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  • What is high frequency electricity?

    Is it the same thing as electricity with a high frequency of pulsations?

    3 AnswersEngineering9 years ago
  • How do I make my own iron core for a transformer?

    I read that I must paint the iron frame with enamel and then plastic. Is this necessary, and if so, is there perhaps specific required types of "paint"? How many coats of each? Thanks.

    2 AnswersEngineering9 years ago
  • What percentage of scientists actually agree that pollution is causing global warming?

    Don't just pull the number out of the air; to get a best answer you must cite your source! Thanks~

    14 AnswersGlobal Warming9 years ago
  • Marx generator vs. Van de Graff generator: pros and cons?

    My power requirements are 50kV per 50W (.001A). This power supply should to be able to run on free energy through rechargeable batteries (hand cranking is fine for now). The electricity will need to be pulsed at various frequencies, and has to be direct current. What are the cost, feasibility of construction, reliability, noise, etc. differences between these two generators? If you know a better way to produce low-current superhigh-voltage variably-pulsed electricity, I would be more than happy to know what it is! Thanks for your time.

    1 AnswerEngineering9 years ago
  • Tesla coil or Van de Graaff generator for low current ultrahigh voltage?

    Which one is best? By best I mean (listed in order of importance) size (smaller=better), ease of construction, and price. Ease of construction and price are almost equal concerns.

    My power requirements are .02 amps per million volts, so already it seems to me like a Van de Graaff would be more suitable due to its low current output. It also must be direct current, and I must be able to pulsate it at various frequencies.

    1 AnswerEngineering9 years ago
  • Help me understand the functions of a resistor?

    I know that Amps = Volts / Ohms. As Ohms increases (more resisters/higher resistance), the amps (amount of electrons) in the charge become increasingly smaller, which makes sense because they say it acts as a resistance to electric current. However, I don't quite understand what happens to the watts and the volts.

    Since Volts = Watts / Amps, dividing by a smaller number yields a larger quotient. In fact, just from looking at Volts = Amps * Ohms you can infer that the more resistance you have, the higher the voltage.

    But I don't know for sure; I've been getting seemingly contradictory explanations from people. And all the sources I've read only say that the current is lowered. But unless the wattage is also lowered, the voltage should increase. Lastly, please don't forget to cite you source!!! It's very important because it's for a university essay.

    2 AnswersPhysics9 years ago
  • What is the best way to imagine voltage?

    Please cite your source~!! I have heard many explanations multiple times and I still cannot wrap my head around the difference between a higher and a lower voltage. There has gotta be a completely understandable explanation!

    2 AnswersPhysics9 years ago
  • Is it necessary in building my HVPS to have high capacitance capacitors?

    The (quite) high voltage DC power supply will be very low current and will be charged by rechargeable batteries. Is there any reason why hooking up a minimum of 33 of these ( ) in a series would not work smoothly? They are only 150pF, and I was told that for a low current high voltage system, I would need one with high capacitance instead.

    Also, how will I make sure this is only .001 amps (50 watts) per 50kV?

    Is it true that with the right resistors hooked up in a series, you will get a raised voltage and a lowered current?

    Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt myself, and this is for a both a university and important personal project. I really appreciate your input!

    4 AnswersEngineering9 years ago
  • Which capacitor should I buy for this HV power supply?

    I am using a capacitor, diode, and resistor circuit for a low power, ultrahigh voltage (>1 megavolt) power supply multiplier. I found apparently very good prices for HV capacitors on eBay: However, I'm not really sure which to buy. There are different Farad ratings, which I know have to do with capacitance. Does it really matter how high this is? What do you recommend?

    My power requirement is 50 watts per 50kV, which is .001 amps. I understand that this will not become dangerous until it reaches 1 million volts. Am I correct in thinking that in order to make this power supply safe, I need to create a highly conductive enclosure around it, then enclose that in a good insulator?

    I have for a long time been wanting and needing to create ultrahigh voltages for quite useful applications. We're well into the year 2012, so I think it's fair to say there are concrete rules to create such useful electricity without burning my bones or stopping my heart. I should be able to obtain some know-how for this without any runaround (which I have gotten so far to a certain yet still appreciably dispiriting degree).

    It would also be greatly helpful if you include other design considerations, such as the best setup of electric components (circuit topography), and again, the best method of shielding any arcing. Lastly, what's the best way to then pulse the electricity at various frequencies? Btw, isn't high frequency current much safer than low-frequency electricity?

    Many thanks for your time~!!

    3 AnswersEngineering9 years ago
  • What's the best way to produce at least 700,000 volts?

    I'm a university student and this is for a project that is due in 1 week, but is mostly for a personal goal of sincere interest. I have been working on research and experiments for some time now but got nothing to work; I'm completely new to this. I'm not a kid and mostly understand the dangers of extremely high voltages, though SPECIFIC precautionary advice would be very helpful, in case I missed something.

    I understand that this is just "basic electronics" (though my source for that info may be wrong); I am only in intro level engineering. Please don't advise that I scale way down first, for I am not easily discouraged!! I will scale down only if I can use the same parts easily for my full-size power supply without starting from scratch all over again.

    I'm seriously considering a Tesla coil over a regular transformer because of its very high voltage specifications, most likely a solid-state one (if it's by any chance doable in 1 week). Common sense tells me there is a quite practical way to be completely sure of how to safely and successfully build this; Tesla coils were conceived of 123 years ago!!

    I'd appreciate being directed to specific informative site(s) that will walk me through creating a portable device producing at least .7 megavolt of DC electricity, step-by-step, without having to understand very complex equations. Otherwise, if you know, what materials will I need and how do I construct this device? By portable I mean nothing longer than 6 feet, and smaller if at all possible.

    The electric current requirements are 50 watts (.001 amps) per 50,000 volts. Let me restate that this must be direct current. Of course I also need a potentiometer to vary the voltage, so practical construction info or sites with good prices of these rheostats/resistors (if it's best to just buy one) would also be greatly appreciated.

    4 AnswersEngineering9 years ago
  • What gauge(s) wire do I need for this HV power supply?

    The input voltage (for the primary coil) will be <1,000V. My intended output is ≥50,000V. The wattage needs to be 50 (therefore .001 amps). If possible (though not completely necessary) I want it to work with more than just a load that requires 50 watts. (Ideally I want to be able to connect a 100s-watt lightbulb to this HV power supply, for example.)

    Here are the toroid cores I'm using:

    I found out that if I use a 26ga wire, I can do 150 wraps for the secondary coil. I'm pretty sure though that, at least for the 2ndary coil I need ≤18ga wire.

    So I need to know what gauge I should use for both coils. I will most likely be hooking up many of these toroid core transformers to each other. Will all of these require the same gauge wire, or will I need a higher gauge wire for, say, the 2nd toroid core, which will be hooked up to the 1st toroid core's 2ndary coil?

    Thank you very much for your assistance; this is not only for a university project, but I have been wanting to create affordable high voltages for various applications for a long time now! :)

    2 AnswersEngineering9 years ago
  • Where can I purchase a high voltage power supply?

    I live in Tacoma, WA, and need one that will produce at least a million volts. The lower the price the better. Thanks!

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics9 years ago
  • Please fix my Canon MP980 printer problem?

    I'm running Mac OS X 'Snow Leopard' and lately whenever I want to cancel printing, I have no way to but to press the Stop button on the printer, which doesn't even work because it still ends up printing it anyway once the printer is resumed. Plus, on my computer I no longer have the printer icon pop up when I print, so there's no way to delete the print jobs. This sucks, please help me! Thanks.

    1 AnswerPrinters10 years ago
  • Please help with Dreamweaver webpage style problem?

    The header on my webpage I'm designing in Dreamweaver CS5 has a green background, instead of being dark gray (by default), which is what I want so that when I set a background image, it shows through on the whole page, not just the sides. Having the same issue with the footer, which is tan instead of "clear." A solution would be greatly appreciated!!!

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design10 years ago
  • How do you convert a song into Just Intonation?

    I'm using a Mac and I downloaded application called "scala"...can I use this do change sound into just intonation, and if so, how do I use it? Thanks!!!

    2 AnswersOther - Entertainment10 years ago
  • What are some interesting/controversial topics related to humanitarian aid?

    I have to pick a subtopic of humanitarian aid in my English class and then write essays about it. I'm not sure what to do. Can you help me?

    The English course I'm taking is an argument/persuasion one, so topics in which there are opposing sides are what I'm looking for.

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago