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  • What could cause a 26 y.o. female to have a very low sex drive?

    Since I was about 21 I have noticed my sex drive falling, it is now pretty much non existent. I would not be very bothered if I found out I would never have sex again in my life, in fact, I would probably be relieved. Perhaps I am just lazy but the effort involved in sex out weighs the benefits. With every single one of the past relationships, I have done it just to keep the other person involved with me. I can only think of a few times when I have actually wanted it. I prefer masturbation and I find it hard to get aroused unless I am touched in a specific way. I was raped while drunk when I was 15 by two men, and I never reported it to the police. Over the past few years, I cannot stop thinking about it and often find myself feeling angry at men and violated/disgusted by it. The fact they made me give them oral sex was probably the most disgusting and vile part. It probably lasted over an hour. I am wondering if it is this that maybe is inhibiting my libido. I feel hostile towards sex in general, and the subject makes me feel angry for no good reason. When naked, I feel extremely exposed and foolish and I hate my body simply for looking the way it does. When certain sexual actions are performed on me, I feel myself tensing up and the feeling of being violated comes back. This has only started perhaps in the last year or so, but my libido has always been low and is getting lower. Its impossible to enjoy it at all. What shall I do? I cannot afford private therapy and i'm not sure if they offer the kind I would need on the UK NHS. I have booked a doctors apptmt tomorrow because I frequently feel stressed and down and have OCD (already diagnosed) and want to go onto anti depressants. I cant mention my sexual problems tomorrow as we will already have so much to talk about and my doctor refuses to treat more than one problem per single appointment. Maybe I should make another appointment? But even then, I doubt he can do much to help me if it IS caused by rape. I feel very embarrassed talking to a professional about these things.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health10 years ago
  • My mum is so rude to my girlfriend....?

    My Dad has an idea that we are more than just friends and he still says "hi" to her, but my mum who knows she is my partner wont say more to her than a very mumbled word or two if shes lucky. Shes very cold towards her and will have a full blown conversation with me in front of her without even acknowledging she's there. Im 25 but cant afford to move out on my wage, but she wont let me have her stay past 3am. If it gets ast 3am she kicks her out. It makes it worse the fact that I have known gay people younger than my myself who have parents who let their partners stay round within the first week. Even my girlfriends mum who is 64 (she lives at home too) who dosen't agree with homosexuality, will still let me stay at my girlfriends house. My girlfriend wants to marry me in future, and I know that my mum will probably try and persuade me not to invite or tell the rest of my family. Is there any point in trying to get my mum to change, or any way in which I can? I just wish she could be more like my girlfriends mum who is older than my mum, and who also strongly disagrees with it, but still talks to me as if I was human, and lets me stay. My mum seems to think that because she dosent agree with something, then its a free rein to act badly, embarrassingly, and girlfriend is hurt almost every time they meet, because she dosent treat her like a human being.

  • I have a very low libido....I am only 24 why is this?

    I have always noticed that I do not experience attraction to people very often, maybe once every 5 years I will see someone who appears attractive to me. I currently have a partner who treats me very well but I am freaking out because I simply do not desire sex. When I masturbate I have a difficult time finding anything that will turn me on. I feel like a freak and a failure. I dont know if I will ever be able to have a satisfying relationship, because I cannot give people what they want without acting. My partner who I have been with 3 months is very good at reading me and can tell when I am not turned on, I am thinking I may have to finish it with them because I will never be able to fool them like I have my other partners. With my other partners I have always pretended to enjoy it and they never knew. I don't look forward to sex, I find the idea boring and slightly scary.I just don't know whats wrong with me. Is there any hope for me at all or should I just resign myself to a life of being alone? I know that no one will want to be with me if I don't want to have sex, so I dont see how I can have a partner. But I like all the other aspects of having a relationship and dont want to be alone.....I love my current partner and couldnt imagine life without them....I hate to let them down like this, but I feel that I am, and that I will let down everyone who I am ever with.

    5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • HELP!!Im a 24 yr old female who is losing her hair?? what causes it?

    I have always had very thick hair - it was always pretty time consuming to style because it was so thick -but over the past month of so, when I tie my hair back, i am aware of what looks like a bald patch on each side.At first I thought nothing of it, assuming it was my blonde roots showing through the dark brown that I die it. However a collegue at work asked me what that bald patch was (how very charming of them, ten points for tact, not) and since then I have become more and more convinced that they are actually bald patches, I asked my mum today and she said it did look that way. I am going to make an appointment with my doctor tomorrow about this, and am convinced he will tell me to stop dying my hair. However I dont use chemical dye as I am allergic to it and already only use a very mild herbal dye that I have used for over two years with no problems. I am therefore assuming it is not the dye that causes it. But does anyone know what does?

    9 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Does anyone have experience of using 1st class international mail USA to UK?

    I live in the UK and have had a shipment of legal smoking blends from the USA sent to me. It was sent USPS 1ST Class international. It was sent exactly one week ago today. All that is showing on the tracking page is "electronic shipping info recieved" and the item I had sent was very similar to this this likely to make it through customs?

    and secondly....does the fact that when I go to track the parcel and it only says "electronic shipping info recieved" mean my parcel is STILL in new jersey?? I have read from other customers that there will be other updates to can it still be in new jersey unless its been held up by customs?? considering it was sent using the cheapest option, do tracking and updates even apply to me? I have been on the USPS website and it seems they do but I need to check this. Does anyone have any experience of using international mail?

    4 AnswersStudying Abroad1 decade ago
  • I need some advice, would this item get through customs?

    I live in the UK and have had a shipment of legal smoking blends from the USA sent to me. It was sent USPS 1ST Class international. It was sent exactly one week ago today. All that is showing on the tracking page is "electronic shipping info recieved" and the item I had sent was very similar to this this likely to make it through customs?

    and secondly....does the fact that when I go to track the parcel and it only says "electronic shipping info recieved" mean my parcel is STILL in new jersey?? I have read from other customers that there will be other updates to can it still be in new jersey unless its been held up by customs?? considering it was sent using the cheapest option, do tracking and updates even apply to me? I have been on the USPS website and it seems they do but I need to check this. Does anyone have any experience of using international mail?

    3 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • I have a degree, but no ambition?

    I am 24 and went to uni because my parents expected it of me, and graduated in 2007 with a 2:2 degree in Sociology from what is accepted is a very good university. I am currently working for minimum wage at a Cinema in my town and am happy with that. I dont have any ambition and all I want to do is to be able to support myself, im not bothered about having a luxury lifestyle or status. My mum in particular is naturally desperate to see my do well, and wants me to apply to loads of different jobs, such as the police (in the UK they are very well paid) and even the houses of parliament. The problem is I just dont feel any ambition, I could work in the cinema for the rest of my life and be happy with that, how can i convince her to let me take my own path i life?

    15 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • my father has an alcohol problem and abuses my mum its cutting me up inside what shall I do?

    Hes always had an alcohol problem and has always started drunken arguments with my mum and when we were younger he used to pick on us too. He never got violent but its all mental and verbal abuse and he is a horrible person to be around when sober as well. He will accuse her of having a drink problem when she dosent often drink and of spending all his money, when in reality we are in debt because he spends over £100 a week on alcohol. He ruins a days tidying up in 20 minutes and seems content to live in squalor. I am getting to the stage where its annoying me that my mum never left him, however I know from things she has said that she never ever saw herself as being a divorcee and thats probably why she never escaped. They have been dating since they were 19 and are now in their mid-50s so I suppose its also fear of the unknown thats stopping her. I am 24 and will be moving out soon, (Its not my 1st time though, I have already lived away from home before at university) is there nothing I can do? It seems like I just have to accept that she has made her choice now, but the atmosphere and general home life is terrible and I dont want to dread visiting my parents in future, and times like Christmas etc. I think I do have to just let my parents get on with it as there is nothing I can do now, but I just want to know if there is anything more I can do? I asked my mum a few nights ago why she chose to stay with the man who abuses her, and why she chose a childood of arguments and tension for us as kids, but she refuses to accept that me and my brother suffered and the concept of arguments at home ot being good for kids is totally alien to her (at least thats how it seems), and I could tell she was close to breaking point, I came down later and her head was in her hands and I felt guilty for asking her but it makes me angry that my parents didnt face facts and divorce when we were young.......what should I do, if anything?

    7 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Why have I suddenly developed all these allergies?

    As a kid, I never had any allergies. It started when I was 13 when I became allergic to the metal earrings I was wearing, Now I have to use hypo allergenic stainless steel ones. Then it was walnuts when I was 16. Then Savlon cream (antiseptic) at 19. Now over the 2 years, I have developed an allergy to tree pollen, some shampoos, facecreams and conditioners, ALL hairdyes, wheat and now it appears Almonds, Brazil nuts and Pecans.Was thinking I should go to the doctor just to have an allergy to test to check it out. I only discovered the nut allergy today when I ate a large portion of Brazils, Almonds and Pecans - My stomach really began to hurt, I felt light headed and warm and my heart began to race.....does this sound like a nut allergy and what can I do reduce the chances of me developing yet another allergy?

    1 AnswerAllergies1 decade ago
  • I have no direction in my life?

    I am 24 and I have a degree in sociology (a "soft subject") but it is from York university, which is not exactly a bad uni. I graduated in 2007 after taking a gap year to work before uni, and have found myself making far less money after uni than in that gap year before- when i earned around £1,100 a month in 2003, I now earn around £700 -£800 a month in the bar and box office of a cinema. We are a very busy cineam but they insist on paying us minimum wage. I took that job because after being unemployed for 9 months, I was desperate. However the management is terrible and they do no give us the right tools for the job, and the hours are anti social and the pay very low, not to mention its hard to get to. I have a massive problem with lateness and have done agency work after uni, however I was fired for lateness from both and despite them being "easy jobs" I found it hard to remember the details of the jobs and was a slow learner. Im not sure if this has anything to do with the amount of cannabis I used to smoke, but I pretty much used to smoke it every day. It has made me doubt myself to not even be able to hold down small jobs like these, and people always expect me to be doing more since I have a degree but the idea of responsibility scares me and I dont feel capable. I feel that my parents always thought I had far more potential than I actually do have. I had my IQ tested when I was 6 because of dyslexia and it was 152, however since then I have done IQ tests and scored between 115-and 128......I am just so confused about what I should be doing - my parents will be angry if I dont end up in some high flying job somewhere but I have no desire to be in such a job. Money isnt everythig and I dont even think im capable - I am disorganized, forgetful and happy with having less money and less stress than more money and more stress/ responsiblity. What would you advise?

    9 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • why do i get into relationships with people I dont actually like?

    I am 24, and I have got into several long term relationships with people i dont like that much. I dont know why I do this. I just keep hoping things will get better. When I say "dont like" I mean generally physically I am not attracted to them. I might get along well with them some of the time, but generally there will be a few things (sometimes quite big things, but sometimes none) about their personality I dont like as well, yet I stay with them. I have a real problem with dumping people as I cant stand to hurt peoples feelings, so I end up staying with them, sometimes for much much longer than I should, Im talking like 1-2 yrs longer than I should. Even though I have had quite a lot of experience, I have never been in a relationship with someone who loves me and who I love back. My mum and dad didnt love eachother - it was quite clear from the way they acted around eachother.....yet they stayed married. Could it be to do with this? as in, I learned that in a relationship you stay for security rather than love? I know thats why my mum stayed with my dad as she told me

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • why do i get into relationships with people I dont actually like?

    am 24, and I have got into several long term relationships with people i dont like that much. I dont know why I do this. I just keep hoping things will get better. When I say "dont like" I mean generally physically I am not attracted to them. I might get along well with them some of the time, but generally there will be a few things (sometimes quite big things, but sometimes none) about their personality I dont like as well, yet I stay with them. I have a real problem with dumping people as I cant stand to hurt peoples feelings, so I end up staying with them, sometimes for much much longer than I should, Im talking like 1-2 yrs longer than I should. Even though I have had quite a lot of experience, I have never been in a relationship with someone who loves me and who I love back. My mum and dad didnt love eachother - it was quite clear from the way they acted around eachother.....yet they stayed married. Could it be to do with this? as in, I learned that in a relationship you stay for security rather than love? I know thats why my mum stayed with my dad as she told me

    7 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • why do I get into relationships with people I dont actually like?

    am 24, and I have got into several long term relationships with people i dont like that much. I dont know why I do this. I just keep hoping things will get better. When I say "dont like" I mean generally physically I am not attracted to them. I might get along well with them some of the time, but generally there will be a few things (sometimes quite big things, but sometimes none) about their personality I dont like as well, yet I stay with them. I have a real problem with dumping people as I cant stand to hurt peoples feelings, so I end up staying with them, sometimes for much much longer than I should, Im talking like 1-2 yrs longer than I should. Even though I have had quite a lot of experience, I have never been in a relationship with someone who loves me and who I love back. My mum and dad didnt love eachother - it was quite clear from the way they acted around eachother.....yet they stayed married. Could it be to do with this? as in, I learned that in a relationship you stay for security rather than love? I know thats why my mum stayed with my dad as she told me

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • why do i get into relationships with people I dont acually like?

    I am 24, and I have got into several long term relationships with people i dont like that much. I dont know why I do this. I just keep hoping things will get better. When I say "dont like" I mean generally physically I am not attracted to them. I might get along well with them some of the time, but generally there will be a few things (sometimes quite big things, but sometimes none) about their personality I dont like as well, yet I stay with them. I have a real problem with dumping people as I cant stand to hurt peoples feelings, so I end up staying with them, sometimes for much much longer than I should, Im talking like 1-2 yrs longer than I should. Even though I have had quite a lot of experience, I have never been in a relationship with someone who loves me and who I love back. My mum and dad didnt love eachother - it was quite clear from the way they acted around eachother.....yet they stayed married. Could it be to do with this? as in, I learned that in a relationship you stay for security rather than love? I know thats why my mum stayed with my dad as she told me.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • having problems buying online? page not showing?

    When my banks secure password page comes up to authorize my payment, (after filling in the details for my order), nothing is showing on the page and I am unable to enter my banking password!! It works on my freinds computer and he seems to think I need to just wipe my computer and install windows again. I was just wondering if there are any settings I could change to make the password page show? it says that nothing on the page is being blocked if this is any help. I have bought things using the same card with no problem as it dosent usually direct me to the secure password page, however this time it is -and the page isnt showing properly! Thanx in advance.

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Having a problem buying things online, page not showing?

    When my banks secure password page comes up to authorize my payment, (after filling in the details for my order), nothing is showing on the page and I am unable to enter my banking password!! It works on my freinds computer and he seems to think I need to just wipe my computer and install windows again. I was just wondering if there are any settings I could change to make the password page show? it says that nothing on the page is being blocked if this is any help. I have bought things using the same card with no problem as it dosent usually direct me to the secure password page, however this time it is -and the page isnt showing properly! Thanx in advance.

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • I had a dream about being raped?

    However In my dream I couldnt rememeber how it happened, I just know that it did, and that one of my acquaintances (who I feel takes advantage of me) arranged it. Strangely enough, I did not feel distressed by it. Is this dream using strong imagery such as rape to alert me to the seriousness of how they take advantage? and is the fact that I didnt feel distressed drawing attention to the fact that in my waking life, I willingly let them walk all over me?

    8 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Question regarding UK benefits (JSA)?

    They told me I was entitled to get paid right up until my first day of work. This means I would get about 9 days worth and I really need this money to live on. I am due to get it today (thursday fortnightly is the day I normally get my money) however have checked my acct and there is nothing. Does anyone know if they make different payments such as mine (i.e. not the set amount ones) slightly later, and if it will be there in the morning? Is it possibleor likely they made a mistake and will not get paid at all? Are there any people who are jobcentre advisors online tonight?

    2 AnswersLaw & Legal1 decade ago
  • In the past I havent lubricated when aroused?

    ok in the past when I have had sex, I have found that I have not lubricated even when I am aroused....this is more of a curiosity question .....but what hormonal imbalances cause this? I am 23 and this has pretty much always been the case.

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago