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Did you know Facebook and other social networking sites are 'monitored" by the Federal Government?
It's true, the Federal Gov't has been monitoring everything you post on this "social networking" site and if you maintain an account there they are monitoring you and have your personal information, all with Facebook's blessing. My advice. Delete you account asap...Big Brother is watching...
3 AnswersFacebook1 decade agoDoes Barack Hussien Obama think the American people are stupid?
By now, anyone who has formulated an opinion regarding this election is probably going to vote that way anyway, however, it is important to note that Barack Obama has 0 executive experience and that judgement comes into play when you spend 20 years in a black militant racist church espousing to the racist/ hate beliefs of a psychotic preacher. The American people know very well that you do not spend that much time (and get married) by someone like that unless you believe the same way they do. By throwing Rev. Wright "under the bus" at the last minute and as a matter of convenience because of a ton of negative press merely shows how bogus his campaign is. Mainstream America will never buy into this lie. So don't you folks either. Be wise, especially you women, and remember that the blatant sexism you are seeing from the liberal press regarding Sarah Palin (1 1/2 years of executive experience as Governor of Alaska) merely shows the "double standard" by which the media treats women's rights. Make the Dems and the liberal press pay for their blatant sexism toward women. And it is sexism at it's worst. Make no mistake.
27 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoIs Michelle Obama's scripted speech fooling all Americans or just the naive ones?
After spending 20 years in a church and espowsing to the beliefs of a racist preacher from a black militant church do you really believe these folks are mainstream America? Sad that so many Americans can be fooled by this baloney...
27 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoWhy are the female Chinese gymnasts continually scoring way above everyone else?
I just saw one of the "little girls" from China fall from the balance beam and she still scored higher than a european girl who had way less faults! The I.O.C. needs to wake up and take a hard look at this.
11 AnswersOlympics1 decade agoDid Communist China cut our National anthem short "by design" when Michael Phelps won the Gold yesterday?
Strangely, our National anthem was cut short and the last line (home of the brave) was not played by the red chinese. Guess they don't like that part of our anthem. "Land of the free and home of the brave".
8 AnswersOlympics1 decade agoNow that we now what John Edwards did (and lied about) should we trust any politicians?
Democrats-Republicans their all pathetic. And to think this guy could have been our Vice President! It should make everyone physically ill what he did to his poor wife. What a pathetic loser....
16 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoWhat is the difference in picture quality between LCD and/or Plasma HDTV?
Which has longer durability and picture quality?
5 AnswersTVs1 decade agoIs the first amendment of any importance to yahoo?
Each time I write a question asking why the D.N.C. stole the election from Michigan and Florida voters today it is taken down? Does yahoo believe in the freedom of speech?
16 AnswersElections1 decade agoAre all Michigan and Florida voters going to let the D.N.C. know how they feel in Denver?
Now that their votes have been essentially "thrown away'' in a closed door meeting (how shady is that). Do Michigan and Florida voters have any rights left?
5 AnswersElections1 decade agoWhy did the D.N.C. meet behind closed doors and dis Michigan and Florida voters?
Mmmmmm. My last question to this effect was taken down? Yahoo scared of the 1st amendment?
3 AnswersElections1 decade agoWill Father Pfleger's rants condemn Obama's campaign?
Here we go again. Another wacko racist pastor is in Obama's church hammering white people. The Catholic church needs to reprimand this priest for preaching hate. Where is the Archdiocese of Chicago and why haven't they "defrocked" this racist....Recommend everyone email the Archdiocese to complain about this so called "priest".
1 AnswerElections1 decade agoDoes the rants of Rev Wright tell us what we already knew?That Obama was alinging with racists like Farrakhan?
Even though he distances himself from Farrakhans endorsement, his own Pastor for 20 years sounds like a complete racist nutbar as well! Do we really want someone as president who follows a moron like this?
7 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoWhy wasn't Gov. Spitzer booked like any other common man on the street?
Equal justice under the law? Sadly, I don't think so....
12 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoHow would you feel if you were in jail for being a "John" with a prostittute in N.Y.?
As the Governor (who is obviously guilty of the same thing) sits back in the Governor's Mansion and sips wine contemplating his next pathetic move.... Is this fair? Everyone equal under the law!!!!!
15 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoDo the Democrats want to raise taxes on everyone and just say its on the wealthiest?
Bill Clinton did this and I am afraid they will as well...
17 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago