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  • Can my car get repoed?

    Ok, here is the deal. The car is in the hubby's name for starters. So there for I can't call or nothing and talk to them. My husband lost his job in Jan 09. He went on unemployment and we made the payments. He got a job through a temp service and we still made the car payment. Well he got hired through the company that he was working for as a temp. So now he works for them. The date due on the car is coming up which puts us behind a whole month behind. I did make a effort send a payment, not a whole payment I'm still a little over 200 bucks shy of the whole car payment. Would they still repo a car for that much? I'm not months late or anything like that. I have been late before due to how he got paid from his job he was laid off from. But we always made the payment to them. we had the car going on 3 yrs and made every payment. I know he needs to call but he don't listen to me and i really get frustrated about it. So I wipe my hands clean from it. Don't know what else to do since I can't call and talk to them.

    Please don't treat me like I'm dumb or what not. I myself wouldn't repo a car for a little over 200 bucks that for sure. ANd when the person is making a effort on paying for it.

    4 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Looking for a website that gives you vintage toys from the 80's and maybe what they are worth now?

    I'm looking for a website that give u vintage toys from the 80's. I have stuff from my childhood, I would like to know how much it may be worth now. Along with if any of it may be rare. Thanks for your help...I have looked and found nothing. But there has to be something out there.

    2 AnswersToys1 decade ago
  • Do u think child support is fair?

    How many of u think that the way they do child support is fair? I for one don't i just want to see how many others out there feel the same way.

    18 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Product from avon...can you still get it?

    the product i'm asking about is made by MARK. I think it's called butter cream. It comes in a little metal pink square tin. It's a shimmering item. the little pillow looking puff is square and has a blue ribbon on from what i remember. in the inside there is a plastic thing with holes in to get the shimmering powder out. you also can lick it off your body and it taste like cake. i looked and couldn't find it. Not sure if it's a seasonal item or not. My sister in law got hers in tenn. Thanks for the help

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • which icing to use while decorating a cake?

    i'm making a birthday cake for my daughter. I'm not sure what the best icing to use. Buttercream or royal icing? it will be done a day ahead of her party and placed in the refrig. I'm also adding color to the icing. Just looking for something that is easy to pipe with and hold the color well and don't dry out. i did look both of them up but nothing is really helping me out to well. i'm going towards buttercream but just need any help from any one that used either or. Thanks! oh one more thing i'm not using food coloring I'm using i think the gel from wilton. please don't tell me to use the can of icing already made.

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • do you think chatting on line is cheating?

    What i'm talking about my veiw vs. his veiw. having women drive by your house meeting at the work place telling each other I love you and miss you. can't want to be with you etc etc. is that just chatting or is that cheating? I say it's cheating he says it's just talk and he goes with the flow of things. this would be his 5th time. I found the stuff on my own and him being shady. he thinks i'm dumb. just want to know what you all classified cheating his. No, i don't trust or believe him at all. after everything i found out over the years. he is on a real tight rope and walking on thin ice. plus is it wrong of me to have changed his password and won't let him on the computer with out me being here? is it wrong for me to take my car that he drives away when he drives it to work and let him find his own ride home? Just want you alls opinion. plus is it wrong to let everyone he talks to know hes a cheater and a lair?

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • can't have no more kids?

    I can't have no more kids which i took care of that with my last kid. My husband is 26 and we don't have sex any more because i can't have any more kids. I don't understand this. Most men would love that. we have 3 together and he has one to his first wife. is there something wrong with me or is it him? Please don't say he getting it else where because i know for a fact he's not. and my weight ain't the problem either. any help?

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Am I missing something here?

    i've been married going on 6 yrs. we have 3 kids together. The last 1 yrs he can't even talk to me out of a whole day it's like 15 mins. and most of that is when he calls on his lunch brake. this drives me nuts. he won't go any where with me. the only way he goes is if the kids ask him to go and the whole time he *itches. he spends more time on the computer and the ps2 then anything else besides going to work. he claims he has nothing to say to me etc . but he don't have a problem with talking to other females on the computer he talks to them for hours on end and have plenty to say. plus he don't even touch or look at me. so when i go away he says i can't beleive you went there instead of staying home with your family. I'am a house wife so i'm with my kids all the time. then when i'm gone he'll call like 20+ times wanting to know if i'm coming home the kids need me etc . he don't like it when i do it back to him. he says there is nothing wrong and i need to see the doc. i'm lost!

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • dried nail polish?

    I have this bright purple with glitter nail polish dried on my daughters carpet. she was trying to paint her own nails. that didn't work well for a 3 year old. Needless to say when i found out about it, it was already dried. The carpet is a med. shade gray and it's still very noctieable. the carpet ain't even 4 years old yet and it's in great shape out side of the nail polish. I'm thinking about selling my house and looking for something to work on it without making it lighter or even it's not in a area that you can hide it with something. any help i'll take. i won't use nail polish remover so don't even say that.

    3 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • what countries that guys are not judgmental about a woman's weight?

    i was wondering this how many countries that the men could care less about a woman's weight that like larger women. unlike the United States where weight is a big thing for most guys not all but most. just wondering if any one knows i want honest asnwers. please no smart a$$ answers.

    9 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • should I or shouldn't I.....?

    I'm buying a birthday and a long over do chritmas gifts for my cousins boyfriend little girl. the birthday ain't late though. Me and my husband fought over this. I want to get the little girl a bratz doll which is Sasha and she a colored bratz. and it's a really good price for the big bratz doll. This is what we fought over. the little girl is half white and half black and I wanted to call her father and ask if there would be a problem if i got his daughter this doll. i don't want people to take it the wrong way or anything. but i also always notice every baby she has is white. should you really ask the person that before you buy their kid something like that? yes the father is colored and we are close so there wouldn't be a problem with me coming right out and asking. just want to know if i should ask to make sure it's ok or just go ahead and buy it. Please don't take this the wrong way. just any help will do.

    9 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Christmas shopping?

    I was wondering who has started christmas shopping yet?

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Little Debbie question?

    This question is about the Oatmeal Creme Pies by Little Debbie. I mean their called Oatmeal Creme Pies, but the Nutrition Facts says it's a cookie. So is it a cookie or a pie?

    5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Favorite cartoon?

    it can be new or old. what is your all time favorite one?

    10 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • no money no ride?

    my husband takes my cuz bf to work since they work at the same place. from the time he started he wanted a ride from him and he said yes. but he never took the ride until his friends that work there ain't reliable but my husband is. he told him he would give him 40 bucks every 2 weeks. since that's how they get paid. he was paying him and now this fri. will be a month that he hasn't paid him. he drives 5 miles out of his way taking him to work and droping him off and sometimes more if he has to go to the store. plus he waits 10 more min longer waiting on him. if he wouldn't pay me i wouldn't be taking him to work. is that wrong to tell the person that? he has no bills really lives with my aunt and uncle. should i ask for the money or should my husband ask? and really it's not my husband job to make sure he gets to work. what would you do? be like me and ask for it and don't get it then don't show up to pick him up. no call nothing. no money no ride! is this wrong to be like that?

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • eye exam and should i bring my old glasses?

    this is the first time in 11 years getting my eyes checked. the only reason I'm going is because I'm having a hard time seeing in a distance. My question is I went to one before but going to a different place to get it done because of my insurance i have. i can only go to one place in order for the insurance to pay for it. i got reading glasses 11 years ago and no longer need to wear them and haven't had to wear them for 10 or 9 years. so do I have to bring them along even though i don't wear them and will i get those eye drops in my eyes so they can see in my eyes? if i don't need to bring them should i tell them i had reading glasses before? all they asked me if i was every there before and what my insurnace was. Thanks for and help!

    10 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Girl Scout Cookies!!!?

    What is your favorite girl scout cookie or cookies?

    19 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • finger nail help?

    I need some help or tips what ever you want to call it. every time i grow my nails out they peel, chip,split, crack, and everything under the sun. I have tird all kinds of stuff and nothing really helps. if it does it's like for a week if that. so i'm at the point i don't want to grow them any more because of that and don't want fake nails either. I have had fake nails before since i was a finger nail bitter. does anyone know a good product or something that can help me? my hands are in water alot and i work with my hands.

    12 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • why do people??

    why does people like to get into others business? I mean there is some people that could care less, but you have those others that worry about someone elses say marriage, relationships, friends, job, what they do, what the buy, how they dress, there weight etc etc. they what to tell how you should do this and that. some people ain't even a friend or family but still have the need to stick their nose in lives that they shouldn't. why is people like this and what do they get out of it? but it still don't give family or friends that right. what do you think?

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Curves........?

    I wanted to know how many of you women on here, has went to curves or going there? and have you lost any weight and kept it off? what is the fee ? what if you was a member a long time ago is it the same or a different fee? Have you got out of it what you wanted out of it? even after you lost your weight if any do you still go? Is it worth the money? I just don't want to pay for something if it ain't worth it and works? Oh yeah hows' that class they have with eatting right and does that work? sorry for all the questions, but i know if i would go there they tell you what you want to hear. thats why im asking. thanks to anyone that can help!!

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago