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  • Did my cordless phone get damaged by being dropped in water??

    My cat knocked over my cordless phone over the edge of the tub, into the water last night. This morning my fiance used it to call me, saying that he took it apart and dried it, but there was static. Is it possible that it's still a tad bit wet and that it will eventually work alright?? It's fine if it's not, just wondering really. It's about a 5 year old Sony phone anyway and I'd like to get one with a display on it next time. In the meantime this is the most useful phone we have and don't want to buy another one quite yet. Thanks!!

    4 AnswersLand Phones1 decade ago
  • Upside down pregnancy test?

    When I took a pregnancy test, I accidently put it down upside down and turned it around a few seconds later, realizing what I had done. I think I may have pee'd on the while it was upside down aswell. Would this affect the result of the test?

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Does intercourse feel different for a woman if she is ovulating?

    I was on the pill for 6 years and I've been off the pill for over a month and a half. Currently my fiance and I are trying to conceive our first. I was getting cramps on my right side for a few days around the time I would of normally ovulated and when my fiance and I had intercourse it felt extremely different. Could this mean that I was ovulating?

    6 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • What's with the brown coloured period?

    I went off the pill over a month ago. I thought that I got my period, which started around the time I was suppose to start my period, but instead it was brownish coloured and lasted around 3 days. Is this my period trying to get back to normal or could I be pregnant?

    I'm going to get a pap test done on Thursday, but I just wanted to know what your take was on it.

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • IF it's when your period is about to start, are you suppose to have menstrual cramps followed by discharge?

    I went off the birth control pill about 1 month ago, and we're trying to have a baby, so chances are I could be pregnant. I know that it could take up to 3 months to have a normal period again, and before I went on the pill 6 years ago I had a regular period.

    Now if my normal period were to start, it should of started about 2 days ago and now it's day 3 and I started getting some menstrual cramps for about an hour followed by some clear/white discharge. The cramps have stopped.

    I just find it weird that I'm getting cramps around the time I would normally have my period, but I'm still not bleeding and wondering if it's a sign that I could be pregnant.

    I've had every pregnancy symptom one person could possibly have, but I'm not sure if it could be from getting off the pill even if it's been almost 5 weeks of being off it.

    I don't want to take a pregnancy test just yet, incase it's too early.

    So what do you think the menstrual cramps followed by clear/white discharge means?

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Which one is worse for you, sugar or salt?

    There's a girl at work, she eats junk food, like chips and double bubble gum all day long. I had a cup of soup at work one day and she mentionned that there's too much salt in cup of soups, but I have one like once in a blue moon. Unlike her she eats junk all day long and she criticizes about one thing having too much salt. What is worse one cup of soup once in a blue moon or junk all day long?? I just wanted to blurt out to her about her eating habits, but I'm not a cruel person.

    11 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Could I be pregnant after 1 week of going off the pill?

    I was on the pill for almost 6 years and decided to go off of it. I told my fiance that I wanted to wait a few months of being off the pill before I get pregnant. Unfortunetaly I haven't wanted sex at all when I was on the pill and after I went off I wanted it all the time. Well 4 days after my period ended, we had unprotected sex for 4 consecutive days, 3 times he went inside of me. We tried using a condom, but we hate them, because we haven't used them in 5 years. My fiance really wants to start a family and so do I. So I was wondering if my light headedness, slight cramp on my right side and a bit of morning sickness would mean that I might be pregnant, because it's only been a week since we've had sex. Or do you think I'm over preparing myself to think that I could be pregnant?? I started taking pre-natal vitamins just incase.

    16 AnswersTrying to Conceive2 decades ago
  • My kitten has ticks and I thought they were fleas, I killed them and I fear that I hurt her. Did I hurt her?

    How much damage did I do to my kitten by killing ticks, thinking they were fleas, leaving their mouth embedded in her skin? What are the chances that she's got an infection and what are the symptoms?

    11 AnswersCats2 decades ago
  • Hairloss due to stress!?

    Everytime something big and stressful happens in my life, I lose patches of hair on my head. I've also found patches on my arms and legs. When I graduated from high school, there was a small patch that appeared on my head and it grew back pretty quick. When I graduated from College, the same thing happened in a different place on my head and it also grew back quickly. Last year I bought a car, house and got a new job withing 5 months apart and had noticed a patch starting behind my ear. It's now been 1 year and the patch has gotten bigger and has not been growing back. I can't even put my hair in a ponytail for fear of someone noticing. I've been pretty down because of it. I have been stressing day to day about money and bills, which isn't a problem, but I keep worrying. I take a bath every evening to relax and find that I'm not as stressed as I used to be. So why isn't my hair growing back yet?? Is is because it's a bigger patch and it'll take longer to grow back?

    8 AnswersOther - Diseases2 decades ago
  • Has anyone ever fostered a child??

    My fiance and I are in the process of becoming a foster parent. I just wanted to know what it's like??

    6 AnswersParenting2 decades ago