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I am a fun loving mum to two grandma to 1, I have a keen interest in Psyhcology, parpanormal, and true crime. I live a simple life and find pleasure in the simplest of stop and smell a flower or look at a bird you will find yourself smiling! ta ta for now!

  • My job is great but co worker are making my life hell?

    I work at a small company (part of a national chain) and my co workers are trouble makers. I recently lodged a complaint about all the bull that was going on with work and everyone has been civil since then. But I found out just recently that something that was brought up in the meeting and my boss was told that it has to be done everyday that it isn't getting done including the boss isn't doing it...I feel like I am being treated like a idiot and it has upset me. I do love my job and my customers and would hate to leave there. I don't want to seem like I am whinging either but we have set "stuff" to do each day and it isn't being done. Nothing major should I lodge another complaint I just feel like no one respects me.

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • Nikon or Canon, Should I swap from a Nikon to a Canon Digital SLR?

    I am thinking of upgrading my camera to a Canon I have a Nikon SLR ..I love Nikon but I think the canon takes a better photograph at the end of the day what are you thoughts on this

    7 AnswersPhotography8 years ago
  • Need Fundraising Ideas?

    Looking for interesting and exciting fundraising ideas and raffle prize ideas as well any help would be

    greatly appreciated thanks!!

    2 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • True Photography? Does it Exsist anymore?

    I am wondering at all the lovely photo's that you see on Photo hosting sites like Flickr etc etc how many of those pieces of art are true to original picture?

    I mean most people can take fantastic shots with the new camera's out there today and then they edit it to within a inch of their lives to make it a perfect shot!!

    Why do people feel the need to do this can anyone answer me what ever happened to just normal Photography? there was fantastic shots taken pre digital and photo editing software.

    8 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • How do you handle a boss with a bad attitude towards customers and staff?

    I have a new boss, and she is a bit abrupt she comes from a Human Resource background. I went to her with a complaint against another staff memeber and she told me I had to get over my little thing with this other woman, the nit picking and the trying to "get one up on the other"

    I felt my complaints were ligitimate, as this other staff member told me if I didn't do (not serve certain customers because of a crime commited against my boss) as I was told I would be fired. I also asked her about the confectionary order and how she processed it when she done it..I explained the system to her on how it was packed and dated and she just said it was a waste of time and she was to busy to do it. That was my complaint to the boss

    Do I have to make myself more assertive at the risk of loosing my job or should I get some advice from a outside party.

    We had a meeting with the boss over this and she said if we don't sort out our shite I would be let go. What do I do?

    Ps My boss had her car stolen and torched by some local aboriginal youths, I wasn't instructed to not serve anyone by the boss only by the coworker who is only there on a tempary basis. What do I have to do to get things done!!

    2 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Why do I show signs of being a "Commitment Phobic"but not in one previous relationship?

    Ok in discussion with a love interest he was saying about seeing a psychologist about being a commitment phobic..I looked up the signs and symptoms on Wikpedia, and the description provided sounds eerily like me.

    In all my relationships except for the one, it was on again off again, I want the marriage and long term relationship but I am constantly picking the wrong man.

    The one relationship that i had that was healthy ended suddenly and we were together for 2.5 years and a accidental pregnacy ended it. Oddly enough I wasn't bitter at him for leaving and I have forgiven him he has never hurt me. We talk all the time and are looking at being together again.

    Was this relationship where I was happy and not showing all the signs of being commitment phobic the "one" he is not perfect but to me he is? Should I consider giving it another go? I know we are not the same people and I know we are not going into the same relationship as before.

    I am 36 and been married 3 times. Cheater no 3 hubby, Hubby no 2 Cheater and Hubby no 1 verbally and physically violent.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What is it?

    I am at a point in my life again where I don't know if I am bored or i am stressed out. there is a few things hapening in my life but not enough to make me so stressed that I just feel like runnin away. I feel like a zombie. Do I need a good night out or something some more fun in my life?

    4 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • How to turn off the flash on the Nikon D50?

    I recently purcharsed a Nikon D50 Camera no instruction manual (waiting to see if I have won on ebay) just wanted to know how to turn the flash off if I don't want it? I have tried to take some close up photo's of my kids but the flash went off despite having pretty good light they look like they are dead!

    Anyhelp would be appreciated.

    3 AnswersCameras1 decade ago
  • What can I do to get a life?

    We have all heard the saying "get a life" what I want to know what do you think this means and also I quite often refer to myself as needing to get a life.. does this mean I need to change the way I view things or get more social What ??? I need some help here guys!

    9 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • How do I keep and make a conversation with people?

    Hi I am one of these people that if I am put in a room with a whole heap of other people I get shy. Once I know the person it is a diffrent story, but how do I hold a conversation?

    I really need help on this one guys I feel like an idiot.

    7 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • How Can We Celebrate?

    My husbands school is celbrating 100 years, it is a small school but the main public one for our little regional area. It incoparates the kindy to year 12 these days and opened in 1914 I was wondering if anyone had any fantastic Ideas to help celebrate the day, and no we can't get anyone from the first class to be there they have all passed on!

    Thanks in advance to anyone that has a uselful Idea!

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What is the best way to clean a cane Picnic Basket?

    HI I brought a cane picnic basket from the local charity shop and I wanted to know how the best way to clean it would be, it is not overly dirty but there is small amount of dust in the weave and has a lack lustre look too it. Any help would be appreciated thank you!

    4 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • has anyones marriage survived cheating?

    I have found out that my husband of 3 years has cheated on me once again, I want to know if anyone out there has been through this and sort help in getting their marriage back on track and the marriage is still going strong.... PLEASE NO NEGATIVE COMMENTS I KNOW I AM STUPID FOR STAYIN FOR THE FIRST TWO!!!!!!!!!!

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Why do motel rooms have bibles in them?

    When you go to a motel there is always bibles in the bedside cabnitnets why is this so?

    17 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Teaching Kids about personal Space?

    Can someone please help my friend has a cub scout group where one child is constantly hanging off the other scouts it is making them uncomfortable and they would like some activities to teach this child how to let others have their space any help would be great.

    6 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Teaching About Personal Space?

    Can someone give me some direction on how to teach a child personal space, we are looking for activities to teach this child how to respect others space thank you!

    1 AnswerSpecial Education1 decade ago
  • Who sings this PLEASE!!!!!!!?

    We heard a Song on the Radio today the lyrics went something like this "I wish I was born a punk rocker with flowers in my hair, 77 (i think) and 69 revolution was in the air"

    We missed what the announcer said after it was played we are in Australia. Any help guys like who the singer is and where she is from would be greatly appreciated or even the album it is on or is it only a single?

    Thank you for your help in Advance!

    12 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Why do inmates have to wait so long to be executed in the United States Of America?

    I am in Australia and I was wondering why inmates on death row have to be there for so long, sometimes for what we call life here in Australia 25 years or more? Why is this?

    10 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How do I stop the neighbourhood Dogs using my lawn as a Toilet?

    My front lawn seems to be a easy place for the neigbours dogs to use as a toilet, how do I stop them please, we live in a small county town and we dont have fences but mine seems the most inviting to go to the toilet on. Some one please help!

    29 AnswersDogs2 decades ago