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  • Would India be able to achieve UNDP millennium goals?What are the constraints and how should we tackle this?

    The Goals that were formulated in 2000 at the UN Millennium Summit are set to be achieved by 2015.India is a signatory to this.

    These are not mere development objectives; they encompass universally accepted human values and rights such as freedom from hunger, the right to basic education, the right to health and a responsibility to future generations.

    India’s achievement in poverty reduction is one of the leading factors in the global action against poverty. With more than 2.3 billion people in India and China alone, their major advances in poverty reduction drive developing world averages. The target set for poverty reduction is 19% population below the poverty line by 2015.

    The average Income of per person should be above 1$ per day, but as per Govt of India standards person earning 18 rupees in urban area and 14 rupees in rural area are considered to be BPL(Below poverty line).

    So If we raise the level of poverty as per UNDP goals then more then 50% of Indian population would be living under the line of poverty.

    Would we be able to achieve the goals set by UNDP??

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • India to overtake China in 2020: Swaminathan Aiyar....Do you agree with him?

    I read an interesting article recently in which Swaminathan have given few reason for India to overtake china in this decade.Out of this point one is very interesting and new one for me which i,m going to cut and paste below:-

    India, along with the US and Canada, will develop new technology to extract natural gas from gas hydrates - a solidified form of gas lying on ocean floors. India has the largest gas hydrate deposits in the world, and so will become the biggest global producer. This will enable India to substitute gas for coal in power generation, hugely reducing carbon emissions and making Jairam Ramesh look saintly.

    India will also discover enormous deposits of shale gas in its vast shale formations running through the Gangetic plain, Assam, Rajasthan and Gujarat. New technology has made the extraction of shale gas economic, so India will become a major gas producer and exporter. Meanwhile, Iran's mullahs will be overthrown, and a new democratic regime will usher in rapid economic growth that creates a shortage of gas in Iran by 2020. So, the Iran-India pipeline will be recast, but in reverse form: India will now export gas to Iran.

    How far do you agree with this article please show some patience to read the artcle and give you views.

    Though I,m asking this on politics section but i would appriciate if the users would stay away from politics on this.

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do Users on YA Politics fight for the parties affiliation or respective ideology they believe in?

    I myself is a part of on going Congress-Bjp fight on this forum, but i wonder some times does this congress really represent the views once Gandhiji have dreamt off.

    Or does today Bjp really stands for the ideology which once Dr. Shyama parsad Mukharjee or Deen Dayal upadhya thinks off.

    Often we fight on the petty issues such as recent Jharkhand govt appointment of Shibu soren as CM, now BJP have supported a criminal and corrupt man for the post of CM, earlier Congress had made him a minster despite a murder charge was pending against him and also court judgment went against Him.

    But still user here defends the actions of there respective parties.

    My question is are we defending the parties or the ideology these parties once stood for?Actually I,m little confused!!!

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Which one is better option Feroz shah tuglaq or Deen Dayal upadhaya?

    I asked this question because congress is today completing 125 years and now they are going in to new office which was having a slight problem since the new office adress was on Deen Dayal Upadhya marg, which was not acceptable for congress(since he was a jan sangh icon) so first it tries to change the name of the road but since it could have raised the controversy they decided to close the entry from DDU marg and instead made a new entry door on "Feroz shah Kotla road",Now there official adress would be INC headquarters" Kotla road New Delhi

    Now the fight of ideology would be fought on such a low level, that for congress Feroz-shah is acceptable but Deen Dayal upadhya is not.

    I,m furnishing the small detailes of each one below ,wanted to know your views on this.

    Under his rule, Hindus who were forced to pay the mandatory Jizya tax were recorded as infidels, their communities monitored and, if they violated Imperial ordinance and built temples, these were destroyed. In particular, an incident in the village of Gohana in Haryana was recorded in the "Insha-i-Mahry" (another historical record written by Amud Din Abdullah bin Mahru) where Hindus had erected a deity and were arrested, brought to the palace and executed en-masse[2].

    In 1230, the powerful Ganga Vanshi Hindu King of Orissa, Anangabhima III consolidated his rule and proclaimed that an attack on Orissa constituted an attack on the king's god.

    In 1361, the Indian region of Orissa was conquered by the Delhi Sultan Firoz Shah and he destroyed the Jagannath temple and the stone deity of Krishna, but the indigenous wooden image of the deity was saved.

    In 1951, when Dr Syama Prasad Mookerjee founded the Bharatiya Jana Sangh, Deendayal became the first general secretary of its UP branch. Next he was chosen as all-India general secretary. The acumen and meticulousness shown by Deendayal deeply impressed Dr Syama Prasad Mookerjee and elicited his famous remark: 'If I had two Deendayals, I could transform the political face of India.'

    After Dr Mookerjee's death in 1953, the entire burden of nurturing the orphaned organisation and building it up as a nation-wide movement fell on the young shoulders of Deendayal. For 15 years, he remained the outfit's general secretary and built it up, brick by brick. He raised a band of dedicated workers imbued with idealism and provided the entire ideological framework of the outfit.

    He died in mysterious circumstances and was found dead on 11 February,1968 at Mughal Sarai Railway yard.

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What is the fault of economical backward from the upper caste from Hindu society?

    Why they are not eligible for reservations?

    How long they would carry the baggage of the atrocities done by there ancestors?

    Earlier Govt of India have provide reservation for the discriminated caste of our society from centuries.

    Then after this Mandal commission again in mandal commission even so called forward castes like Jat,s ,Rajput were included.

    Now the latest one is Rangnath commission which have advocated reservation for minorities due to there economic backwardness.

    Now govt of India have 2 set of policies . First reservation for discriminated one second for the economically backward communities or minorities as in the case of Rangnath Misra commission.

    My point is why the economically backward from Upper caste is being debarred from reservation , is that they do not speak in one voice or they do not vote in herds?

    Is there any difference between a Brahmin poor,OBC poor ,Muslim poor ,or christian Poor?

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is there any spiritual implication in this?Where a 1 or 2 days kid laughing and crying in dreams?

    I have seen small new born babies crying and laughing in there dreams, what sort of dreams they see?

    Or what would be in the memory of a new born baby that he dreams off? Normally a grown up do dreaming as per his/her subconscious and conscious memory.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is this the one reason among ,for the price rise under UPA regime? A 2500 crore PDS rice export scam under UPA?

    Beginning January 2008, some three months after the government notified the rice export ban, a plan was in place to help a few exporters bypass the ban and capitalise on the rising international market prices. How was this done? It was felt in the government that since the export ban had made rice dearer in foreign markets, should requests for grain come from poor nations, it would be released on humanitarian grounds. Twenty-one African nations approached the ministry of external affairs after this policy was made public. Their requests were forwarded to the food and public distribution ministry headed by Sharad Pawar and to the commerce and industry ministry then headed by Kamal Nath (now minister for road transport and highways).------------------read the full Modus oprendi in the link below:--------

    In Hindi the link is below :-

    Similar one is the sugar scam:-


    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Every third Indian lives in poverty: Suresh Tendulkar panel,whom do you blame for this?

    Every third Indian is living in poverty, according to the estimate of a government-appointed committee which said the number of the poor has shot up by nearly 10 per cent to over 37 per cent. The expert group, headed by former chairman of PM''s Economic Advisory Council Suresh Tendulkar, in its report on poverty said 41.8 per cent of the rural population spend a meagre amount Rs 447 a month on essential necessities like food, fuel, light, clothing and footwear.

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • We are all Hindus now,65% of america is living it,s life like Hindus!what do you say about this article?

    Acc to an article in newsweek link given above says more then 65% of American population are living there life like Hindu way,they believe in reincarnation,they prefer to burn the dead bodies ,then to bury,there are many more things which you will find in this interesting piece of article,what are you opinion on this artcle link given above?

    Hinduism is less a religion then a way of life,it emphasises more on spirituality then on prayer

    The Rig Veda, the most ancient Hindu scripture, says this: "Truth is One, but the sages speak of it by many names." A Hindu believes there are many paths to God. Jesus is one way, the Qur'an is another,

    yoga practice is a third,there are many more, None is better than any other; all are equal.,

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Indians how much of do you believe in that मतभेद होने चाहिये पर मन भेद नही!!!?

    English translation :-There can be difference of opinions but there should not be differences in the heart.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Indians how much of do you believe in that मतभेद होने चाहिये पर मन भेद नही!!!?

    English translation :-There can be difference of opinions but there should not be differences in the heart.

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What would you say about zakir naik , when he says Only Islam is right all other faiths are wrong?

    Please watch this video carefully and comment only after watching the small video

    I know it,s a wrong category but i posted it here so that i can know the opinion of some of my friends in Political section.

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How many of do you agree with congress govt that Bofors is a dead Horse now?

    Earlier CBI gave clean chit to Quatrochi(acc to congress CBI is an independent agency) .CBI have every right to do so.

    Now in the supreme court CBI lawyer says that Case is too old and it should be Closed.

    How much of do you agree with congress oops CBI thought over this case.

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Can you count 72,80,00,00,00,00,000???????It,s not a puzzle?

    It,s not a puzzle it,s the amount of Black money deposited in Swiss bank from India in Rupees.If anybody have doubt over this figure ,this was news in CNNIBN last night any body can google and find out.

    India Ranked no 1 in the amount of black money deposited in swiss bank,acc to this news

    Whom does this money belongs to?Politician,Bureaucrats,Power brokers,Industrialists?NO

    This money belongs to us?Is there any way to bring this back is our govt serious to get this back?

    Why corruption is no issue at all among the Middle Class,AAM ADMI?

    Why we accept Corruption as a Daily way of life?

    The issue was raised by Baba Ramdev, hijacked by BJP, then a reluctant congress start working on it.But can Indian Govt would get success in getting this huge amount back?

    Would we in our life know whose money is deposited in the swiss bank?

    Can you Imagine only the interest of this amount os close to our GDP?

    There is so many question marks?????It,s not an issue of Congress or BJP.It,s an issue of India developemnt.

    Imagine the amount of development India can have,no body would be poor,starved.Everybody will have access to power,clean water,sanitation,Great expressways,Highways,Road network connecting Villages, ports, Airports, schools ,universities,Research,Defence expenditure,Hospitals,Banks.

    Is this a dream , i think yes it is.

    What,s your opinion.?

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago