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Lv 44,968 points

Mr. A

Favorite Answers8%

I'm a Christian. I get thumbs down regularly. Usually it's just because someone disagrees with me. I like to debate off of YA where I can go back and forth. I like to make people think. I like to think. I'm not closed-minded as some people assert that I am. It's interesting to see how people think. I enjoy observing more on YA than answering. I'm a friend to all.

  • Christian seeking knowledge on evolution...?

    I admit, as a "fundie" I do not know enough about evolution and therefore I am limited when it comes to questions and discussions concerning the topic. I am very interested in reading into it, though. I have read some books by Dawkins and Hitchens (though not completely about evolution) and this makes me recognize that before getting to that point, I almost need something a little simpler, as most books on evolution seem to have pre-requisite readings.

    Essentially, I'm looking for the "101" class on evolution book that I could possibly pick up at my local library.

    Any suggestions?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What are the average costs per day for American families?

    I am looking for a credible source of a list of the average cost per day for American families for things such as:




    As well as any other figures possible. Just looking for a credible source to cite expenses for Americans on a daily level of some basic needs.

    2 AnswersEconomics1 decade ago
  • Transitional....?

    I am not even close to knowledgeable with this part of the evolutionary theory, thus I am asking in a completely "I want to learn" way...but, by looking at species, whether humans, or other forms, all of the forms are identical. I mean, you can look at me, and you can look at some guy in Africa and realize we are both humans. You can compare every human on the face of the planet and realize that we are humans...does this mean that all evolution occurs at the same pace?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • The Tablet and Simon?

    With the recent jazz about "Gabriel's Revelation" tablet, it again pushes the envelope with speculation that the Christ story is a myth. I am looking for the evidence that points this tablet toward Simon. Who is this Simon character, and where can I find more information about him? I don't want the NY Times Article where the guy "speculates" that it is speaking of Simon, but I would like a link, a book, or anything that just talks about Simon. It would be a great help, as there is NO information out there about him I have been able to find.

    Fishy, eh?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Jesus vs. Horus/Isis/Hercules, etc.?

    I was just wondering if someone could give me a source where these stories arise? I have seen it claimed that there are the same stories with Jesus and these others, but no one has ever given a source, except for a website that tells me exactly what they told me. I am just looking for the original sources and where I can find that it says these things. So...can someone give me some original sources that tell these similarities and where within the sources it tells this?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists, how many Christian books have you read lately?

    From this thread:

    Many people point out that the poster has probably never read the book, and thus he is a bigot and whatnot. My question: How many books on the common issues between Christianity and atheism have you read that are written from the Christian standpoint?

    If the answer is none, then isn't it a bit hypocritical to ask a Christian to read your literature?

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Moral Wrongs?

    For atheists, I know that most all of you are great moral people. I have seen that a lot of people define their morals by a.) society or b.) just goodness toward others.

    My question though, are there any absolute moral wrongs? I mean, would it ever be okay if two eleven year olds have sex? Or, is it ever okay for a husband/wife to cheat on his/her spouse? Not flaming, just wondering thoughts from the atheistic mindset.

    If not, then what constitutes something as immoral?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christianity Is A Failing Religion?

    So I keep hearing all of these people stating that Christianity is a failing religion?

    Is this a statistic that can be backed up or is this just something people are making up and hoping that it happens. Last website I looked at said that from 1990-2000, Christianity increased in the US by 5%. That's not as much as some other practices, but it's a positive increase...thus cannot be equated to failing.

    So...can anyone back up the claim that Christianity is "failing"? Or is this just the same type of claim that Voltaire made.?

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists and Reading pt. 2?

    This is a follow up question from my former question found here:;_ylt=Aq_6A...

    Through this, there are apparently only 2 atheists who are willing to actually read Christian literature to try to understand more. The demand for Christians to read Dawkins, Hitchens, and Harris is preposterous whenever atheists won't read Christian writings by Strobel, McDowell, Muncaster, and Zacharias.

    All atheists on there (except for 2) claim, "I have read the Bible, that's enough for me." Thus, that shows the fact that most have not actually done the study. They immediately conclude the Bible is false based on what premises?

    So my question is, how do you call Christians ignorant of what they believe and unwilling to do research, yet you do not do the research yourselves?

    Why is it that you tell Christians to read atheist writings, but won't read Christian writings?

    Just seems a bit skewed to me.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • For those who don't go to church?

    What is your perception of the church?

    This is for atheists, Christians, spiritual people, etc.

    Also, what happens when one dies?

    Also, put your age and "belief system" (atheist, Christian, wiccan, etc.)


    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists and Reading?

    I have a great respect for the intelligence of atheists on this site. As a Christian, you have challenged me by far to acquire knowledge so that I do not appear ignorant as the majority of Christians in the world do.

    I also hear a lot of talk about Christians needing to read books by atheists, and whenever it is realized that most Christians haven't, atheists claim they are afraid. (My library won't give me a card because I am a temporary resident in the city, thus Dawkins and Harris must wait two weeks to be read. I have watched "The God Who Wasn't There" though and took 3 pages of typed notes.)

    So my question is, what books written by Christians on the subject of science and atheism have you read lately? If you haven't, then why not? If you have, what did you like or dislike about them?

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Charles Manson a Christian?

    On Brian Flemming's video, "The God Who Wasn't There", one of the first things he does to try to "represent the faces of Christianity" is putting up Charles Manson's face. As a caption of the photo, he puts "Jesus Christ" pointing out that Manson thought he was the incarnate of Jesus Christ...

    I was just wondering if anyone had anything that proved this. There are a couple of logical problems with this argument, unless at some point there is proof that Manson claimed to be a "Christian", of which no evidence I have been able to find.

    So, can someone help me here, or is this just another example of people trying to make Christians look bad?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Fundamentalists?

    I hear this term thrown around like a baseball in a ballpark by all atheists...but I'm very curious as to what that actually entails to you. Are all Christians "fundies" in your eyes? I in no way consider myself a "fundie". I agree with the five tenets that they profess faith in, yet Christians see "Christian fundamentalists" as legalistic people who claim that you either believe their form of Christianity, or none which usually includes certain practices in the church and etc.

    So, my question, describe what a fundamental looks like to you.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • The evolution of man...?

    I am a Christian. This forum has intrigued me and I am currently trying to understand much more about atheism and all. I understand that man evolved through the years from a common ancestor of apes. Etc.

    One of the most embarrassing arguments that I find on this site from Christians is the "Why are monkeys not still evolving..." So, on behalf of Christianity, sorry.

    My question though, and for all serious thought and answers, just for my curiosity: Is man still evolving to a higher form of humanity? If so, thoughts? If not, why?

    Also, if you have any recommendations for books for me to check into I am greatly interested. Dawkins and Harris are on my list, but the library is refusing me a card because I'm only living in this city for around a month and a half.


    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists and Morality?

    We've discussed time and time again how atheists are moral people. I am a Christian and I will gladly admit this. Some of the most generous people in the world have no religious affiliation. But, my problem suddenly is that most of the ones on YA who claim that atheists do have morals and they get offended when it suggested that they do not have morals, are the ones who start useless "questions" about Christians and all of these different church questions. (Some in mind would be making fun of Christians by stereotyping and say we all want people to burn in hell, or that our churches steal money, etc.)

    If you're moral people...morality consists of being nice to others. This is not an issue of how Christians act toward you...if you're moral people, then you will treat others with respect.

    I just find it all ironic that there is justification for acting in such a manner from either Christians or atheists.

    This isn't one of those..."Can't we all just get along posts...just find

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christianity and Prison?

    Over the past couple of days, I have seen the statistic of 75% of prison being filled with Christians.

    Regardless of whether one believes that this is due to the fact that many people in America claim Christianity as their faith, yet they do not practice, is not the issue.

    I was just wondering, can someone find me a site with this statistic? I would like a credible source, not some anti-Christian website.

    Thanks in advance for the help!

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is your general feeling toward Christians who try to prove you wrong?

    I am a 20 year old Youth Ministry major at a Bible College. And to be honest, sometimes I get embarassed on behalf of Christianity at the way some of the "Christian Fundamentalists" act on here towards athiests, agnostics, and any non-Christian. Now, some of the people in the athiests, agnostics, and non-Christian group do say some pretty nasty things, also, but overall, whenever a Christian makes some type of question where they think they've solved all of your problems, how does that make you respsond? I have been educated in apologetics and I realize most of the answers Christians give to your questions are general and easily refuted, so hopefully the Christians on here can look at this question and realize what type of steps to take in order to just befriend those who don't believe.

    Much love in Christ.

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago