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  • How do I get over a friend choosing boyfriend over me?

    Her and I have been friends for almost 20 years; we met when we were 16 and are now 34. I was the guest book attendant at her wedding, which ended in divorce in late 2011.

    While she was going through the divorce, I was over at her house every free moment I had. She now has a new guy (dating him since October 2012), and it seems like she never wants to spend time with me, instead choosing him.

    Since October, our routine has become me asking her a few times a week for a couple months if she wants to hang out and never getting a response. Then I'll stop asking for a month, and one day out of the blue I'll get a message from her telling me I need to put forth more effort to spend time with her because she misses spending time with me!

    She's now working every other Saturday getting every other Tuesday off. So I've asked her to hang out the Tuesday's she off work, which still go unanswered. I'm not working right now, so anytime is fine with me. I have also asked her if she wants to get together the day before Thanksgiving so we can make desserts to take to our various Turkey Day festivities. Her response? "I don't know what he and I are doing But you need to make more of an effort to spend time with me!" She couldn't even make a date with me that's 3 months away!!

    Another example, I planned a girl's night out for her birthday back in May. We were going to take her to her fave restaurant, then out dancing. We had everything planned, right down to the designated driver. She said she was excited because it had been a long while since the last girls night, so I was happy she was excited. She brought her boyfriend!! We even purposely planned it for a week after her birthday so she couldn't use him as an excuse not to go!!

    I understand that she wants to spend time with her boyfriend (and I mine), but I also understand there is a way of balancing both relationships. I don't to throw the towel in, but I don't want our relationship to continue this way either. I'm unsure of how I should handle the situation because in the past, she'll start crying saying that I don't care about her anymore, which isn't true.

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • How do I turn my skills from fast food into skills for a unit secretary or ward clerk?

    How do I turn my skills from fast food into skills for a unit secretary or ward clerk?

    I have worked in the fast food industry for almost 15 years, and am looking for a job as a unit secretary or a ward clerk. I will be starting school in August and will have a certificate by December. What I need to know is how can I relate the skills from fast food into secretarial work?

    The only skill that I can think of that will really help me is customer service experience.

    I have also taken and will be taking classes at the local community college for other office experience. Any help will be appreciated.

  • I've been dreaming for almost 2 weeks now that I've been pregnant by a pro athlete?

    For almost 2 weeks now, I've been dreaming that I'm pregnant by a pro athlet, a wrestler. I haven't met this person, of course. But in the dream, he just won his match, and I go to the ring to tell him that I'm pregnant and he's the dad. There hasn't been any dreams about how he and I met, just that I'm pregnant by him.

    The crazy thing is, that I'm not currently pregnant, nor have I ever been pregnant or have a pregnancy scare!

    What does this mean?

    4 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • How can I get a job in the administrative assistant field with very little experience?

    Basically, I have been working the fast food industry (only as a cashier) for about 15 years now. I do have 3 years experience working in an office setting as a receptionist (1999, 2001-2003). How can I convey this on my resume without having it look like there were huge gaps of unemployment in my resume? Is it ok to put the experience on the resume, and in the cover letter, cover all the gaps of unemployment?

    Please help! I don't want to ask "Do you want fries with that?" for the rest of my life!

    PS If it helps, I also have attended college (no degree) and have taken courses in paralegal studies.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • How can I better my credit for a house in the near future, say in the next 2 or 3 years?

    The past couple of years, I've had some bad luck as far as work and getting bills paid. I'm just now to where I can start trying to get back on my feet. My ultimate goal is to have my own house by the end of 2011. How can I go about getting my credit straightened and save up money for the house?

    I'm not looking for an expensive house, I'm looking at no more than $25,000.

    Thanks for your help!

    4 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • Distressed property question?

    First of all, what is distressed property anyway? Is it just property that has been seized because the owners haven't paid their mortgages?

    Secondly, what do I need to have in order to purchase distressed property? I don't want to buy, fix it up, and sell it; I just want to buy it for myself (fix it up of course).

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Ticket on a suspended driver's license in Illinois?

    I found out late September that my drivers license was suspended because failing to get the emissions tested in another car. I filed the appropriate paperwork since I no longer have the car. The representantive I spoke with told me to call in 3 days to make sure the suspension was lifted. When I called, I was told that suspension was lifted. Then 2 weeks ago, I was pulled over because my tail lights weren't working, and the officer told me that my license was still suspended, giving me a ticket. I have called the DMV and secretary of state, both of which has told me that they don't know what the exact date was the suspension was lifted. I'm curious what will happen if I just plead guilty? Will the court make a deal so I can pay the fines in installments and still allow me to drive to get to school and work?

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • What does he mean?

    One of my male coworkers (Andre) is acting very strangely around me lately. On Thursday, he put his hands on my shoulders and started rubbing them while telling me he thought the way I talked was cute (I instantly backed away). He then told me that one of the regular customers said that I was the cutest girl working there, and Andre said he agreed with the customer. He has also asked me to go with out with him one night after work for some drinks.

    Am I reading to much into his words and actions? He knows that I'm in a serious relationship, and that I'm not the kind of person to have sex with every guy I meet.

    20 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Fast food workers unite here for your customer complaints!!?

    Of all the crap we have to go through having a low paying job, I was wondering what complaints others had about CUSTOMERS.

    A couple of mine are:

    1) customers who throw their money to pay for the food

    2) customers who ask for a glass of water, only to steal soda

    3) customers who either change their order completely at the drive thru window or add extra food on at the window

    4) customers who try to walk thru the drive thru

    Please share your complaints here!!!

    9 AnswersFast Food1 decade ago
  • Student worker question/financial aid question?

    I'm recieving financial aid for college. $3,253 of the money is supposed to come from federal work study. I applied to be a student worker, and let the bursar's office know why I was applying. I still haven't heard from them regarding work, when do I need to follow up? And does this mean the school has to give me a job?

    I also let them know I didn't want to be a tutor, my thinking is that the students with the good grades should work in the tutoring center.

    2 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • What should I wear to school?

    I was accepted into the paralegal program at my college, and was told that three of my instructors this semester were going to be attorneys. I want to look nice at school because I will need to start finding an attorney's office to intern at. What kind of clothes should I wear? Should I pretty much stick to khaki-type pants with twin sets, start wearing business-type suits, or a combo of the two?

    And what are some cute, yet professional looking hairstyles? Right now, my hair is layered hitting slightly below my shoulders.

    17 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Displaced anger?

    Yesterday, I became really annoyed with my stepmother. She kept following me around, nitpicking every little thing I do, and how it isn't done the "right way" (her way). When talking to my fiance, I took my anger out on him, which I later apologized for (he accepted my apology). What can I do to keep this from happening again? And what steps can I take to help alleviate some of the anger I get built up inside?

    7 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Would you think a person is rich just because of skin color?

    Recently, my coworkers have got it stuck in their head that I'm rich. I never talk about my material possessions at work, and they have never seen me in street clothes to know whether or not I have designer labels (Wal Mart is as designer as it gets!!). I refuse to tell them how much money I earn on each paycheck or how much I have in the bank. I also refuse to let them know that I'm saving as much money as I can for a newer car. I've looked at them repeatedly and said "White don't mean Rich!!" And I've also told them not to worry about my bills since they aren't paying them!! I'm wondering if others are apt to judge other people's wealth based strictly on skin color?

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • How can I ask him for a favor without looking like I'm dependant?

    My car is about 17 years old, and keeps breaking down on me. It seems like every 2 or 3 months I have to put like $400 worth of work into it. My credit score is really really horrible, so I'm afraid that I won't get approved for a car loan. I also think that if I do get approved for one, I'll be paying out the ying yang in high interest fees. I would like to ask my boyfriend if I could borrow his while he is over in Kuwait for the next year, but am a pretty prideful person. I don't like having to ask others for help, but in this case, I feel like I almost don't have a choice. No one else in my family has the financial ability to help me or another car that I can use. How can I set my pride to the side and just ask him? I do have a plan on how to save about $2500 for a newer (still used) car.

    13 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Why do people blame alcohol for the actions they took they are ashamed of?

    I'm just asking out of curiousity, but why is it that when a person has made an error in judgment, they will blame alcohol instead of just the poor judgment? Why not just say, "Yes, I did that. I wish I didn't, but I did. And now, I have to face the consequences?" Why use alcohol as the scapegoat?

    Another thing I'm curious about is why people say they were so drunk they don't remember what happened the night before? To me, if you remember that you were drunk, you remember the actions you took.

    Is it possible for alcohol to cause selective memory? If not, why do people blame the alcohol for their mistakes?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • How can I handle a nagging stepmother?

    I'm 27, and still live at home with my dad and stepmother. I make minimum wage, which means I can't afford my own apartment, and I'm finishing college. Every single day, my stepmother nags at me for something she thinks I've done wrong!! We live in the St Louis area, and was without power for the past 4 days, just getting it back on today. Somehow, she managed to blame me for the power going out and staying out for so long!! She has also told me, after meeting the guy I've been dating, that I need to just marry him so she can have more grandchildren!! She gets mad when I merely point out to her that both her daughters are married, and could start having children. She has also yelled at me for getting "bad" grades in school (I think 3 A's and 1 B are pretty darn good ones!!) Other than moving out, how can I deal with her? I try staying in my room as much as possible, but she literally follows me around nagging about something or other!! Please help!!

    7 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Is there a certain number of times you can report people without getting in trouble yourself?

    I have reported 2 people for abuse on yahoo answers, one was because the answerer told an asker to kill themself, and the other was some one who just put an "X thanks for the points" to a question I had asked.

    I'm just curious as to how many people you can report for abuse before yahoo takes your answer privileges away from you.

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Linear equation word probem help!!?

    Airline A flight from Chicago to San Diego arrives 4 hours after depature. During the same time frame, Airline B flight from San Diego arrives 3.5 hours after departure. Assume the each plane is traveling at the same average speed, determine their average speed in still air and the average speed of the wind due to the jet sream. The distance between each city is approx. 1750 miles.

    Anyone who can help will be greatly appreciated!! Please explain how you arrived at your answer!!

    I apologize, I didn't know which catagory to put this under!!

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • How can I handle a boss that constantly treats me badly?

    I work at a fast food restaraunt while I finish college, and one of the shift leaders there constantly treats me badly. Here are 2 examples:

    One evening, I was making salads up, and realized that we ran out of cheese. I asked if I should just leave a note for the store manager, and he yelled at me, calling me stupid for not knowing what to do!!

    Last night, I had a customer come in and asked if I tried one of our new desserts yet. I said no, but since it's chocolate, I know I'll like it. The customer chuckled and agreed with me. For an hour after that, the manager would go "moo" (like a cow) whenever he saw me!!

    He has also made fun of my weight to other workers, and has told me that he refuses to serve me unless I order a salad! I haven't said anything to him yet, because I figure he wants a rise out of me. I just giving him the silent treatment. How can I tell him that he needs to show me the same respect he shows everyone else, without getting myself in trouble?

    8 AnswersCareers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Naval deployment?

    My brother recently went to the local Navy recruiter, and was told that if he were to be deployed, he would serve overseas for only 6 months every 3 years. (I know that recruiters are going to tell you what you want to hear, not necessarily if it's the truth).

    The thing I having a problem with is that my friend's boyfriend is in the Navy, and is constantly being sent back onverseas just 2 months after he gets home. He says that isn't the way it works.

    Is her boyfriend right or is the recruiter right? Or is it that the recruiter is right, but the boyfriend keeps signing up to go on missions for a little extra money?

    12 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago