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  • Small amount of white smoke just started coming from under hood, help?

    2005 Chrysler Town & Country, today at lunch went to run errands and when I stopped at light I noticed small amount of white smoke and thought it was exhaust from car in front. Then at next light it was there again but no car. Went to gas station and checked oil and water/coolant and oil was ok but added a quart to top off and coolant/water was low so added water because no coolant at store. Only see it when I stop(no smell when I checked) and very little. Is it possible I just need to add coolant before I go home(15 mile) and will be ok-have appt w/auto shop this weekend.

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • when will diana gabaldons next book come out?

    the outlander series

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • If we signed all the papers and transferred down payment money for a close date and we don't close on that dat

    We were supposed to close on 062608, signed the papers 062408 and transfered our downpayment money on 062508. All paperwork shows close date of 062608, including us paying proraited amounts towards end of month from the 062608 date. We did not close or get keys that date so do the refund or credit the amount paid for the day(or more) that we did not have possession of the property? We had to cancel moving trucks, delivery of appliances because we are not sure we will get property before weekend. And if it takes into July to finish does that change our first payment from August to September even though everything on the paperwork shows close date of 062608? Just a little fustrated so any advice would be great.

    1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • FHA loan and 90 day rule?

    We are approved for a FHA loan, and found a house that is a really good deal. Problem is it is corprate? owned and are stating the FHA 90 day rule. Is corprate owned the same as bank owned(it states US Bank on assessors site), and if so does the 90 day rule count on foreclosed homes owned by banks since they are not flipping the property? The will do no improvements and are asking alot less than the comps in the area. I am a bit confused and would appreciate any input.

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • What are interviewers looking for when they ask name three characteristics?

    I have been asked before and have given honest replies but it never seems to earn points on their score sheets. Are honest, responsible and detirmined bad answers? What should I be saying?

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Do burnt out light bulbs still draw electricity?

    Say you have a ceiling fan with multiple lights, and one or more burn out. Does it still draw electricity? Does it matter if the bulb is removed or not?

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Ernest money? If seller gives a counter offer you don't accept do you get your money back?

    We put an offer in on a house and gave $3,000.00 in ernest money, the seller counter offered and we do not agree. The counter if far fetched and not worth the time to hagle. We would like to keep looking but need advise on getting my money back. Since ernest money is for an agreement to purchase the home and we have not aggreed. Also, should the ernest money be deposited into an escrow account before an agreement is reached?

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Should I stay or should I go?

    I have been working for a company for over a year now and recently(3-4 months ago) started feeling like some of my co-workers(some equal some above me, but not my boss) have been trying to get me to either quit or get fired. I have fallen behind on filing(not that urgent compared to my other duties) but other than that it has been issues with clients paying their invoices which is not my fault if they dispute the charges( I just invoice what I am instructed to). I was off for vacation last week and when I got back it started again, These co workers could not find something on my desk and so called my boss, then emailed her boss and kept going up so today she was forced to send someone down to help me out, and she was ready to leave in an hour because it really was not bad, but she had to stay because "they" were watching. I went to lunch with her and she told me that my boss and her both got the feeling that they wanted me gone. I don't get it. So, should I tough it out or give up???

    6 AnswersCareers & Employment1 decade ago
  • What to expect when served with 29 counts of unemployment fraud?

    I have a friend(really) who has recently been told that she has 29 counts of felony fraud against her. She has called the court and public defenders to see what she needs to do but no one will give her any information. What should she do, expect? Will the court just set up a payment sched for her to repay?jail? This was an unfortunate mistake 3 years ago and has just now been brought to her attention, any help would be greatly appreciated.

    11 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Do you think public libraries should filter adults from porn sites?

    There is an issue in my town where adult computers,in open library spaces, are aloud to view porn. They are now talking of putting adult only computers in a private room to protect their rights and so children can not walk by and see the sick stuff our tax dollars are paying for. Do you think that it is okay to make a public library into a porn shop? ANd do you think the library is an appropriate place to view porn? Also do you really want people who think it is okay to look at porn sites in public places need to be around children? I don't know it just seems wrong to me.

    10 AnswersOther - Society & Culture2 decades ago
  • Does anyone know the old wives tale about a baby being born with "the calling"?

    I think thats what its called, when the baby comes out still in the water sak. My daughter came out in the water sak that was still whole. I was told that there was an old wives tale about it but I just never heard of it. Can someone help me?

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby2 decades ago