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  • i cant get my toddlers to talk ?

    ok my twins turned two today and they still dont talk much my daughter says no verry regularly some times shell say mom dad or papa but she refuses to say words like bite or drink when thats what she wants her brother babbles and ocasionally says daddy mamma (grama) papa and wont say mama or bite or drink how doi make them talk i know they understand because you will ask them to bring the doll truck or ball they will even bring you the right one like the red ball or the green truck but wont say words i'm at the end of my rope with the tantrums and fits please help!!!!!

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • how do i get over him?

    how do i get over my ex hit hit me once and twisted my wrist he really hurt me and infront of my kids but i feel horrible with out him how do i move on and be ok

    6 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • why do i feel so bad?

    so my ex husband and i have had problems when we decided to split was when he hit me well i decided so since then we decided to work things out when that didnt work we went for friends with benifits then just the other day we were fighting and he twisted my wrist back i told him iwont stnad for this any more and that we were over i feel so guilty now why????

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • female type question?

    so ive have a strange discharge lately for about the past three days its very light pink and there is almost not enough to even See so my question is why would i have this pregnancy and period are out of the question i just got over my period a week ago and haven't had sex for several months

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • my baby's earings?

    my daughter is 15 months old i had her ears peirces about 8 months agoand in the last fewdays she has beenulling them out ive spend $50 in earings that she pulls out when im not looking and loses them is there any way to get her to leave them alone ive tried different types of backs but she keeps pulling them out please help

    11 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • please tell me how the movie ends imaginary child?

    ok so last night i was watching a movie and like 20 minutes to the end poof my power goes out ive checked the tv giud and searched online for hours i cant find when it plays again or any thing that tells me how it ends so the movie is called invisible child Starring: Mae Whitman, Rita Wilson, Victor Garber, Tushka Bergen Directed by: Joan Micklin Silver and was released in Year: 1999 its about a woman who has an imaginary child and the whole family plays along the little boy thinks the sister is real and the older daughter and dad play along the mom hires a nanny who also plays alongfor a while untill she decideds its not healthy for the kids so she goes to child services a few days later after child servises visits the imaginary girl gets sick the mom insists that they take her to the hospital and poof my power goes out can any one please tell me what happened did the state take the kids did the fake girl die im going nuts please help

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • abortion???

    now before you get your nickers in a twist hear me out i just wanted to hear every ones thoughts on abortion please dont be rude im merely asking for opinions

    21 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • i think im pregnant?

    ok so here it is i used one of those spermacide film things its basically a little peice of film you put up in there and wait 15 minutes then your protected well i dont think i waited long enough because i found it after we had sex and now i think i might be pregnant so heres my question how soon after you get pregnant do your brests start to swell and hurt ive noticed mine seem bigger and one of them hurts a bit on the side i dont remeber this with any other pregnancies

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • i keep haveing horrible dreams?

    ok so ive had a couple really really baddreams the first one was that i was in a car and some one else was driveing and all the sudden my baby was on the hood of the car and fell off in the end of the dream she was ok but i felt aweful for haeing it the next one i dremt that some one was giveing her a bath in a pot on the stove and boiled her she turned into an egg with a head and they cut the head off why am i haveing these horible dreams? i love my kids verry much and i would never hurt them im not even frustrated with them at the end ofthe day

    7 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • my son fell off the coffee table?

    i have 14 month old twins and my son climbs on the coffee table i know its dangerious and he can get hurt verry badly but i cant make him stop hes fallen off 3 times and hit his head and ive pulled him down several times and swatted his butt ofcourse ive tried firmly telling him not but nothing is working he might stay away from it while im sitting right there but the moment i step out side for a smoke or into the bath room or the kitchen he crawls right back up there im afraid hes going to hurt him self badly and nothing im doing is keeping him from doing it and im afraid his sister will learn from him and get hurt please help

    9 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • my kids wont sleep?

    ok so i have 14 month old twins and they wont sleep through the night ive done some research and there is no nutritional need to wake up at night they wake up 5 or 6 times everry night and its driving me nuts im so exsasted that some times i dont even hear them how do i make them sleep through the night

    10 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • how long after some ones heart stops is there no chance of them living?

    ok so heres the deal if some one stops breathing and heart stops how long does it take for them to actually die like no chance of life heres my time line 3:00 person is all good 5:30 person is deadin trying to figure out at what point this person died and if there was a chance of the person doing cpr to revive them if ofcourse they were doing it right im trying to fill in this time line

    4 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • what do you do if some one breaks into your house?

    ok so obviously you call 911 but then what heres this person in your house and you have to wait for the cops to show so heres the reasoning behind the question tonight i went to my sisters house with my twins to visit for a while well 8 turned into 9 and 9 to 10 pretty soon it was around midnight and we hear gunshots out side her kids had already passed out in their beds and mine crashed on the couch so she looks out the window and calls 911 while i put all the kids in one room then it poped in to my head heres a general lay out of my sis' house 2 bed 1 bath and only one door on the inside goes to thhe bath room so here im thining its a straight halway leading from the front door to her bedroom and ere i am sitting with 4 sleeping kids what if some one broke in what am i suposed to do i have no where to run and no way out with my twins 1 and her two boys 4 and 1 even if i jumped out a window some one would have to be there to hand kids down or catch them so what would you do

    10 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • please help..cant deal with my sons death?

    online counsilling some thing any thing my son died 2 years 6 months 1 week and 2 days ago he was 6 weeks and 4 days old when he died of sids i cant deal with him dieing any more i spent alot of time pretending i was ok but the other night i lost it i have twins who are 1yr old now and the other night my daughter cried so i got up gave her a bottle then went to pull a blanket over her brother in his bed and he didnt move so i poked him and still nothing so i gave him a shake and still nothing i freaked out fliped on the light yanked him out of bed and he started crying and ofcourse im freakd out cause he wouldnt move im so scared every night when i put them to bed that im going to wakee up and theyll be dead i dont have any kind of heath insurance and a verry tight buget so i cant aford to see an actual theripst but i know i need help its been so long and there are still days im afraid to lift my head off my pillow becuase im afraid on of the twins are dead

    17 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • online counseling please help?

    i was wondering if any one knew of a website where some one can get free online counelingthis is fairly importaint so please dont be ruse

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • should a child be punished for something she doesnt know?

    ok i have twins who will be 1 this friday my son can pull him self up to a stand my daughter will stnad but only if you stand her up she hasnt figured out how to pull up yet so heres my question my son sees me eating something and hewill come over and stand up to get a bite his sister will just sit there and wait for me to come to her so should i punish her by not giveing her a bite? maybe this will encourage her to learn to stand???also my son is verry selfish and will try to take her bites from her should i punish him for being pushy?? also what is a good punishment for them at this age???

    10 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • infant potty training?

    ok so i was reading an artical on infant potty training it basically said its like pre potty training ans a parent can usually have a child out of diapers by 18 months i have 12 month old twins now i dont expwct to take my twins compleatly out of diapers tomorow or never to have an accident but the thought of useing less diapers intrigues me i dont think my daughter is ready beacuse she doesnt seem to grunt or goran when she goes potty and i usually dont know shes gone untill i smell it my son however gmakes noises then throws a fit once hes done cant say as i blame him i wouldnt want to sit in that either so heres my question i can tell when he has to poo but is there a way to tell if they have to pee? he doesnt throw a fit when hes wet and also doesnt pee when cold air hits him like most boys but i dont know where to start as far as when he has to pee any ideas?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • my pet turtle wont eat?

    ok so i got this turtle at the carnival on saturday and i cant seem to get him to eat i have tried "tetrafauna reptomin" it says fir aquatic tutrles newts and froms it has mini pelets krill and baby shrimp she wont eat any of it so i tried lettuce and he hid under it but still didnt eat the lable on the food says feed them several times a day but hes alwyas got food floarting int he water and wont heat his water is truening cloudy because he wont eat his food am i doing some thing wrong is it suopsed t o float int he water or sit in the gravel and be dry?does he need a dish to eat from or maybe im just not seeing him eat he seems pretty active and its been 3 days since i brought him home shouldnt i have seen him eat by now ?? so heres about him hes about the size of a 50 cent peice hes a water turtle and he digs holes in the gravel ..dont kow if that matters but any ways please help

    1 AnswerReptiles1 decade ago
  • my 10 month old twins throw fits?

    ok so ofcourse they throw fits when you take things away or stop them from doing some thing i know thats s normal part of growing up but i read that you should cuddle and hold your baby when they throw these fits. isnt that encourageing them ???and telling them its ok to act like that ?? is there a beter way to handle this normaly when they throw a fit i offerthem something different they usually dont want it and continue to cry at that point i ignore them is that ok?i hate hearing them throw a fit also is there some thing i can do diciplin wise i tell them no and they smile and contine what they are doing by the way usually when i tell them no or when they throw a fit it is when one might hurt the other i try to keep things that might hurt them away from them

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • my sisters kids drive me nuts?

    ok so my sister has been over to my dads the last few days and her kids drive me nuts she has a 4 yr old and a 1 yr old her 4 yr old has a smart rude mouth he hits he yells doesnt listen and her one year old doesnt know the word no he also hits and doesnt listen now normally i would just go home when she shows up but im recently going through a divorce and am feeling verry lonely and my dad is a comfort to me my dad doesnt seem to mind her kids terroriseing the place but ive found that after she leaves i have to clean up after her kids so mine can play now i have 8 month old twins who have to sit in their car seats because her kids hit them and knock them over and she stays for hours on end so after her and her kids leave i have to go through my dads house cleaning up candy torn paper spilled drinks and food off of the floor and any thing 4 ft and below has to be scrubed do i even have the right to say any thing to her?

    8 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago