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Lv 31,738 points

Chris' Sweety

Favorite Answers7%

I love spending time with my little boy and having fun..... I bake, cook, read, write, camp, fish, shoot guns, go to the mountains...i love it all. :-)

  • Question about flute fingerings for notes?

    Ok. So I am learning the flute (to the people who answers my ? yesterday thank you!!!!).

    I have noticed so far, when looking at finger charts for the flute, that some of the higher notes have the same fingerings as lower notes.

    How do you make the sounds for the notes for the higher notes?

    I can play ok now (after I learned how to make the sounds)....I just am confused with this.


    2 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • I need some help with my flute?

    I ordered a flute online and today I am starting to learn to play it. But I think I am doing something completely wrong, because when I blow across the mouthpiece, I don't get any sort of note, just "air" sounds....if you know what I mean?

    Is there something I am probably doing wrong? And this may sound like a dumb question (but I know absolutely nothing about flutes, really) but is the end of the flute (the "foot" end) supposed to be completely open, or is it supposed to be sort of closed (like a recorder is)

    6 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • The Nicholas Flamel Stories.....?

    I am wondering if anyone has read The Alchemyst, The Magician and the other books in the series and what you thought?

    I just got finished reading The Alchemyst a few days ago. I really enjoyed the book because the writer used a lot of actual mythological creatures/people as well as real historical people. It was also easy to read (I like those kinds of books lol).

    What did you think of the books?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Do you think this is child abuse?

    I don't do this to my child.....but I am worried about how my sister and her husband treat my niece?

    She is about 9 1/2 years old. She has a lot of mental problems (her mother - not my sister, my sister is her step mom - did drugs while she was pregnant with her) and so she really does forget a lot of things and I think she may have ADD.

    Anyways....they expect my niece, Celeste, to watch her 4 and 3 year old brothers until my sister (Gina) and her husband (Paul) get up. They will sleep until anywhere between 10am and noon. Sometimes the boys get up around 8...sometimes a little later. But she has to make the boys' breakfast (cereal usually) and change diapers of the 3 year old (Johnny). She has been changing diapers for over a year! Because Gina and Paul are too lazy to do it themselves a lot of the time.

    That part may not be child abuse but I know it's hard on Celeste. And if she doesn't keep an eye on the boys she gets yelled at. If the boys do something wrong and she tells Gina, Gina says she is tattling. But if the boys do something wrong and she DOESN'T tell Gina, Gina gets mad at her for not telling her.

    The reason I know all this is because I live with them.

    Anyways, to get to the question....

    Last week on Thursday evening Gina told Celeste to take a bath the next morning before she did anything. In the morning she forgot to do that. She got in trouble and Gina and Paul made her wear a diaper (she is 9 1/2 YEARS OLD!!!). She had to wear it all day until bedtime.

    Isn't that mental child abuse? I think it is. You can't put a 9 1/2 year old in a diaper to punish her. That's demeaning and cruel.

    They also yell at her for everything -- they never believe that Jayden or Johnny would do anything. Celeste has to clean up the kids' room all by herself every day. If my son Jerry (who is not 3 yet) can pick up his toys, then surely my nephews can help pick up that room but they don't have to do anything.

    This is really sad to me because Celeste does not have much of a childhood because of everything she has to do.

    Do you think it's child abuse? Why? Why not?

    13 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Your favorite Bible verse? And why?

    I think the question itself is pretty self-explanatory :)

    And I know it's easy to have a lot of favorite verses (I myself find a lot of them very helpful).

    But if you could pick your absolute favorite verse in the Bible? Which would it be, and why?


    Psalm 4:8 (KJV - the ONLY version I read! [: )

    I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety.

    --This is because I know that He is always watching over me.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Who has also done this?

    I live with my sister and her hubby and their three kids and my dad at my dad's house. I also have my almost 3 year old son with me.

    Anyways, I know that my son can get rowdy and he gets in trouble. But I also help my sister discipline her kids because they don't listen to her.

    Anyone else have that same problem? I wish I didn't have to help discipline just because I know it should be the parents' job.

    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • When do you start getting excited....?

    ...For the holidays? While the Christmas season is always so hectic and crazy and sometimes downright terrible (such busy stores, crazy traffic, etc)'s so much fun too!

    I know that it's only a couple more months and we will start seeing Christmas merchandise come into stores.....I love it!

    6 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • What was the hardest thing you've had to to go through?

    ....In a relationship?

    Of course, you need not worry about details or anything...not trying to be snoopy. :)

    For me, it was when I separated from my husband and decided to divorce. While I knew it was a good thing for me to get out of the relationship, I also saw that for a long time I am going to have to raise my son on my own.

    Anyways, your stories? How did you handle it and how did you get through?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Does anyone relate to this story? lol?

    Does anyone relate to the (I'm pretty sure fictional) story about a Sunday school teacher telling her young students about the ten commandments and then she asks them if there is a commandment that teaches us how to treat our brother and sisters. One boy, who was the oldest of a family with 4 or 5 kids, said "Thou shalt not kill".

    That makes me smile lol. It's cute.

    I am watching my sisters three kids along with my son right now and that story came to mind cause they are balls of energy lol.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I don't want to be so bitter!!!?

    Hey everyone.....I am asking this to Christians and non-Christians alike because everyone deals with bitterness, not just Christians.

    (Kind of a long post, but the questions are at the bottom but please read....I need advice!!!)

    I have been bitter BIG TIME for the last year. There were a lot of things that happened last year from about May until now that have just tore me completely apart.

    And I don't want to be like this! I hate being bitter....I want to be just a happy person. I was that for about 4 months this year but I was still bitter with past things and things that were and are going on.

    It's a list of things including:

    People who wronged me and my husband at the time last year

    My miscarriage last year in September (even though I know God took my baby for a good reason...I am still bitter because I know there are people out there who treat their children horridly but I wanted my baby and it was taken)

    My separation and divorce I'm going through with my ex husband. It's not a marriage I would like to go back to. I would like to see him change so that he could be a better father for our son....but the way he's been treating me through the divorce so far, it's not been good.

    My ex boyfriend's roommates that treated me badly while he was gone for military job training from May to June this year.

    My breakup with my ex boyfriend. I know definitely that it's for a good reason that we are broken up. I cannot deny that God had a hand in us ending the relationship and I am glad that I now have time to devote to renewing my relationship with the Lord. It just still hurts....and I know it may take me a while to get over it, but I know God will get me through.

    Having to live at my dad's. I love my dad and I love my sister, her husband and their three kids that also live here. They are my family and I know they are happy to help me and my son Jerry (he is going to be three in October). It's just so cramped here and so dirty and messy and loud. Don't get me wrong...I am extremely grateful that my son and I have a place to sleep and live. That's the important part.

    Like I said --- I don't want to be so bitter! But ever since October when my husband and I separated (I know I called him my ex husband but technically I am still married) I have tried to do everything on my own, without God. And I know being away from Him has made me this way ..... I should never have thought I could do it without Him.

    But I don't like being this way and I don't want to be like this anymore. I want to be able to have peace and not feel this way about any of those things I listed above (I think there are a couple other things that happened but right now I cannot recall them).

    I know I shouldn't dwell on these things all the time and I don't always. Especially the friends thing that happened last year in May/June. I still have a hard time with it once in a while, but it's probably one of the ones that I had the easiest time getting over.

    I have now made the decision to start going back to church and getting back with God. I've needed it for so long.

    I get so angry so easily and I get so hurt so easily....and it's been like this especially since October last year ---- of course, when I cut God out of my life.

    Anyways, sorry it was so long, but now my questions:

    For the Christians:

    What are some verses that have helped you if you've had my kinds of problems? Have you ever had the same kind of situation where you had something happen to you, forgave and been forgiven but you still have a hard time because satan is right there whispering in your ear his sick twisted words and ideas?

    For the non-Christians:

    I also want your answers as to how you deal with bitterness?

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians I need your advice? Especially if you've maybe been in this type of situation before?

    First of all, I grew up going to Christian churches (Baptist, Pentecostal and Non-Denominational) and I was saved at the age of 10. Since then, my life has been an up and down roller coaster of being close to God and then falling away then coming back again, and back and forth and back and forth.

    Last year, I separated from my husband and we decided to get a divorce (we had been going to a Baptist church for a long time). Things happened that I couldn't live with anymore (there wasn't any physical abuse included).

    Anyways, since I separated from my husband (we are still going through the divorce), I've completely changed. And I'm not sure if I like it?

    I've "been with" 5 different guys since the separation. I know it's wrong. Please hear me out.

    On and off since the separation 9 months ago, I've thought about going back to church but then I end up not doing it because I am enjoying how I am living...or am I?

    I have a boyfriend who I have been seeing since the end of February. I love him...or at least I think I do now. Last week we had a falling out but we ended up back together.

    Anyways, I've been thinking about church and God in the last week or so.....alot.....and I don't know what to do?

    I was living at my boyfriend's house - not anymore - but we are still together of course. Now that I am not living at his house, I can have my space to think about things.

    Obviously, I am far away from God. I know He is there and I know He is waiting for me to come back, but I keep knowingly slapping Him in the face.

    I feel terrible - but I am wanting to stay with my boyfriend (who is not religious at all whatsoever).

    I want to go to church and do right, and at the same time I want to stay with my boyfriend in hopes that he would understand why I want to go back to church.

    I haven't talked to Chris (the boyfriend) about this I am not sure how he would react because I know he doesn't "do" religion.

    What are your thoughts? Comments?

    I know I should pray about it....I haven't REALLY prayed in a long time.

    Besides praying (because I know I need to do that), what would you suggest?

    Have any of you been in a similar situation? Even if you weren't going through a divorce....maybe you were apart from God and had a relationship that was not good for you spiritually and you wanted to go back to church but you didn't want to leave the relationship?

    I know this relationship could be very unhealthy for me spiritually, ESPECIALLY if I start going back to church and doing right.

    I just don't know what to do? The past couple days this has been eating me up.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does anyone remember this TV show?

    I'm 25 and I used to watch this when I was very young (like 5, 6 and 7 years old).

    It had people dressed up like different animals. One lady was a rooster. And I think one was dressed up like a lion. And I don't remember the others.

    But they sang songs and things like that.

    Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

    6 AnswersOther - Television1 decade ago
  • question about child support and contacting the kids?

    My ex and I have been separated (going through a divorce still) since last year in October.

    Our son is now 2 1/2 years old.

    For one, he got away with paying me only 2 1/2 months worth of back child support instead of 5 months because he intimidated me into settling at that amount. And those 2 1/2 months I haven't even received yet...I'm still waiting for it.

    Also, the only actual type of "support" I've received from him was back in February and it was a box of diapers and a box of wipes.

    Now he says that he will not send me any money for our son Jerry because he's "not made of money" and that I should "sell some of the crap" that he left me to get money for our son. (the parts in quotes he actually said to me).

    He is not in Utah anymore - he has moved to South Dakota. So I know he's not going to be in contact with Jerry much anyways.

    But just off the top of your heads, anyone, do you know if I can keep him away from Jerry in all ways (seeing him, talking on the phone, etc) if he does not send me any child support?

    I know I should ask a legal aide place but I have no money for an attorney and they all require you pay to even just talk to them.


    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • my 2 year old son just cut his finger....?

    On an open vegetable can. The cut isn't deep or anything but I was wondering...would he need a tetanus shot? Like I said, not a deep cut but would it still be needed?

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Do you let your kids believe in Santa?

    I grew up believing in Santa, the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny.

    But as we became parents for the first time, my husband and I decided that we wouldn't have our children believe in those characters. We feel like we would be lying to our children. A "little white lie" is the same as a regular lie.

    I know there are those who believe differently than me and I can respect that. So no being mean please. :-(

    Just want to see what others have to say :-)

    15 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • what should i teach my son who is 20 months old?

    My son is 20 months old in about a week and I am wanting to start teaching him some basics.

    I have printed flashcards of colors and numbers 1 through 10.

    What else should I teach him besides words for things?

    I play Bible story music for kids for him, which I call "Jesus music" (which he dances very cutely to) and I also put in Bible story movies for him. I have Bible story books and such as well that I plan on starting to read to him.

    What else would other parents suggest that I start to teach him?

    I know I shouldn't put too much on him at once, of course.

    I just want to know some other simple basic things that I can teach him.



    10 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago
  • How do you back up your operating system to restore your computer?

    Formatting your hard drive? How to back up an operating system from laptop and download to my desktop computer?

    6 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • help with piano technique!!?


    I've learned to play the keyboard/piano by myself for the past few months and I've done pretty well and I can play easily with songs that are a little easier.

    I would like to learn some harder songs, but I need to get some help with finger technique - as in, moving my hands up and down the keyboard to the right notes - because I'm not very good with that right now.

    Does anyone know of any websites that help or have lessons on this sort of thing?



    2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • canon of the bells sheet music?

    I have been looking all over for piano sheet music for the Christmas "Canon of the Bells". I sang that with my sophmore/junior choir class and I'd like to learn it on the piano.

    Does anyone have it to trade by chance over email? I have a lot of Christian, Country, Classical, Pop/Rock, miscellaneous, Disney, Phantom of the Opera and more sheet music that I'd be willing to trade if I could get this one Canon of the Bells

    If you have it and you could trade me please email me at:

    thank you soooo much!


    3 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Sewing directions for a keyboard dust cover?

    I have a 76 key keyboard that I would like to sew a dust cover for.

    Does anyone know of any websites that show how to make a dust cover for keyboards?


    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago