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Lv 57,745 points


Favorite Answers31%
  • Apple Tree Polination?

    I live in New England---Zone 5. I planted 2 five gallon apple trees last year: Granny Smith & McIntosh.

    I planted 2 because I learned that in order for the blossoms to be pollinated, there must be more than one variety.

    Apparently these two varieties blossom at different times, since the Granny Smith is in full blossom and there are no signs of blossoming from the McIntosh yet.

    I have two questions and would appreciate any input:

    1> Is there a third variety I can plant that will blossom mid-way though the two varieties I have mentioned, so that they can both be pollinated by the third tree?

    2> In the meantime, is there a way that I can pollinate the Granny Smith blossoms? I understand that a crab-apple tree is the universal apple tree pollinator. If I can obtain a blossoming branch and stick it in the ground, will that do the trick for this year?

    I would appreciate it greatly if anyone can help me have a crop of apples this fall!

    Thank you

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Garden Snakes! Please help me eradicate from Garden!?

    Please, please, please share any information on how to rid my flower garden of snakes! I haven't been able to stomach working in my garden for 3 weeks, after having seen one! Is there a poison I can sprinkle and/or spray? I just saw one, sent my husband out to deal with it. He explained "it is just a little garden snake--it won't hurt you, and let it slither away. That may be true, but my whole body is shaking and I feel sick to my stomach just THINKing about snakes out there! I can deal with a lot of things----but NOT snakes! I tried looking at a lot of web sites, but they ALL have photos! I can't even deal with looking at a photo!

    Please, Please, Please share any tips for a solution to riding my garden of these garden pests that totally disgust me!

    6 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Problem with "back" arrow on "My Yahoo" page?

    I have used "My Yahoo" for nearly 10 years now, well over two dozen RSS categories. Until recently <past month or two> I have been able to read various articles, then hit the "back" arrow which always returned me to the section of MY Yahoo I had been using, prior to clicking on an article choice.

    Unfortunately, now it returns me to the top of the My Yahoo page, and I must scroll down in order to pick up where I left off.

    Does anyone have some advice on what I can do to return to my accustomed way of utilizing My Yahoo?

    1 AnswerMy Yahoo1 decade ago
  • When do Tango Lilies bloom in Zone 5?

    I find that my perennial garden is a little flat during the month of June---after the Iris and Peonies are done, before the annuals take off and Day-lilies come into bloom. I am told that Asiatic Lilies should fill the void during that time. I have fallen in love with a Tango Lily <which I understand is a Hybrid Asiatic>. It's name is All the catalogs merely say that it will bloom "June-September". That's a pretty big range! Anyone know when I should expect bloom in Massachusetts, Zone 5? Thank you!

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • I am baffled and willing to fritter away 5 points to request opinions:?

    Why would someone post the question "is your race indicated within social security number" and----in spite of 16 people saying "no"---award "Best Answer" to someone who answers "ummm, I think so"

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Help! I spilled some liquid Tide on a suede skirt.?

    The skirt is chocolate brown suede and the Tide dribble is right down the front. Can someone suggest how to remove it, please? I am desperate for any viable solution, for the skirt is ruined if I am unable to get it out. Thanks!

    1 AnswerCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Container Gardening?

    I am an empty-nester, living in a city apartment in zone 5. I really miss my mixed borders and have started container gardening out on my terrace. Annuals just don't do it for me, and I have had success with containers of daylilies, hosta, astilbe, lilac and PJM Rhododendrons. Can anyone recommend some good books or web sites on growing perennials in containers? Thank you!

    8 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Help Please, with title and/or artist?

    While station surfing during a long distance drive, I tuned into an Oldies station that was playing a song I liked. My husband thinks its very cheesy, but it struck a chord with me!

    It is about a kid who has never been a good athlete, but one night is put into the game by the coach and does amazingly well. At the end of the song, we learn that his father had just passed away, and that he had been playing his heart out in the game for his dad.

    Anyone know the title, please?

    I will definately award the 10 points promptly to the person who can provide me with the information!

    Thank you! :))

    3 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Why do people post answers that they admit are guesses?

    I think the reason people post questions here is because they wish to gather an assortment of opinions based upon personal experience. Or they are having difficulty finding a particular bit of information on the web <or are too lazy to Google it>

    I find it unhelpful in the extreme to read answers that are prefaced with "This is just a guess...." or "It might be...." etc

    So what prompts people to answer questions about which they have no knowledge?

    10 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Is there a problem with Yahoo Games this morning?

    I have tried logging into several yahoo games this morning....Mah Jong Solitaire and Bridge among them. Even with a re-boot, I continually get an "Error logging into Server" message.

    Hope it is a Yahoo problem? Does anyone know?

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerInternet1 decade ago
  • Yahoo Messenger Problem: Can't decline invitation to friends list. When I try, messenger crashes?

    When I logged in this morning, there was an invitation to friends list. It was addressed to a name that I had deleted at least 5 years ago! It is from a name that is unknown to me. I have repeatedly tried declining invitation. Each time I do, my messenger logs itself out, then back on again. The invitation pops up each time I log back in! I have even tried accepting, with the same result. Rebooted my computer a few times, and can't get rid of it! Can someone help, please?

    1 AnswerNotices and Errors2 decades ago
  • I received an instant message from ychat_mod_mtm at Yahoo! Abuse Department. Is this legitimate? Or spam?

    This is the IM received <if it was legitimate, wouldn't they have e-mailed it?> catherine02116: catherine02116:

    ychat_mod_mtm (4/11/2006 8:59:32 PM): Hi, salescoach I work for the Yahoo! abuse department. We have received multiple complaints concerning your account. This constitutes a violation of our Terms of Service Agreement. You must respond to the following complaints to keep your Yahoo! account from being deactivated.

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers2 decades ago