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  • how do i forward a e-mail that i have received without sending a ton of addresses with it...?

    How to send just the e-mial and not all the addresses along with it

    3 AnswersCalendar and Contacts1 decade ago
  • why do people give you nick names?

    Nick names come from some ex used to call me "slick" i still refer to slickcut because i do hair,but why do you get names ? and what did he mean when he called me "slick" whats your gut feeling...I take it as a slur cause he wasn,t a nice person..What do you think? thank you any commit will be appreciated...

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Are you fed up with the atheist putting us down as christians?

    I have been reading all these ugly questions which is really just slurs against us as christians.These atheist has just depressed me with all this ugly talk..We don,t bash them,they are accusing us of what they are doing.I was told that IF we just quit replying to their so-called questions that they would go away.If you are as tired of this as I am ,why do we rely to them ?,they want to rile us up.They are doing this on purpose and having fun with us.We don,t do them this way,so why do we bother to let them keep this up..If we open a question and it is a slur to us as christians why do we bother to fuss with them,thats what they want us to do...We are just playing into their hands.As i was writing this to you the scripture came to me where Jesus said quote"Why cast your pearls against the swine? God Bless them if they don,t believe I remember the scripture Jesus told us to let our answers be yea or nay....Let us try and make peace here...and not be upset,just pray for them...Thank you

    31 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • why do people look down on others when they have been married?

    for the 4th time? I was married at 15 to a man that was a drunk and he beat me,I left and got a divorce.i was with him 3 months..I married again shortly thereafter to a guy i had known for years and we married and was togeather for 30 years..He tried to have sex with our daughter and also cheated,and I left and he divorced me...I later dated a man that i thought was a good man,but he was a control person and was still in love with his dead wife.He was abusive to me as well as his deceased wife.He was a religious freak,I say that because he told me i was to do everything he said and that i wasn,t to think for my self.I believe i God but he was a freak and not a real christian....I divorced him within the year..I was so off of men totally...Then I met my husband,we have been married 5 years and we are happy,i see us spending the rest of our life togeather...Here is my question....Why do so many people look down on me because this is my 4th marriage?I have made some bad choices I agree

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • looking to buy a new home/what do you think?

    i have 2 acres of property paid for,I have an older mobil home on the property now,it is in good shape and can be rented..the property is large enough to put another home in front and make it tobe nice for a renter if I rent my older mobil home.I am wanting to put me another home on the property..I have looked at the mobil homes and they are really beautiful...I would like to know if i should buy me another mobil,maybe a doublewide to put up front or go with a shell home? I am on disability and to rent my older mobil would bring in some income.if i have a shell home built we would have to do all the inside and my husband is disabled and would be hard for him to do the work.what do you think of mobils? I don,t plan on selling ever,so thats not a factor...Has anyone out theregot a mobil and how do you feel about it..thank you

    4 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • My grown son has really heart my feelings?

    We left our home that was paid for to come live by my grown son and his children,his idea...We have been here 6 months,my son is wealthy,lot of rentals,we picked a mobil cause it was close to his family..He said rent free,and so we did..all this was his idea.Now he dropped a letter in our mail box,telling me that I expected him to take care of us and ask us to move that he did not owe us anything,which I have never ask him for anything.It cost us lot of money to move here,and both myself and husband are onSS...I am so hurt,I don,t think I will ever get over this,but i do plan to move back hm asap..What do you think of this?

    16 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • A good place to eat in sanAntonio?

    I moved to Bandera Tex from Houston....does anyone know if there is KIMSON resturant in San Antonio?

    2 AnswersSan Antonio1 decade ago
  • My Doc just put me on celebrax 200 mg per day for joint pain.Does anyone out there take it?does it help?I have

    I know about the vioxx lawsuit,however I ask my doc about it and he said not to worry ,it was just one person that started that,but i am curious...thank you

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Is there anyone living in the SanAntonio/Bandera TExas area?

    I would like to know if there is anyone out there that Lives in The SanAntonio/Bandera Tx area.I currently moved to Bandera Tx,and would like to know about real estate In this area.I would like to purchase a reasonable homw here

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • is there any such thing as squaters law?

    I have heard of squaters law ,someone said that there was a law like that,like when someone takes a place and settles there and it is called squaters law. My friend and I disagree,I don,t think there is such a law anymore,my friend says yes.Could anyone clear this up for us?Thanks

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • my friend needs an answer about her rights?

    My friend does not use the net but wants me to ask you what she should do.Her son had a girlfriend but the girlfriend threw him out after they had been togeather for a long time and had a child.He came to her house without any place to go.My friend felt so bad for him that she bought a piece of property down the street from her and built him a house,he was a bachlor at the time.She told him he could live there and when she died she had it in her wil that the house would be his,she said she did this to avoid any woman outting him in the street ever again.Well a long time later he ended up getting married,and he brought his wife to his home,His wife has dogged my friend to put the house in her name but she will not do that because she,s not sure if he will still be with her etc etc,and she don,t want him to loose his home to anybody ever again.My friend has Never charged thenm any rent or anything she only ask that he pay the taxes every October.His wife has had 2 childre since they have

    5 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Should I help my son?

    I really need advice.I was married for several years and had five children out of that marriage and all my children are grown up now.That marriage ended in divorce after the kids grew up.I remarried four years ago,my problem is that I had one son that is co-dependant,he is also bipolar.He ahs been in trouble several times and I always help him or one of his brothers and sisters will.He is a little messed up sometimes and he wants to come home and I usually let him.Hes good to me and really helps me when he,s here ,then he gets cross ways and ends up leaving.This last month he was on the street with only a suitcase and no where to go,my husband said if he comes home he will leave.I let him come home again because I love him and will not let my son be on the streets,so my hushand is unhappy to say the least.I feel I have to help my son and I do.Am I wrong for doing this?My son is not deformed or babbling but he has a mental problem and if he calls me he begs me to tell him what to do and

    21 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What if you are married to a man that does not have sex with you?

    I married a man that I met on the net..He has lied to me a lot.He told me he was married twice and had 3 daughters.I found out later that two of the daughters was from his first wife,then he married again ,then he married another woman and had the third daughter,thats the marriage he failed to meation.Now that I am married to him He don,t have sex....He has lost all his sexual desires.he still lies,lives in the past,and is a couch potato.He does nothing around the house except sit or lay.he draws a check each month so it helps me.I am active and like to do things ,he is very uninteresting and has really pulled me down.My kids think Im crazy for being with him ,they think he is a loser.I ran him off once cause he flipped me on the floor and could have broken my neck.I am going nowhere with this man,my life is on hold.....He will not communicate....His last 3 wives left him,and I know why....I feel trapped because I feel that I am wasting my life...However my roots tell me divorce is

    28 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago