotics. The symptoms he was on the antibiotics for were swelling/feaver, but an added result was that he stopped scratching himself. After a week off of the antibiotics, he is so itchy that he has bald spots on his head and neck and when he grooms, he bites his back legs.
He has a vet appointment tomorrow morning, but as the only vet in town, they have little incentive to provide quality care. They blew the diagnosis from his previous infection, claiming it was an abcess, but when the operated, there wasn't one. I just want to have a general idea what might be his problem, so they don't mislead me again.
aprox 1 year old, male neutered, indoor/outdoor kitty. Diet is not an issue. Meds: Frontline flea meds.
If you have a reliable vet and a similar experience, I'd love to hear it. Thank you!
4 AnswersCats1 decade agoI'm going back, aren't I?
I got out of the Marines a little more than a year ago. I received my recall screening letter two weeks ago. Everyone I've talked to says I'm getting my orders to Iraq when I get to the screening. I either have to join the active reserves or get a medical waiver in order to keep the life that I've just started to enjoy in the last few months. Neither of those are an option. I'll go, if I have to, but only if they make me.
What are the odds I'll be called back? It's the uncertainty of where my life is going that is bothering me. Will I get orders, only for 3 or 4 months later, resigned to my fate, have them cancel the orders?
6 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoare you required by law to register to vote?
I moved a while back and recently my last county sent me a notice that I was no longer on their roster due to the DMV address change. It was worded as if I am legally required to register in my new county. I have already registered here, but the notice just got me wondering. Is it a legal requirement to register to vote?
10 AnswersElections1 decade agowhen will the Marine Corps put the 2007 W2's on mypay?
Seems like last year it was a day or so after the new year. I heard something about how we were before other branches that year, but I didn't pay much attention. Where can I find the schedule?
4 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoase test length?
How much time does the testing for ase take? I'm looking to go for some t series classes (drive trains or pmi, haven't decided which I think I'm stronger on) will give the dates, but not the times. I'm assuming 8 or 9 am ish, but I work swing. Should I let my boss know I might be late?
1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago5w30 vs 15w40?
I have an acura with 226k miles. My friend tells me that I should change from the 5w30 to 15w40 because of the high miles and the slop that the engine must have. That seems like a drastic change and way too think to me. Who is right? In the unfortunate event that he is, and the 15w40 is extreme, would 10w30 be an ok option?
6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agowhy is my computer double clicking by itself? Is it a virus?
It mostly happens when I click on something on the internet...Since that's what I usually use it for. But when I use the calculator funciont, the mouse will do the same thing. I've tried switching the mouse, the usb connection spot. What else could it be?
6 AnswersAdd-ons1 decade agoHelp in opening an IRA?
I'm about to open an IRA, if I can ever figure it out... I have the options of investing in CD's, annuities, stocks or mutual funds. How to I know the best option to choose. I was going to just randomly pick mutual funds, but then they wanted me to choose more specific types.
Is there a website that explains how to open an IRA more in depth than just the basic tax info? I have no clue what I am doing and don't want to make too big of a mistake.
4 AnswersInvesting1 decade agowho is the female singer w/ the song about breaking out headlights w/ a louisville slugger?
Something about cheating, he's at the bar with another etc...
18 AnswersCountry1 decade agowhat is restricted for carry-on bags in a us flight?
I'm looking on line, but I can't find a good list. Last year when I flew, lighters weren't allowed, but none of the lists have that on there. Plus the newer items. What do I need to pack in my checked baggage?
6 AnswersAir Travel1 decade agomyspace layouts with Fords/trucks?
Where can I find layouts or any codes to do with Fords and/or trucks? I'm not having much luck with web searches.
3 AnswersOther - Entertainment2 decades agomilitary members: what was the best rank you've held?
I've made it to E-5, but loved being a corporal more. When I was promoted, my Major (a mustanger) said Sergeant was the best rank he held, other than Captain. Which rank did you enjoy the most?
16 AnswersMilitary2 decades agoWhy do dependants get so rude when I call?
I am an e-5 Sergeant. It is my job to call the Marines in my sqaud from time to time. It is always business related and I do not chat with them. But if their wife answers, they are VERY defensive and some are down right rude. Yes, I am a girl. But seriously. The jelously b/s is stupid. How are they going to act when their man gets out and works with more girls than the unusually few he does now? Am I supposed to make a male call, just so they don't have family dischord? I should be able to call to pass word w/o them getting upset. What is wrong? I can't change who I am, and I will not put the responsibility to someone else to do my job. Why don't they understand. And don't say it's because all females in the military are man stealing ho's... After working with him all day, I hate him. And I've got plenty that aren't taken to choose from, so that insecurity dependants have is not a valid excuse.
24 AnswersMilitary2 decades agobreast reduction?
I get out of the military soon (lose any forseeable health insurance) So I've got to decide. What are the risks of breast reductions. Can you breast feed after one, if you have kids. Recovery time. Anyone whos had one, please tell me about your experience. Is it worth it. 36DDD now, looking at maybe C's.
10 AnswersWomen's Health2 decades agowhy can't I get the games to play on yahoo?
Note: Text Twist is not compatible with Unix or Macintosh computers is what is stays under where the game should be. I've played WordMojo gold on this computer before and haven't changed any settings. But now more games I try to play say the Unix/Macintosh thing... How do I change my computer back? Is it Unix? What is unix, why would I be using it now, when I never did before?
1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products2 decades ago