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  • Mi preciosa quiere que la acompañe al baby shower de su sobrina. Sera buena idea ..?

    Yo creo que eso es mas bien para mujeres.

    Se divierten mas y conviven muy a gusto.

    Como que la presencia de un hombre (yo) puede demeritar un poco la reuniòn.

    Ademàs me llevo mal con el marido de la sobrina, no tengo un buen concepto de èl y el momento puede ser incomodo.

    Prefiero quedarme en casa y contestar respuestas aqui. en YR.

    18 AnswersFamilia1 decade ago
  • Como distingues un "no" ...?

    Muchas veces ante una propuesta las mujeres nos dicen "no".

    Pero realmente no lo sienten. Mas bien no desean ser tomadas por "fàciles".

    Por eso la pregunta es como distinguir:

    Cuando te dicen "NO (no me interesa, no insistas, no vas a lograr nada, pierdes tu tiempo.) ".


    Cuando te dicen "NO (pero vas bien, insiste un poco y te dirè "si".).

    6 AnswersSolteros - Citas1 decade ago
  • En esta ocasión que será mejor: Un arreglo Floral o Frutal ...?

    Cada viernes le quiero mandar algo a mi amorcito.

    El primero fueron 12 rosas rojas y si le gustaron.

    El segundo fueron 11 rojas y 1 blanca. Si le gustaron, pero como se cayeron adentro de su coche y lo mojaron, le gustaron menos.

    Para el tercero pienso mejor en un arreglo frutal y en la tarjeta poner: "no mas agua". O algo asi chusco que se me ocurra.

    Que les parece la idea...?

    Alguna sugerencia para la tarjeta...?

    De antemano gracias por responder.

  • Que le puedo dar de comer a mi amorcito...?

    Ella sale de la casa a las 7 de la mañana y le dan permiso de comer hasta las 5 de la tarde.

    En su trabajo no hay fregadero, refrigerador ni horno de microondas.

    El reto es consguir prepararle algo que, sea rico, saludable y que le llegue en buen estado a esa hora.

    No esta fácil, hasta ahora sólo se me ha ocurrido galletas, pan y cosas por el estilo. Yo busco algo mas nutritivo.

    Alguna sugerencia...?

    24 AnswersOtros - Comer y Beber1 decade ago
  • A real woman hug means:?

    A social hug is limp and barely the shoulders are touched. A real woman hug is strong, chest against chest.

    When a woman gives you one, she is saying...

    a) You like me, you can get more of me if you want.

    b) Look what do I have and you are missing.

    c) I'm so tender, and you looks as if you need some.

    d) I'm sexy, and you are asexual for me.

    e) ...?

    10 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships2 decades ago
  • Which is the meaning of a "Real Woman Hug"?

    A social hug is limp and barely the shoulders are touched. A real woman hug is strong, chest against chest.

    When a woman gives you one, she is saying...

    a) You like me, you can get more of me if you want.

    b) Look what do I have and you are missing.

    c) I'm so tender, and you looks as if you need some.

    d) I'm sexy, and you are asexual for me.

    e) ...?

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships2 decades ago
  • Which is the meaning of not wearing bra.?

    a) I am against established

    b) The bra presses and i like being confortable

    c) I Am sexy, I am pretty, Hey you look at me and enjoy the view.

    d) I am easy. Buy me a beer and lead me to the bed.

    12 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships2 decades ago
  • Why the women that use a great cleavage are bothered when I glimpse her?

    Isn't a big cleavage a way to say: Check me out. I'm beauty, I'm well armed. Take a look an make your day.

    7 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships2 decades ago
  • Only for women's between 30 & 35. Do I have the opportunity to get married with you?

    I am 47 years old. I am not ugly, in good physical form, single, without children. I am not rich but my economic situation is solved, (a house in the beach, a condo in the city). Well educated, (English is my second lenguage) with a business of medium size that runs smoothly. Perhaps I am a little serious and introverted although not so much, I enjoy the laughters, the diversion and a sip of wine occasionally. I seek a young woman because I want to establish my family and to have a boy, I know this: youth is not equal to fertility but I believe that the odds are better. I have noted that the girls among 30 & 35 seek men that are for the same range of the age, therefore my question is: Do you believe that I have the opportunity to marry a woman of that age?

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships2 decades ago