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Lv 42,773 points

Stupendous Man!

Favorite Answers9%

Im a Traditionalist! I Favor the Conservative Republican side of things most often, however Ill admit that they can be just as corrupt as the loony liberals. Im a Political Science major geared for Law School.

  • Why does everyone deserve healthcare?

    I'd like to start off with a quote from William Sumner

    "We are absolutely shut up to the need and duty, if we would learn how to live happily of investigating the laws of Nature and deducing the rules of right living in the world as it is. These are very wearisome and commonplace tasks. They consist in labor and self-denial repeated over and over again in learning and doing. When the people whose claims we are considering are told to apply themselves to these tasks they become irritated and feel almost insulted. They formulate their claims as rights against society that is, against some other men. In their view they have a right, not only to pursue happiness, but to get it: and if they fail to get they think they have a claim to the aid of other men that is, to the labor and self-denial of other men to get it for them. They find orators and poets who tell them that they have grievances, so long as they have unsatisfied desires..." William Sumner

    Why is it my responsibility to pay for your government healthcare? If I have a job that provides benefits to me, why do other people burdens now become my burden? Healthcare isn't like national defense or infrastructure, these things are directly beneficial to me. If I want to help some poor family with their medical bills Ill make a donation to a legitimate organization designed to do so, but don't force my hand....

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why does everyone deserve healthcare?

    I'd like to start off with a quote from William Sumner

    "We are absolutely shut up to the need and duty, if we would learn how to live happily of investigating the laws of Nature and deducing the rules of right living in the world as it is. These are very wearisome and commonplace tasks. They consist in labor and self-denial repeated over and over again in learning and doing. When the people whose claims we are considering are told to apply themselves to these tasks they become irritated and feel almost insulted. They formulate their claims as rights against society that is, against some other men. In their view they have a right, not only to pursue happiness, but to get it: and if they fail to get they think they have a claim to the aid of other men that is, to the labor and self-denial of other men to get it for them. They find orators and poets who tell them that they have grievances, so long as they have unsatisfied desires..." William Sumner

    Why is it my responsibility to pay for your government healthcare? If I have a job that provides benefits to me, why do other people burdens now become my burden? Healthcare isn't like national defense or infrastructure, these things are directly beneficial to me. If I want to help some poor family with their medical bills Ill make a donation to a legitimate organization designed to do so, but don't force my hand....

    1 AnswerPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why does everyone deserve healthcare?

    I'd like to start off with a quote from William Sumner

    "We are absolutely shut up to the need and duty, if we would learn how to live happily of investigating the laws of Nature and deducing the rules of right living in the world as it is. These are very wearisome and commonplace tasks. They consist in labor and self-denial repeated over and over again in learning and doing. When the people whose claims we are considering are told to apply themselves to these tasks they become irritated and feel almost insulted. They formulate their claims as rights against society that is, against some other men. In their view they have a right, not only to pursue happiness, but to get it: and if they fail to get they think they have a claim to the aid of other men that is, to the labor and self-denial of other men to get it for them. They find orators and poets who tell them that they have grievances, so long as they have unsatisfied desires..." William Sumner

    Why is it my responsibility to pay for your government healthcare? If I have a job that provides benefits to me, why do other people burdens now become my burden? Healthcare isn't like national defense or infrastructure, these things are directly beneficial to me. If I want to help some poor family with their medical bills Ill make a donation to a legitimate organization designed to do so, but don't force my hand....

    32 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What does this quote mean to you?

    "We are absolutely shut up to the need and duty, if we would learn how to live happily of investigating the laws of Nature and deducing the rules of right living in the world as it is. These are very wearisome and commonplace tasks. They consist in labor and self-denial repeated over and over again in learning and doing. When the people whose claims we are considering are told to apply themselves to these tasks they become irritated and feel almost insulted. They formulate their claims as rights against society that is, against some other men. In their view they have a right, not only to pursue happiness, but to get it: and if they fail to get they think they have a claim to the aid of other men that is, to the labor and self-denial of other men to get it for them. They find orators and poets who tell them that they have grievances, so long as they have unsatisfied desires..." William Sumner

    1 AnswerOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Legalize gay marriage... legalize all marriage?

    So if gay marriage should be legal, what about marriage between grown adults and children, or humans and animals? What if I wanted to marry a chair, should that be legal? 10 points to the person who can answer my question seriously. I probably won't agree with your answer but I would like to see the other side argued. If you cannot find the real question in this, here it is:

    If gay marriage should be legalized in all 50 states, then should people be allowed to marry children, animals and inanimate objects?

  • Who hates president bush?

    Im not seriously asking this question, just testing yahoo answers to see if this question is posted. Earlier I tried to post a question that would most likely cater to conservative answerers however at that exact moment yahoo answers was being "fixed" and my question would not be posted. Now 5 min later I have a question catered to the liberal perspective and we'll see if this is posted or if yahoo is still "fixing" the problem. So I guess the real question is why is yahoo only "fixing" the conservative problems? surely the liberal questions are broken as well!

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Im happy that Crack Addicts don't have healthcare...?

    Is that so wrong? Why should my tax dollars pay for universal healthcare that fosters irresponsible behavior.

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Do You trust Bill O'reily?

    I listen to the Radio Factor daily and occasionally catch the O'Reily factor. I really enjoy Bill's reporting. I do think that he is very fair and balanced and I can see why the ratings for his show are so high. I really trust what Bill tells me, I think he honestly reports things how they are with no bias. I'm to the point where I am actually kind of scared of Bill... I think I might trust him too much... could Bill really be delivering the COMPLETE truth all of the time? My question is do you trust Bill's reporting, and how often does he report the absolute truth. Please site your sources, and don't post garbage....

    29 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why would yahoo report a story ?

    I noticed that on yahoo's home page there is a story about an american olympian pole-vaulter talking "trash" (if you can call it that) to a russian pole-vaulter. According to the article the american simply said that she was going to kick some russian butt. Seriously trash talk? She's just trying to boost the confidence level... Your telling me that her comment could be distorted THAT much? calling it trash talk?

    Even if the american was referring not only to her competitor but also russia as a whole, seriously it was taken out of context COMPLETELY! Who the hell is yahoo rooting for?

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Schools in United States, Based on your political view...

    I hope that everyone can agree that schools are the future of this country. Based on your liberal, conservative or independent view what makes for the best learning environment? Should there be all liberal teachers? All conservative teachers? A mixture of both views? Should the schools be public or private school with religion classes? I asked this question here because everyone seems to be very opinionated.

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Internet on the LG Voyager?

    is the internet on the LG voyager any good? How does it compare to an I phone's internet? How fast is it? Unless you can suggest another phone with verizon Im pretty much sold on this phone.... please no sales pitches!

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Nas is a Kool-aid drinker!?

    Is nas kidding? Fox news is the ONLY fair news network.... He's with out a doubt a kool-aid drinker! I mean he's saying they spread propaganda and all of this BS... but my guess he got all of his ranting from the idiots at

    Yahoo answers please tell me what should we do with this misinformed gangster rapper?

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • So the Iphone G3 will it work for verizon?

    I heard that an unlocked version of the iphone G3 will be released after the at&t one. Will this unlocked version work with a verizon service? Don't try and pitch another phone.. Im getting and Iphone, end of story.

    6 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Global Warming is a Giant Scam isn't it?

    Polar Icecaps melt, thats what ice does besides float. And don't tell me its at some "alarming rate" if the earth is warmer than it should be then why has the midwest been seeing 50 degree temps instead of 70 or 80? Its all a giant money making scam isn't it? and those Eco Libs are getting exactly what they wanted... higher gas prices. The idiot oil tycoons know that with all this global warming Bullshit they have to make their dollar before we find something else. Who ever thought you'd see oil tycoons and tree huggers on the same team?

    18 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • Who realizes that the economy is Clintons fault?

    I have yet to see anyone blame the economy on the dick-head Bill Clinton.... G.W. Bush inherited a bad economy from Clinton.... and we lost the Trade Towers because He didn't Take out Osama when he had the chance.... Does anyone even realize that Bill Clinton is the guy responsible for all of our problems ? Whats even worse is that Dems are now even considering putting another Clinton or A TERRORIST in office? what do the dems like getting bombed? Look McCain is not Republican Prodigy but hes better than another clinton or Obama

    8 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Otterbox and Ipod touch?

    does the otterbox defender protect the ipod touch screen?

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Which Ipod Touch Case to Buy?

    So for you fellow owners of the Ipod touch... what case do you recommend? What im looking for may not exist but the features I'd for my case to have are:

    Scratch protection

    Drop protection

    No dust

    Easy to carry

    Im already getting the screen covers so the case need not cover the screen. Please tell me what you would reccomend

    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Halo on a mac computer?

    What is a universal binary release? And how will it allow halo to run natively on intel macs?

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • For those who STRONGLY Dislike Obama and Hillary....?

    For those who Don't like Obama or Hillary and would rathar have a penguin be president, will you support either if they win the white house? Personally I pray to God every night that they don't win the election, I'm a republican. Even though I dislike them if a democrat does win office, i will support them as my president. I liked Bush and agreed with most of his presidency's decisions, I scowled at those who chose to mock my president and criticize everything his administration did. I will not be a hypocrite and criticize a democrat president, to me its more patriotic to support our country and the person that is willing to represent it, than cut both down (in front of other countries) because we disagree. Will you answerers who dislike any of the candidates support or at least not mock them should they win the white house

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • For those who STRONGLY Dislike Obama and Hillary....?

    For those who Don't like Obama or Hillary and would rathar have a penguin be president, will you support either if they win the white house. Personally I pray to God every night that they don't win the election, I'm a republican. Even though I dislike them if a democrat does win office, i will support them as my president. I liked Bush and agreed with most of his presidency's decisions, I scowled at those who chose to mock my president and criticize everything his administration did. I will not be a hypocrite and criticize a democrat president, to me its more patriotic to support our country and the person that is willing to represent it, than cut both down (in front of other countries) because we disagree.

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago