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  • Friend is tinkering with meds how do I find out for sure?

    I have a friend who was in excess of 200+ pounds and is now sliding past 180. He is a diabetic and I'm damn sure he is tinkering with his meds. He won't tell me the truth and I can tell because of his behaviour. I just can't call him on it, but I'm terrified he's going to hurt himself. How can I be 100% sure of this so I can take it to the next level.

    What would you do?

    4 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • Potty training advice for a frustrated mom?

    my son is nearly five years old and a pro at peeing on the toilet. He previously lived with his father and I have retained custody of him in the last two weeks. Unfortunately, he is unable to poop on the toilet at all. This has not resulted in soiling more than little tiny accidents and severe constipation. He has been here for two weeks and has had only one substantial bowel movement and nothing more. He'll sit on the toilet and poop a tiny little pellet and I'm happy that he tries. How can I break the cycle of fear of pain and constipation? He is nearly 5 years old and I'm at my wits end with the boy. I know he has no control over the accidents, but what else can we do at this point? He starts kindergarten in fall and he barely has any independence from an adult.

    Things we have tried:

    sitting him on toilet for extended periods of time (15 minutes or more if he's willing)

    reward system (from stickers to candy to toys)

    reminding him during his accidents to sit on the toilet

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Don't really know what I should do. Certainly not the right place to look but why not?

    I decided to have an affair with a man I met while we were working together. We were casually flirting back and forth and I first thought it was cute and funny. Upon both of us being laid off for separate reasons, I found out that he was a married man. I still have feelings for him and he's still married. Times are now troubled and we seem to argue a lot. I can't help these feelings and I have my doubts as to what I should do. Nothing has gone on in the physical sense for quite some time and it's been more of an emotional affair than anything else. I know I should leave, but should I tell his wife or just walk away and forget the whole thing. I'm so lost and torn over this.

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • My 3 year old son is absolutely destructive...any tips?

    I have my 3 year old son down for a visit from his Dads and he is so destructive. It seems that I just can't get him to listen no matter how hard I try. I am getting to my wits end with this child because it's gotten to a point where I actually had to get a playpen for nap time or the room would be terrorized.

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • How do I get my daughter to listen to me? I'm so desperate here!?

    My daughter is four years old and will repeat the same question over and over. It drives me up the wall. I say no and she just won't take it for an answer and when she finally does she asks another question over and over that should be an honest no. She just doesn't listen at all. I'm at my wits end and wanting to pull out my hair. I just don't understand how my boys are so great with everything and she isn't. And of course we are living in a world where it's wrong to raise your voice at your child or discipline them in any other way than a time out

    9 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • My ex-husband keeps selling my stuff what do I do?

    I keep finding my stuff with his number in classifieds ads and now that I'm in another province it's quite difficult for me to do anything about it. I could deal with it before but now he is selling of my children's items. I can't exactly afford a lawyer. Every time I catch him he just finds another way to do it. Please help!!!

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Should my absolut raspberri have frozen?

    I bought a bottle of absolut raspberri (40%) and put it in the freezer. For a few days it didn't freeze. I pulled it out of my freezer and noticed it was frozen. I have a sneaking suspicion that my roommate might be watering it down. What's your opinion?

    3 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • How can he expect me to be honest when he won't be?

    I'm married and my husband is constantly lying to me about his profiles on sites like I think that site is vulgar and disgusting and he told me he deleted it after we got married. I hate that I can't trust him...any advice?

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Have you been ripped off by another webkinz user?

    Why would you trust someone you don't know on yahoo to give you a code or gifts? It's the same as real life. For kids and adults alike, if you want a trusted gift exchange (no I have no affiliation) go to not a registered gift exchanger or anything, but have two items I dont care for. I just want to help users of webkinz and prevent scammers.

    Please do not trust users on yahoo! You will just get ripped off or scammed.

    Anyway..leave me your answer, I really am curious as to how many people trust these users and got ripped?

    7 AnswersToys1 decade ago
  • What is your take on laser therapy for quitting smoking?

    I'm curious about this therapy. I hope to get some answers from people who have tried it. I've done a little bit of research but haven't come up with too much on it and find that the success rate varies from clinic to clinic. The one here claims a 95% success rate and another (I'm not sure of the location) boasts a mere 60%.

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Are you filthy stinking rich?

    Cause if you are you should put some of that money towards a shower!

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • I was thinking of naming my dog after my ex?

    But I don't think it's appropriate to yell bastard off my back porch! Seriously any ideas?

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Is msn messenger down right now?

    Hi I can do anything else online, but I can't seem to access the msn webpage or msn messenger. I was wondering if anyone would have any details on it.

    5 AnswersMSN1 decade ago
  • Men and rights to child custody for Canadians?

    If anyone has some links that would be helpful in finding out rights for a man obtaining custody of his children in Canada, I would be thrilled. Also, anyone with some experience in the field please tell me pros and cons of legal action in your situation. Did you win or lose your battle?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why do all yahoo answerers have to use stereotypes?

    Hehe pardon my pun! Really what I'm asking is why do SOME people use a stereotype as a question? It seems as though I run across a lot of questions that tag a certain group of people with a stereotype. It comes across as offensive.

    Would you believe I even found one on here asking why all white women smelled like feta cheese? Honestly!

    To the people who use a stereotype in their question: please limit your group of people to those who it trully applies to, otherwise you offend a larger group than intended. Maybe it is intentional though. I have noticed controversial questions tend to get more answers.

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Can you tell me anything about the fungus in my fish tank?

    It would appear that I have grown a cotton-like fungus in my fish tank. It started to appear on one of our tank decorations and we removed it. Shortly thereafter my two angel fish died one after the other. I had a pleco that survived an extra couple of days after the angel fish died. My pleco died the other day and was entirely coated with this substance when we found him.

    I guess what I'm really asking for is a scientific name for this and what I can do to prevent it next time.

    6 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Can you quit asking if you are pregnant?

    1. Yes if you have sex there is the possibility of pregnancy

    2. Protection doesn't always work

    3. Get a pregnancy test and quit asking people. Even doctors can't answer you on yahoo answers if you are or aren't pregnant!

    4. If the test comes up negative take it again a week later. If it's still negative and a blood test shows up negative, chances are you are not pregnant.

    5. If the test comes up positive, go to your doctor and confirm the test.

    6. Quit asking dumb questions already

    25 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago