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  • Are there any activities that demonstrate the dangers of the sun?

    I'm trying to get some activities ready for my summer camp group. One thing we always struggle with is sun scnree. The kids don't want to wear it! I've tried to explain and show pictures of sun damage, but I was wondering--are there any hands on activities/science experiments that will help demonstrate how the sun can damage our skin?

    Would using a piece of meat with and without sunscreen work? That sounds disgusting--but if it's maybe a piece of meat with skin on it? I don't know--I need something visual that will make it obvious to these kids!

    3 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • Mardi Gras/New Orleans food/cuisine suggestions?

    Looking for easy dishes for students ages 8-12 help put together for an after school program. We'll be studying Mardi Gras. We're in a small town, so I'd like to expose them to as much of Mardi Gras as I can with all cultural areas being met. Food is only one stop.


    1 AnswerOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • Mardi Gras music suggestions?

    We'll be learning about Mardi Gras at my after school program for gifted students. We use the project approach; I'd like to have some true New Orleans/Mardi Gras music--suggestions?

    I searched iTunes, there is just too much to consider! Ideas?

    2 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • After how long should you wait for a date to show?

    How long should you wait for a date to show up before accepting you've been stood up?

    When you're out in public waiting, how long?

    When you're at your home waiting, how long?

    Because right now, I'm at home waiting for a date, I'm throwing in the towel and about to go change out of my 'date' clothes and into my PJs.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How do I get rid of break-outs?

    Instead of the "T" zone, I seem to have the "I" zone--the forehead straight down to the chin and along the chin.

    II rarely get a breakout on my forehead and if I get anything on my nose, it's a tiny little thing that goes away with one or two washes.

    It's the breakouts on my chin that really bother me! I've been getting them in the same spots on my chin (either side under my bottom lips--not so much in the center of the chin just the outside corners of the mouth below the lips.) They are indeed acne and not something else, but nothing seems to work for them.

    They aren't painful so much as highly annoying. The skin on my chin seems to be more sensative than the rest of my skin and is in a constant state of pinkness from summer blemishes. I wash my face twice a day--morning and before bed. I'll wash more if needed--you know, the gross summer oil slick feeling--but if I head for the sink more than 3 times, it's only soap in the AM and PM and one other time, the rest of the time it's cold water to just rinse and refresh.

    Treatment wise, I'm not using anything right now because I don't know what to use! Right now I'm using a L'Oreal face scrub once a day and a L'Oreal gentle cleanser once a day. It doesn't break me out, I've been using it for awhile. If I feel the need I'll use my Olay astringent over some trouble spots--which I've been using since I was 15 and I don't use it daily.

    help, please.

    And while we're on the subject--how do you rid yourself of little black-heads? I can handle them on my nose, but what works on my nose doesn't seem to work on my lip. Yea--gross, I know. I'll get a few microscopic ones around where my lips meet the skin around them and basically, I suck at being girly and fixing these things. Help a girl out.

    4 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • What are some jobs in music?

    I'm bored of being a teacher--sounds great, right? It's a little too "ordinary" I guess I want to do something fun and exciting. To me, that means music.

    So what are some jobs out there in the music industry--not musicians, I have skill but I don't want to be a musician. What are some jobs "behind the scenes" and what do I do to make myself qualified for them/how to I get them?

    You know in Knocked Up, Pete played by Paul Rudd. He does something where he goes out to listen to bands and "signs" bands or something--what is that? That sounds fun.

    4 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Who covered Love Rollercoaster in the mid-90's?

    I'm having a huge memory block. I could have sworn it was Aerosmith but I can't find it. I want it, bad.

    2 AnswersAmusement Parks1 decade ago
  • What should I wear for my job interview?

    I'm a teacher and I am going for a job interview in Florida next week. This was all very sudden and I'm as nervous as I am excited. I don't know what to wear! It's Florida in summer--what is appropriate? I read somewhere that if I could wear it at the beach it isn't--obviously--but I have a great pair of dress sandals I wouldn't wear to the beach but I don't know if that counts.

    What should I wear on my feet on my legs and my body? What is appropriate?

    Also, any interview pointers would be great because I'm really stressing! (I'm in PA and flying down just for this interview... nervous.)

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • I need to go back to college--what do to?

    I hate to become part of the statistics based on new teachers, but I guess it just wasn't the right fit for me. I've been out of school for 3 years now and for those 3 years I've been working. First as a substitute and now for a child care facility as a pre-school teacher and a school-age/after school teacher. It's year round. I'm burned out. I feel unappreciated and undervalued at the place I work; I felt for valued as a substitute going in and out of different schools and being used only when they needed me. I don't know if it's the feelings of being unappreciated/undervalued in my current job that make me feel like I need to leave teaching or what, really. I've been trying to get a job at a public school since I graduated college--despite subbing and despite my current job, I always wanted to be at a public school doing what I was trained to do. Now, more than ever, it seems even more unlikely that I will never be chosen 1. because I have experience in child care not regular classrooms and 2. because they're laying teachers off everywhere and hiring those teachers back... I have a B.S.E.D. with elementary and language arts certifications. Apparently, that isn't good enough.

    I just question my choice to become a teacher to begin with. I don't know what I should have gone to school for. All I know is this is the 2nd time in the 3 years I've been out of college that I have said I'm going back to school. The day I got hired at my current job is the same day I was accepted to a very good nursing program. I wonder if I should have done nursing, then I have to wonder if I wouldn't be in the same place.

    I don't know what I'm good at. I don't know what I want to do for the rest of my life. I don't know is basically my answer to almost any question about what I want or what I like or what I dream... I just feel like I'm in a rut and I don't know how to get out of it. I can't go back to college because I don't have money for it. I don't have credit so the chances of me getting money are slim... And I flat out dont know what I want to do.

    I love art. I love music. I love to cook. I love to bake. I love decorating cakes. I'm crafty. I'm creative. I feel trapped somehow. Unappreciated. Undervalued. Trapped. By those around me and by myself... I just don't know what to do with the rest of my life. I'd settle for marrying a well-off man, but those are in short supply and, well, I take pride in supporting myself. This isn't the middle ages anymore.

    How can I figure out what I should be doing? Where can I get assistance with money? How can I go back to school if I don't know what I want to do? (Those gen-ed courses are already out of the way...)

    My step-father told me he thought I took the easy road out. That I did teaching because I thought it was a sure thing--everyone will always need teachers. He told me he knew from the start it wasn't want I really wanted. Too bad he didn't suggest anything or give me some insight.

  • What are do the flags on chefs' coats symbolize/stand for?

    On the collar of chef coats, sometimes there is a flag on one side of the collar. In some cases, there is a different flag on each side of the collar. What do they stand for?

    2 AnswersTrivia1 decade ago
  • Computer invasion: How do I get rid of this?!?

    A couple weeks ago I looked at the horoscopes on A few moments later, my computer was spitting up alerts that my anti-virus was out of date and to DL "Anti-Virus Soft" software to take care of the problem. It started to attack all programs. I couldn't open ANYTHING unless I had just rebooted and clicked to open something before the computer had everything up and running; while it was still loading programs on the desktop. Then it was, and still is, blocking my internet connection to iTunes Store and IE (I use Mozilla Firefox).

    I bought Trend Micro--on accident, I thought it was MacAfee. I installed it and ran it. My friend told me to get r-kill and run it then use malwarebytes. I did that. It seemed to work. It didn't work, though! Everytime I turn the computer on, if I don't open things before everything is loaded and up and running--I can't open it. It seems to paralyze the run.dll thing in all the programs.

    What is this and how do I get rid of it? I'm going crazy here!

    8 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • What's the deal with jobs on job sites about working for Google posting links for companies?

    I was looking on Hot Jobs and other job websites and I keep seeing positions where you can work part or full time taking surveys or working for Google posting links on the internet and make up to $5,000 a month. So, I'm certain this all seems too good to be true, but I'm curious. What's the deal with such gigs? Are they real? What's the catch?

    3 AnswersTechnology1 decade ago
  • What is the song played at the beginning of House Season 6, Ep. 1?

    It's the song being played while they're showing him going through withdraw... Whats it called?

    2 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • My agency is going to be out of money to pay us come December--I need a job!?

    I need a job! I'm a certified elementary teacher with additional certification in middle school reading/language arts/English. PA certified, but I hear PA certified is as good as gold to most states.

    PA's state budget has been rejected--again. My agency will be going under after December if the budget isn't signed and the state isn't sending out the dues by mid November. I need a new job--this back and forth is causing me great stress and frustration.

    This is what I need help with--finding one. I don't know if I'm burnt out from just trying to look or what the deal is, but I can't find anything.

    I'm looking to go to Pittsburgh, PA or Fort Myers/Naples, FL. Can you find me a job?

    2 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago
  • How well do natural cleaners work?

    So I'm usually a bleach kind of girl. Mom always used Comet to clean, I use it and I use bleach on other things. Yes, I'm a bit of a germaphobic I am a teacher and I've already had a nasty, nasty head cold.

    I like to keep my house clean, but I'm starting to really dislike the cleaners I buy at the store. Not only are they pricey, but certain areas--the bathroom, especially--have poor ventilation in my apartment. Cleaning the shower requires me to nearly suffocate myself when I spray on my Clorox "natural" cleaner.

    Here is what I want:

    1. Something that smells good

    2. Something that disinfects (this is a biggy!)

    3. Something that gets rid of mold, mildew, soap scum (yuck!)

    Do you have any suggestions for recipes?

    Also, I found the following recipe for a natural disinfecting spray. How well can this work? Vinegar, water and essential oils? Does this work as well as, say, Clorox wipes or disinfecting spray?

    "2 Cups Water, 1/4 Cup White Vinegar, 1/4 tsp. Tea Tree Oil, 1/4 tsp. Lavender Oil. Combine and store in a spray bottle. Shake occasionally. Use where ever a disinfectant spray is needed."

    (What is it with essential oils? I've read if you mix this and that they are a disinfecting solution...)

    Please, convince this Clorox supporter to switch to more natural remedies. How well do "natural" cleaners you make at home work? Are they as trust worthy as my beloved bleach? Will they really disinfect the bathroom fixtures between cleanings?

    Any suggestions for recipes?

    3 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • What do you do to relieve stress?

    I have a very stressful job and with my states current budget woes (it not being passed yet) I'm only becoming more and more stressed as the days go by! Usually, resting on the couch with some piano music and candles lit helps, but anymore... I'm wishing I had a prescription pad so I could write up some hefty Rx's for "crazy" pills, (kidding). Now I'm already on one, but it doesn't seem to be helping anymore. What do you guys do to relieve stress when the usual no longer works?

    17 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Think about the song "With or Without You" by U2...?

    When I hear the bass introduction, shivers run up and down my spine. I can't help it, it just happens. Sure, the song and I have a past, that is probably the most logical reason why the "shivers" occur. Now that I am able to listen to it and not cry, though the shivers will always remain, I wonder what the song means. Are the lyrics as clear as they are sung or do they mean more/something other than, simply, I can't live with you or without you? Can it be that simple and still cause such a reaction from myself and numerous others?

    So what do you think? What does the song do to you? Is it a happy love song or a sad love song? Should it be considered a love song? I'm just curious about what other people think about the song.

    4 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Stocks... when should you invest in the stock market?

    Ok, it makes sense to me to invest now when everything is down and only getting cheaper and people just want the heck out. It seems crazy, but isn't that when you get the good buy? I mean--ok, sure, you look at the market and it is a lot of red and down arrows and sad faces here and there. And I understand the economy is in a recession and even in a depression; but it's going to bounce back eventually. The thing is--when should you buy stocks at a time like this?

    There are huge companies that we know aren't going anywhere. The two largest soda companies for instance; I don't know squat about stocks, but I don't think Pepsi Co. or Coca Cola Bottling Co. are going anywhere anytime soon. I, and millions of others, still reach for the 20oz of soda that's already chilled and costs 50+ cents more than the 2 liter counterpart that's warm, sitting on the shelf. Or how about the large, large computer companies like Apple or Microsoft? Super stores like Target and Walmart...

    I understand the very basics of how stocks work, my question is--when should you invest? Right now seems like a risk since everything keeps going down and going down fast and by a lot.

    7 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago
  • What are your thoughts on calendar at circle time? (pre-k classroom, ages 3-5)?

    I teach in a Pre-K Counts classroom and as of right now we do our calendar at the circle after breakfast. The children sing the days of the week song to figure out what day of the week we are on, we count all the days up to the current day to get the current date. I am fully aware that 3, 4 and 5 year olds really are not grasping the concept of 7 days a week, 12 months in a year, bla bla bla. I'm not doing it to teach that--that's a very big thing to grasp.

    I mark events on our calendar--like gym class, birthdays, special activities--and we count down to how many days until... The children are learning the days of the week and they're learning the months of the year. They are practicing counting. I even ask them what we did yesterday if the previous day was a big event. I usually would have a picture on the previous day to help them remember. Example, on a Wednesday we had gym with our new gym teacher--so I had a picture of him and the kids told me "yesterday we met our new gym teacher!"

    I know that children this young don't understand entirely, but it's a skill that they need throughout life. Is there anything wrong with doing it? I don't have kids acting out--they enjoy it because I ask the children to put the date on the calendar, use the teacher pointer to point as we count as a group, move our day of the week marker... they run it now, and they do well with it.

    I guess I'm asking because my co-teacher is giving me trouble about it. She thinks we shouldn't do it, that it is a waste of time. What are your thoughts?

    7 AnswersPreschool1 decade ago
  • Is it bad to take prenatal vitamins...?

    I hear prenatal vitamins really make your hair and nails grow so this may seem silly. It is bad to take prenatal vitamins if you are not pregnant? (or planning on becoming pregnant)

    10 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago