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Why do men say "It's not mine, because she was unfaithful"?
Why is it that I always seem to hear men claim they couldn't be the father because the woman was sleeping with other men...
Does one type of sperm cancel out any previous sperm? Is there some kind of sperm battle that goes on, with only the cheater's sperm winning the battle?
I'm not asking about people who say "I don't know, I might not be"... but the ones who come out and say "I couldn't be the father! I'm 100% sure I'm not the father! She was sleeping around!"
Are these men completely unaware of how human reproduction works? If you slept with her, there's no 100% sure.
(nothing related to my rl, just curious about this general attitude I often see)
7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoHow would you get rid of a live-in boyfriend?
Does anyone know how you evict a common law spouse?
My sister has asked him to leave the house she just purchased (no equity in it, she knows she'll have to split any assets, but all they really have are debts). The house is in her name, the mortgage in her name, he doesn't pay for anything.
Does she have to give him notice the way she would a tenant? Can she just give him a couple weeks to find alternate housing and change the locks? (He could live with his family, they have an apartment on their property that's vacant, but then he'll have to admit he's been unemployeed for a long time now)
8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoWhat does she owe her common-law deadbeat?
My sister has asked her common law spouse of 8 years to move out. He doesn't want to. She keeps reiterating the relationship is over, she wants him to move out.
He hasn't worked for most of the relationship, he gets jobs frequently, but gets fired soon after.
They live in the house she just bought, entirely in her name, no equity in the house yet, but she's fine if he takes every single bit of furniture.
They have 30K worth of bank debt from the course of their relationship, all in her name.
They've never filed tax returns as a couple. They live in Ontario Canada.
Does anyone know from a similar situation what it takes to evict him? Does she have to give him notice? He has a violent history with her, though he hasn't hit her in years, and when she asked him to move out, he threw electronics around the house.
5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoAm I interpreting this right?
I went out to lunch with a man I'd met through work and I've been left wondering exactly why one part of the conversation got brought up.
It began with talking of work, and school, and what we'll both do after graduation this spring. Then, kinda out of left field since it didn't fit in with the topic before it, he says "This might sound off the wall, but I'm really not looking for a girlfriend now... I'm looking for a girl to settle down with, marry and eventually have children"
It ended up starting a good conversation about our big goals in life when it comes to marriage and family.
That said... I'm having wondering if any of the men out there would ever say that in a conversation just for conversation's sake?
Oh...err... and he mentioned how his ideal partner would be a teacher, because of the personality traits found in the job and it's compatibilty with family life. (guess my chosen profession..) It really didn't sound creepy at the time. Promise.
6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoHow to make myself more attractive?
I've got a pretty face, I've been slowly losing weight (aside from still having wider than normal hips, I'm pretty much normal sized now, still losing, but medical problems are slowing that), I'm clean, I dress well, I'm involved in a lot of clubs and activities, I'm very popular at my University and have a lot of friends....
But I can't seem to attract any romantic interest. I have no problem picking up men at bars to dance with, but that's not really the place to go to pick up a boyfriend.
I was hoping someone out there might have some tips on flirting?
5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoHow long can African Dwarf Frogs survive out of water?
I need to know how long these things can survive out of water as my dorm will only allow me pets that, like fish, die pretty fast once they escape.
7 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade agoWhy do people seem dead set against Tattoos?
Just wondering why some people seem so dead set against tattoos. This is prompted by my mother freaking out over my debate to get one. (I won't be getting one for a few more years, I have a contract in Japan where they aren't socially acceptable. And unlike in North America, there my co-workers go to the same public baths and -do- see each other naked)
I can understand if your religion prohibits them, but mine clearly does not.
Yes, it may sag and get wrinkly when I'm 80... but when I hit 80, do you really think I'm going to be worried someone might spot the butterfly on my wrinkly bum? or will I be just enjoying the life I have left...
Unless a job or interview involves nudity, I can't imagine how having one would effect my work either.
If your tattoo is done by a reputable place, with new needles for each client, there isn't a risk for HIV or Hep either.
Anyone got a logical reason not to get one?
16 AnswersSkin & Body1 decade agoPolite way to avoid preaching?
I'll be working at a live-in job soon, and one of my co-workers is an extremely preachy Christian. I need a polite way to let him know that religion is not up for discussion with me, I am happy in my own religion, have tried Christianity before, and am not interested.
I'm a bit nervous because I can't be offensive to him if he refuses to stop preaching (which is generally my normal approach if someone keeps going after my initial "I don't want that" response), it wouldn't look good at work, but it's a live-in job and I won't be able to get away from him either. So... I need a nice way to do it.
Christians, what could I say that would work the best to get left alone on this topic?
28 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoHow to handle mother's frustrating morning nagging?
I visit my mother from time to time, she's handicapped and needs me to do errands for her every few weeks. I'm fine with that and am glad to help... but I've tried to explain to her several times, I'm really a horrible morning person.
I can't stand any first thing in the morning attempts at conversation, let alone any meaningful data processing, like lists of stuff to do or times or other plans. My brain just isn't on at all. Then I get frustrated, then I remember how I constantly ask her to just leave me alone first thing in the morning for an hour or so, and then I get angry about her ignoring my request (especially since I've generally had around 4 or 5 hours sleep from driving in the night before). Then I get snippy, then she gets angry, and the great circle of anger continues. If I hide in the basement, she'll shout down the stairs to nag.
How can I convince her that, while I like helping her out, she needs to back off first thing in the morning before I bite her head off?
7 AnswersFamily1 decade ago