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I love art, music of many sorts; from black metal to classical, I also love to learn. Especially anything dealing with the human psyche, religions, insects, or astronomy. AOL instant messenger: Gasmask Cowgirl

  • How do I preserve an already dehydrated frog?

    I have this dehydrated frog- it was already gone by the sun and insects, all that's left now is pretty much just the skeleton with skin. How would I go about preserving it? I wanted to put it in a jar. I heard using alcohol works, but since it's already super dehydrated, I'm afraid that would deteriorate it further. Would it? Should I try something else? I know some people say formaldehyde, but is that even something you can just buy?

    2 AnswersZoology10 years ago
  • Am I taking too much B12 vitamin?

    I'm 23 years old, female, 5'3", and weigh around 127-129 (it fluctuates sometimes) pounds. I recently started taking Spring Valley's vitamin B12 2000 mcg time release tablets. I take one daily. On the supplement facts on the bottle it reads the two active ingredients are: Vitamin B12 2 mg (2000 mcg) (as cyanocobalamin) which is 33333% daily value and Calcium 60 mg (as dicalcium phosphate) which is 6% daily value. Is it dangerous for me to take this amount daily?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • What could I use as a substitute for hot roller holding pins?

    Is there anything around the house I could use as a temporary fix/substitute for the holding pins when I use my hot rollers?

    5 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Where can I find Buddy Holly glasses for actual eyeglasses-use and not just fashion?

    I keep finding $10 ones and such, but I want Buddy Holly glasses for actual use with prescription lenses, not just for fashion's sake.

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Where can I download the disk cleanup manager for Windows XP?

    Mine is completely gone and I have no idea where to download that exact disk cleanup manager.

    4 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Is it wrong to wait for the guy to say "I love you" first?

    I was brought up with the belief that a woman should never be the one to say "I love you" first. That since men can be more reserved/less open about their feelings, to prevent them from just saying it back due to pressure, they're to say it first. Also, that if a woman says it first, she becomes the one doing the "chasing" rather than being the "chased" if that makes any sense.

    But now I want to say it to someone and after telling him that belief, he seems to come off as now he especially doesn't want to say it first- almost like a challenge not to... I'm simply confused in general now, is it wrong to wait to hear the guy say it first?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How do I train my dog to stop barking like crazy when I get home?

    My 2 year old dog (a Maltese mix) gets extremely excited when I get home and she starts to bark in a real high pitch and just all around won't calm down. I've tried:

    -Ignoring her after she does that so she wont think I'm giving her attention for it.

    -Telling her no in a stern manner (which usually always works with anything else, EXCEPT this excited barking.)

    -Doing that Dog Whisper "sst!" with the poke.

    -Telling her to sit so she'd stop and calm down.

    So far, nothing's worked. I also make sure that the energy I'm giving off is calm when I do these things... still, to no success. Any ideas how I can finally stop this behavior?

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I just bleached my hair, how long till I can dye it an auburn red?

    I'm naturally a brunette, a dark brown, and I bleached my hair just today. How long do I have to wait till I can safely dye it an auburn-ish red? I want to color to stick and I don't want my hair falling out either! :\

    7 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • What would be the effect of sixteen 60MG pills of Prozac taken in an overdose attempt?

    My cousin had tried it and was sent to the ER in time, but I was curious if she hadn't, what would've happened exactly?

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • As in the movie Untraceable, what would really happen during someone dying from an anticoagulant?

    In the movie Untraceable, the first human victim died by having an anticoagulant continuously given to him by an IV while being chained up. This made me wonder, in real life, what's the series of events that would happen to someone health-wise while being given a constant dosage of an anticoagulant before they actually die and how painful?

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • What are some good serial killer movies?

    And let's not include the Silence of the Lambs movies, kay?

    14 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Is it hypocritical to listen to black metal music if you're a christian?

    In your own opinion, does it seem hypocritical to listen to black metal music while being a christian? Also, please explain why or why not.

    16 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Why is bed wetting in relation to serial killers?

    I've read bed wetting can also be linked with anti-social disorder, but I don't understand the link in behavior at all. What behavior does bed wetting go along with to match such possible things in the first place?

    9 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • What's a good Nintendo DS game to recommend to me?

    So you can get an idea of my taste in games for the DS, here are the ones I own thus far:

    MarioKart DS

    Ace Attorney (which I wasn't crazy about)

    Final Fantasy III

    Trauma Center

    Mario and Sonic at the Olympics

    Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass

    Ninja Reflex

    Big Brain Academy

    Brain Age 2

    Chocobo Tales

    New Super Mario Bros

    Mario Party DS

    Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 (which I wasn't crazy about)

    Animal Crossing

    Dementium: The Ward

    My French Coach

    CSI: Dark Motives

    Kirby: Canvas Curse

    Bubble Bobble Revolution

    12 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Anyone know where I can find a Nintendo Shy Guy plushie online?

    I keep finding plushies of Mario, Yoshi, King Boo, even Bullet Bill available online, but so far I haven't seen a single Shy Guy version. Am I just not looking in the right places or has one never been made? I've tried google as well. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    2 AnswersToys1 decade ago
  • When trying to put her leash on for a walk, she gets too excited and makes it hard to do, what do I do?

    My dog, Roxy, whenever I try to put her harness and leash on her to take her for her walk, she gets so excited that she won't even hold still for me to put the harness on her. In fact, I'm pretty definite she thinks I'm playing with her, because when I try to put the harness on her, she jumps backward and runs around. I already stay calm when it's time for her walk to hopefully not feed the excitement, but it doesn't work. She knows how to sit still, but when it comes to putting her leash and harness on, it's a completely different story. How do I train her (and myself, because I know I probably started this problem somehow) to remain calm and still while I put her leash and harness on so it won't always be so much trouble every time?

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Is this level of hypoglycemia symptoms in dangerous territory?

    When I haven't eaten in about 3-4 hours, normally I get shakey and sometimes dizzy like I'm going to pass out. This last time I was in the car (as a passenger) and it hit me quick. I got shakey, irritable, VERY tired- I kept fighting myself from going to sleep- my fingers stiffened into a claw motion that I could not for the life of me change. It just felt like my body wasn't my own, I couldn't even work my own hands properly, almost like a seizure that I was awake going through.

    My doctor says I'm probably hypoglycemic and wants me to get lab work done on me. Is hypoglycemia dangerous on it's own? Did my symptoms go into dangerous territory?

    2 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • If you have a Nintendo wifi usb but your friend doesn't and they're far away- can you play games w/ them?

    Sorry, I tried to fit it all in the question part, but to better describe:

    Say you and your friend both have a ds lite, but only you have a Nintendo wifi adapter- your friend doesnt. Being they can't take their ds online- does that means they dont have a friend code? Both people have to have a friendcode in order to play from far away, right? They wouldn't just be able to add your friend code and be able to connect to you from far off?

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • What's a good black/death metal merchandise/distro online store in the US?

    I've been searching and I've only found FMP666 so far. I'm looking for more variety, I guess. Any websites I should check out that are within the United States?

    7 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago