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Jack of all trades. Master of none. I am an agnostic. A deist, if you will. I do not see any evidence of a personal God. If I come off as antagonistic to believers, it is only because those few people who think they have a direct line to God and have the right to push those beliefs on others annoy the hell out of me. I do not think negatively of all Christians. Just the ones who think they know it all. About a year ago, I was a Christian, believe it or not. My how times change. I'm single, but in a relationship. I don't cheat. Not looking anymore. I love science. Since I learned how to read I dived into any book about snakes and dinosaurs I could find. I discuss evolution a lot. I used to think creationists preached a false gospel. Now I just think they are losers. Just like Anti-Elchistoso, who is such a loser he made a parody profile of me. I could report him for abuse, but why? He's a loser and everyone knows it now. :-D

  • Is creationism a false doctrine/idolatry?

    By creationism, I mean the teaching that the bible is a factually, scientifically inerrant account of geological/biological/ physical events and, being God breathed, cannot be questioned.

    Not all Christians are creationists, and not all creationists are Christians. However, creationists explicitly teach to anybody that will hear that their strictly literal interpretation of the bible is the ONLY correct one, and they clearly believe that anybody who accepts even theistic evolution is incapable of being saved.

    Considering that to be saved, one must be a disciple of Jesus and accept him as one's Savior, isn't creationism a false doctrine?

    Consider this: If two people got into an argument about the literal truth of any of Jesus' parables, wouldn't an observer to the debate miss the actual lesson of the parable? Continuing, since creationists devote so much more time and energy to trying to prove that the bible is a scientifically inerrant treatise on past events than they do on preaching the more important lessons of Jesus' teachings, aren't they in essence committing idolatry as well, by worshipping the bible more than Christ?

    Look at how creationists act when their arguments are refuted. Do they even act like Christians? Many leading creationists knowingly and willfully LIE to discredit evolution. After all, pious fraud is still fraud.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Why does Satan ignore me?

    I offered to do Satan's bidding, as well as eternal possession of my soul for eternity. All I asked for was to be rich, surrounded by beautiful women, and to be able to fly.


    I understand why God wouldn't respond to such a request, because I don't have enough faith, because we shouldn't test him, because it isn't his "will," and other ad hoc excuses, but why won't Satan do it? You would think that the second most powerful entity in the universe would have responded, even if to make a counter-offer in the off-chance that he couldn't grant me certain things.

    Instead, he won't even talk to me. Why? Oh why?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Is there really such a thing as free will?

    Assuming that God exists, and that God is omniscient, then God knows everything, down to the finest detail, what will happen at any point in the future. Every decision you make, every action you take, every opinion you form, and all of the factors in your life that made it so.

    That being the case, everything that will ever happen is already etched in stone. It might as well already have happened because God knows that it will happen. Everyone talks about the horrible things happening around us must be God's Will. We can then assume that some things would happen, good or bad, that violate God's Will, and so he disallows it.

    Therefore, if my propositions are true, and according to the bible, they are, God either must not exist, or God is impotent to stop bad things from happening, or God just doesn't care if it happens.

    In any case, there is no free will.

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What do you think of this video about Sandy Hook?

    I normally abhor conspiracy theories, but this makes a good case, especially since it comes DIRECTLY from the mouths (and faces) of the major players.

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • Isn't all religion, including Christianity, mythology and folklore?

    Seriously, folks, some of you berate other religions as superstition, and yet many of you believe in a guy who was born from a virgin, regrew amputated limbs, healed leprosy, and rose from the dead.

    You don't think that is a ridiculous belief too?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Watch this video of Obama.?

    Then explain to me how his plan of "solving" the "immigration problem" by legalizing 12 million illegal aliens is going to solve anything.

    4 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • One less argument for creationists?

    A recent study has shown that entropy (or thermodyamic disorder) actually creates orderly and complex crystals.

    This ought to be the final proof that the creationist argument from entropy is FALSE. Their argument goes something like this:

    Evolution violates the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which states that everything tends toward disorder, while evolutionists claim that throughout history life has become more orderly. Therefore, the Second Law disproves evolution.

    Will creationists have the integrity to stop using this argument now?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is the principal in science that says something to the effect of?

    that which consistently happens now is likely to have consistently happens in the past?

    For example, it would explain that if rainbows form today, they likely formed millions of years ago, because the laws of physics would not have been different, and the conditions to form them would have been the same.

    This scientific principal has a specific name, I believe, but I can't think of it.

    3 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • Does the God hypothesis suck?

    Does anybody agree that if one spends most of their time trying to explain away the lack of evidence for a theory, or trying to explain the evidence which contradicts a theory, that maybe the theory is wrong?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Would you kill babies for God? (Ezekiel)?

    If you honestly believed God was telling you, and that it was actually God telling you, to kill a baby because its society had been judged, would you?

    Any attempts to explain how the bible's God would never do any such thing anymore will be treated as an evasion of a simple yes or no question. Let's just say that this takes place about 2500 years ago.

    Again, it IS God, and He IS telling you to kill a baby, like He supposedly did in Ezekiel..

    Yes or no?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Creationist- "Science is just as based on belief and faith as religion."?

    When a creationist or any other science hater says this, what do they really mean by it?

    Also, what fallacy are they committing?

    5 AnswersOther - Science1 decade ago
  • Creationist- "Science is just as based on belief and faith as religion."?

    When a creationist or any other science hater says this, what do they really mean by it?

    Also, what fallacy are they committing?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • We are just adapted chimpanzees, not humans.?

    I've decided to use a creationist argument. Since they always claim that what we call evolution on a smaller scale is only adaptation, here is my argument...

    We are not humans. We are chimps. Other than an opposable thumb, larger canines, and a larger brain, we are no different from chimps.

    (oh yeah, chimps have longer toes)

    We did not evolve from a common ancestor with chimps. We are adapted chimps.

    Now, when chimps or humans grow gills or elephant trunks, I'll believe evolution.

    Does anybody who is a creationist see this as logical?

    Because it is your logic.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Maybe Satan isn't real...what do you think?

    You see, I asked Satan to grant me some sort of special power, and I would then serve him with that power. He offered Jesus all kinds of things in the desert, so I know Satan has the authority to grant those kinds of powers. I also know from Sunday School that Satan hates God and Christians. So why didn't he even bother to answer me, much less to grant me those powers?

    Duh. Satan is just as invented as God.

    What do you think?

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why did God design the Swine Flu?

    Since viruses are made of DNA/RNA/whatever, and that can't just change by random chance, why does this supposedly benevolent God keep designing things to kill us?

    I can't wait to hear your answers ;D

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I saw this on a blog.?

    It goes like this...

    - One lie makes you a liar. Ok. If that's the case, one good deed makes you good.

    - Since we know from the Bible that only god is good (Luke 18:19), that means one good deed makes you god.

    - This week I bought some Advil for a friend who wasn't feeling well. Therefore, I am god.

    OK. Everyone take a knee and worship me, after you answer my questions.

    Is this sound logic?

    If it isn't, then how is it sound logic to say someone is a sinner if they do only one thing wrong in their lives?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Isn't absence of evidence sometimes evidence of absence?

    You can't "disprove" that there is an elephant in my living room. However, isn't the fact that there should be evidence, but there isn't, proof that there is no elephant in my living room?

    Likewise, since there is no evidence of God, and if there is a benevolent, omnipotent, personal God who wants us to know Him/Her/It/Them, then shouldn't there be a lot of it?

    If you who question the existence of my elephant were to hear me say that she is invisible and untouchable, but I can feel her presence, wouldn't you think I was a bit off my rocker?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Pascal's Wager, why don't Christians believe in Ishvara, the Hindu God?

    He says you must believe in Him to have eternal life. Why not believe in Him? If he turns out to be false, you've lost nothing. But if he is real....

    Your hearts are hard. You need to have FAITH!!!!!

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago