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  • Can I use a parking garage for speed bumps that damage my vehicle?!?

    I been having to park at a park N ride garage and every morning I have to get to the 5th level (as all the lower ones completely full from early commuters) the problem is the speed bumps are obnoxiously high, I literally crawl over them but its still harsh on my car which isn't an SUV. Now a week later my car suddenly has a broken radiator or leaking causing my car to stop working. Funny co-incidence but I think its been the constant shock/drops of these SUV high speed bumps. WTF?!!

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • Is the 'Superdry™' brand of clothing just for movie stars?

    Because who the hell can afford a $1000+ jacket or sweater thats over $200. Seriously, in this economy????!

    8 AnswersFashion & Accessories10 years ago
  • Who in the hell is Lamar Odom ?

    And why do I care if he had an accident (ITS TRENDING NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) RAARR

    8 AnswersBasketball10 years ago
  • Guy with a noisey Corvette?

    So every moring around 7:15am, some guy with an 03 ugly brown Corvette drives by our apartment building, he turns right from this side street onto a main city road and as he does so, he needlessly (and very noisily) over accelerates the engine to the point his wheels are *ALMOST* spinning and hyper accelerates onto this 35mph road. There is a bus stop right next to this and he's obviously showing off how 'badass' he his (In this unremarkable old Vette?) its sure to wake everyone up who isn't already up for work, also poses a danger should he lose control he would most likely careen into the bus stop thats busy with morning commuters. Its completely unnecessary to do this, no one else does except the 16 year old punks with the vacuum cleaner sounding honda's..I dont get he feels the need to make such a racket so early in the morning. There are surely sound code violations as well as dangerous driving issues that need to be resolved.

    What should I do about this? I was thinking of making a video with this event happening and sending it to the local police?

    1 AnswerChevrolet1 decade ago
  • Why are women like this?

    The most superficial beings on earth?? I generally avoid ALL eye contact with women when walking down the street, on a bus or pretty much anywhere I dont have to directly interact with them.

    But just now I was coming back from the gym and going thru a door a woman was coming the opposite way so I gave way to let her pass, accidentally my eyes went to hers but caught her looking down (deliberatly) not making eye contact with me bcus-IM NOT HANDSOME. OK I GET IT. But these little body language cues are pissing me off, same thing if ever I try to walk with my head up..women will deliberately look away, pretend they dont see me ect ect its not just random its all the time so yea, I learned my lesson and walk with my head down to save them the trouble of not having to 'turn away' and diss me. But why are they like this..just because Im not the dude on Jersey Shore doesn't mean Im the freekin elephant man..but apparently so huh?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Girls does it REALLY matter how a guy dresses?

    I see plenty of evidence to suggest NOT. Its a fallacy, a myth. A hot guy is a hot guy. It doesn't matter if they wear a rice sack you would still gawk at them. On the other hand, no matter how nicely/trendy a chubby or ugly guy dresses, he might as well be wearing a huge sign that says IGNOR ME.

    I dress nice and girls either give me the attitude like they dont want me to even GLANCE at them, turn their backs, cross the street to avoid walkin past me even. Life sucks.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is there anything "off the shelf" I can take to improve my mood as I always seem to be down or feeling low?

    and I get really annoyed quickly, easily pissed off..I dont like feeling this way its not 'me' and wanna know if there's anything like a natural herbal medicine I can get without a prescription to give me a positive mood?

    No Im not talking 'drugs' and I dont smoke. I just need to feel normal again

    3 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Have you ever gone to a movie premiere at Grauman's Chinese Theater?

    How early would you have to get there to be able to get a good view of the stars as they arrive? Like right at the front!

    (Im assuming they have a roped off section for the public to stand/view arrivals??)

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Whats life worth anymore?

    my depth of depression over not being able to get a job is really pushing me down. I cant imagine what to do when my unempkloyment runs out and even if I can find a crappy job how long I can do it for. I dont know why I cant get a job again in my field of expertese but its like, what am I if I cant do my job? what use am I gonna be to anyone or myself? After a year of this I cant imagine the rest of my life in a low paid job not using my skills in any way, its like a living hell to me. I sometimes wish I can just "switch off" my mind and be a robot so I dont have to FEEL the sadness..

    3 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Why do all the mexicans in SoCal drive big a$$ trucks?

    Purely an observation, but where I live they have to slow down for a speed bump on a residental surface street right outside my window, so I get to see the demographic of who drives what. Overwhelmingly its mexicans who drive big V8 or V12 trucks needlessly fast, I can hear the big engines gurgle as they floor it off the speed bump..WHY is this? Some kind of road superiority complex? They gotta have the biggest powerful trucks on the road to squash you with? Also they gotta have big *** shiny $4,000 mag chrome wheels, even if the truck itself is old and worth less than $1200. Just an observation I KEEP making day in & day out..whats the PSYCHOLOGY behind this? With gas prices going ever higher..don't these people have ANY sense?

    11 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • HELP! My unemployment benefit is about to run out:((?

    Trouble is I can't get a job in my 'industry' after almost a year, and my skills don't transfer into any other field (I cant apply them to a normal office job, or a store job ect ect) what am I gonna do work at Walmart? This is really F-ing depressing..going from making almost 70k a year to minimum wage (IF Im lucky) what would YOU do??

    4 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • Is there some kinda of ElectroMagnetic device I can buy?

    -that I can use to disrupt the electrical systems of a car that passes by whose music is boom boxin so loud it makes my windows vibrate? I really want to have some kinda defensive capability for douche bags like that.

    2 AnswersCar Audio1 decade ago
  • ScionXB drivers..why?

    So Im on my way home from the hospital last night in my 350Z and some XB is next to me, with (oooh) special xenon headlights and a fart can exhaust? At every light he's 'super accelerates' (And I use the term loosely as it wasn't that fast) to try and prove a point like he's so much better than me? So the speed limit is 35 and he's doing Im guessing 60-70..I just wanna know why someone who drives a 4 banger XB thinks they could take a 287 HP Z. The reason I didn't blow him away was because I didn't wanna drive like an a** in a 35 mph zone. Im sure he went home thinking he's 'the man'...but for like minded XB drivers..WHY would you act like this on the roads? 70 in a 35 is not acceptable is it? If I see this again Im gonna get his plate and report him.

    6 AnswersScion1 decade ago
  • Why is it Mexicans don't give a rats *Bleep* about gas mileage?

    Here in North Hollywood, I can see the cars that pass my window as they go over the speed bumps, I see SO many mexicans driving big jacked up trucks/SUVs with obviouse enhancements (the way the engine 'gurgles' you can tell they have some engine work done) with $3,000 worth of chrome wheels and they lead foot the gas pedal goin thru here..whats up with that? Is it some kind of mexican cultural thing to 'front' what you got with your vehicle? Dont they care about gas mileage or something? I dont get it, and it pisses me off.

    6 AnswersSociology1 decade ago
  • I've been blocked from a website how can I get back into it?

    A publicly accessible site where one can leave comments (requires no login) has blocked me from leaving further messages, maybe by my IP?

    What methods can I use to get around this and be able to leave comments again?

    I dont think Im able to change my IP locally as Im on a shared connection.

    2 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Am I depressed? Symptoms..?

    My mood can change so quickly, if my wife says something or does something I can feel my head 'pulsing' like its gonna explode for little stupid things, I hate it:-S I often get 'waves' of sadness too, got no self confidence. Cant make new friends easily even though I present a very friendly outward approach I dont have the mental energy to keep up with them. I find it very hard to feel happiness in anything & feel that Im 'less than' most other people i.e. uglier, stupid, not as smart.

    I have trouble concentrating and taking in/remembering information and this only re-enforces my feeling of self worthlessness. I want to work out but just dont have the motivation to do it.

    When I look in the mirror what I see is 'different' than what I see in my own pictures or this normal?

    I lost my job 8 months ago and cant find another, ran out of unemployment and feel like my life is really nothing? No I dont want to kill myself but at the same time feel like Im nothing here. Phew lots of symptoms..

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • HELP! How can I remove the 'WinWeb' security virus on my Pc!?

    This thing is EVIL. I tried doing a scan with Avira AntiVir but it did nothing. Whenever I try and do a search on Yahoo or Google, the virus intercepts the results and won't let me find any information on how to remove it. I tried installing MalwareBytes Anti-Malware but it wont let the application install so its useless..

    4 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Is this a 'non story'?

    Come on, a 'step by step' account?! I thought this was gonna be some really intense murder mystery, I read it to find out that some tool shot himself in the tell me why we should care about this rich idiot with a gun? (Question)

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • What choice of car says about you?

    From this article posted today:

    Complete * utter B*S!!

    When people have money, they go for POWER & LOOKS-WITHOUT FAIL. The more money you have, the more powerful your car its a 100% certainty. And by god, those people like to rub it in your face at every chance they get. I saw a Ferrari F40 on the street the other night and that dude made sure we KNEW what he had. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely.

    So my question is, who else thinks this news article is complete junk? (Question)

    4 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Is this article completely out of touch with reality>?

    Seriously, women don't need any help attractive men I guess it should be..attracting the "right" man. Personally whenever I see an attractive female out and about, I deliberately WONT give her "look-props" I would turn my head as far away as possible so she knows I havnt even glanced at her, it drives em crazy LOL so my question this article completely out touch? (question)

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago