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I am a 58 year old female. Married and living in the country. I have lupus and actually my body is a mess from it... I seem to be a nice person , ask me.LOl. I love to read the Bible ..I am open minded and will answer most questions. I especially love Bible Questions and find them to be very uplifting. I am a caring person hateing no one. If I can make your day a little better I will do that.
animal cruelty defined ?
I have concerns for some dogs in our area that are basicly being neglected. Outside in pens and hardly ever water and food on a daily baseis. One has been tied with a short leash since he was a puppy and he is at least 5 years old. Collor to tight and fat hanging over his color. I have tried our local people to have them check but in our area it seems nothing will be done. I do not understand this., Does an innocent animal have a voice? What can I do. I am ashamed at the people who are doing this ... I have talked to them and its like talking to a brick wall. I need advice here.
Thank you in advance
7 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade agoAny one out there getting ready for abortion?
I am serious. Please do not do it. I live in a big house and want a baby and cannot have one. This is not a joke question so please be nice in answering.
8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agowhat does dissolving baby in womb mean ?
I have a friend that said her daughter in law is pregnant with twins in seperate sacks and one baby died and dissolved in her system. What does this mean and is this dangerous? I would think so but I need some info for her. Our doctors in this small town are not very knowledgeable evidently. If you can help I would appreciate this. I have looked and find nothing.
3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoFemale Genital Cutting ?
Why ? Thats not even scriptual !
23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWho likes hanging clothes verses Dryer ?
I love the smell from the out doors on my clothes...
7 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade agoHers a fast question for you....?
What don't you ever call me. You know who you are. LOl
1 AnswerFriends1 decade agoPorphyria ?
Any one out there have this. I was told 5 years ago that I have this...If you do what do you take other then meds from Dr.....Any good web sites regarding this?
1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade agoWhy Why Why. Do some call names when answering?
You knoa this Yahoo ask and answer is a place to do just that. I find it sad that some come back with the Ansers Moron etc ? You should not be on if you have nothing good to say. Points get you no where. Its a Good Answer that will help some one seeking the advice of others....
12 AnswersFriends1 decade agoMOno ? What is it and can I catch it?
A neighbor came over and his daughter with him . I found out that the daughter has mono ? I am terrified as I have Lupus and My daughter has Diabetes. Can we catch it. This is very scary...
If you can help please do.
Thanks in advance.
4 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade agoAny one know where ?
I can locate free to very low cost vehicle fixing. I live in a very small town....Anything on the internet about this. Any advice would be helpful... Thanks.
2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago1991 Plymoth Voyager Problems?
Hi. I have been trying to figure out this Voyager I have here. It ran very nice till the radiater sprung a small leak and my neighbor replaces the radiater with one that did not fit well. Now the thermostat does not work and the ans there is no circulation of fluid going through the radiater hose to the engine. I cannot afford to take it to the shop. Any one know how to get it running right?
4 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago23 Psalm...?
Does any one really know what this means....
10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoSex Affenders ?What makes them do it ?
Just what make one forse sex on any one. Molest a child or just molest anything and any one. Rape. ? What do you all think is the reason for so much of this in the world.
Please be nice when answering. This is a sincere question I am asking.
9 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoAm I a Wicked lady , because I need help with chores?
I just wonder. I appologise when I get upset because I need help. Whats wrong with me.
11 AnswersFamily1 decade agoPsalms 83:18?
What does this say. Does it show that Jesus is the Son of God? Two different names here. Jesus and ???????
13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoDo You Really Love me ?
Just as I am. Getting older, more wise...Crafty, Nearsighted. I mean. What is that would make you love me ? This is a serious question my friends. Lets see how you love me....I love you all !
17 AnswersFriends1 decade agoDo mosst think that wars are fought in the name of God ?
I wonder if peple that fight wars do it thinking that God wants this ? I cannot believe that a loving God would want to have people kill each other in his name ? Please tell me what you think about this. I am against war and have always been. I feel that wars has never solved anything. If God is Love as I read ... should that not mean that he is Against killing and hate . We are all equal in Gods eyes. Why Why Why ? This is my day for asking questions...
Hugs to you all where ever you are in this world.
20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoPlease everyone. Whats everyone killing for.?
I just saw some devastating photos . Please read and respond. Can we all not just leave the violence behind and learn to love. eachother regards to where we are? My heart grieves for the people and the children who are left to see this stuff....
11 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade agoDid you all see that ?
Yes. It went so fast I did not see it....
Could it have been a sheep ? Should I be counting them right now ? heheheheheheh I think I will go to bed before I loose my sanity. You all have a wonderful night. Sleep well and above all may we all continue learning. Ask and it shall be givin . Seek and you will find.....
God Bless each of you where ever you are in the world...
Nity Nite
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago