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Favorite Answers12%
  • Help me figure out what this song I heard on the radio is?

    I heard a song on the radio the other day, the station was 96.5 The Buzz, out of Kansas City. It's an alternative rock station. The song had a nifty drum part...the music outside of the singing sounded very similar to Rob Zombie. The singer was male, singing very high - sounded somewhat like Prince. I have no idea what the song was. Help!

    Synopsis: Background sounded like Rob Zombie, singer sounded like Prince.

    7 AnswersRadio1 decade ago
  • So i've got a weird question?

    I want to learn how to speak in a brooklyn accent. At least I think it's a brooklyn accent. "y'know what i'm tawkin' 'bout?" type o' thing. Are there any resources on the internet or offline that I could use to find ways to learn accents, specifically that one?

    Thanks in advance.

    11 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Hawthorne Heights songs. What are some of your favorites?

    I'm mainly asking because I'm going to get some more of their music, but I don't know what to get. Simple enough reason.

    8 AnswersMusic2 decades ago
  • Impatient American (I know that's redundant) wanting to speed up limewire?

    Alright. I had a question earlier that I figured out myself, but here's another.

    Here comes another question, because I'm American (impatient). Is there any way for me to speed up this download that is averaging 30-40kbps, to something a little bit higher? Beyond closing all other applications, is there anything I can do?

    4 AnswersSoftware2 decades ago
  • Limewire question.?

    Ok, so I'm downloading this file that's over 600 MB. It says it's going to take probably 4 hours or so, I figure whatever, I'll do other stuff while I wait. Closed the window, knowing that limewire would still be running and downloading the file.

    About an hour or so into the transfer, I open up the limewire window again and all it is is a window with a white screen. (And by screen, I mean where you would normall see...everything)

    Any idea what the problem is, and how I could fix it without shutting down limewire? Note: The window won't close.

    5 AnswersSoftware2 decades ago
  • Favorite non-sexual thing you do with your special someone?

    What's your favorite non-sexual thing to do with your boyfriend/girlfriend, or just with someone you like?

    Personally, I love kissing. Getting close to someone you like/love, it's great. What's your favorite thing? Could be anything from kissing to hugging to playing a game to whatever.

    22 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships2 decades ago
  • Dark Age of Camelot players - Devon Cluster question (more of a request)?

    So I quit the game a month or two ago, no big deal. Haven't really quit reading the Herald or anything, but within a few weeks I'll probably start playing again in the evenings, due to some circumstances.

    I want to come back, but I'm not sure where I want to play, and I don't really want to restart off alone (again, part of the reason I left, I was tired of soloing). Anyone want to start duoing with a 35(ish, I can't remember for sure) savage on the Devon cluster?

    Note: Devon cluster is Tristan, Galahad, Morgan le Fay, Bedevere, and Igraine.

    Note #2: I'm not a noob or anything - I've played the game off and on (mostly on) for the better part of 3 years. So, yeah.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games2 decades ago
  • Warcraft movie - Anyone heard anything lately?

    I remember reading a news article type thing that Blizzard was going to be working with some company to make a movie, based on the Warcraft storyline and whatnot... Haven't heard anything since (nor have I been looking very hard), and figured I'd ask here (because it's easier than doing research myself).

    So - heard anything, at all?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games2 decades ago
  • What the hell's this? Eyebrows?

    I want opinions from people - Do you really think that a question that Y!A should "Ask the Planet" or even have anywhere near close to being a featured question be the one that is currently up? If you haven't been paying attention, that question is:

    "How did eyebrows evolve and what will they look like in a million years?"

    What the hell? Eyebrows? After such a short time, are we already running out of interesting topics and going straight to patches of hair on our bodies?

    Please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks that is one of the most ridiculous questions asked in the (very short) history of Ask the Planet?

    11 AnswersYahoo Answers2 decades ago
  • Will & Grace watchers - Who's your favorite character?

    Karen? Jack? Will? Grace? Rosario? Someone else?

    And why?

    I love Karen. She's so hilarious, being constantly high/drunk, and how much better she thinks she is than everyone else (and for the most part, in all of the superficial categories, she is. Woot.).

    I like hearing other people's opinions, even on such a pointless topic as this. ^_^

    20 AnswersTelevision2 decades ago
  • Ever notice how people ask questions about gays, as if no gays exist on Y!A?

    I just got done answering a question that was, "do yall think gays should exist"...written in such a way that you would think there are absolutely no gay people on Yahoo Answers. Go figure, huh?

    So in addition to the lame yes or no question I already asked, here's another question that is only for homosexuals, although I guess straight people could answer too. Would you change your sexuality if you could? (Gay->straight, vice versa, or maybe even throw in bisexuality)

    I sure wouldn't. I love who I am. But I wanna hear from some other gay guys and lesbians. I don't know any other gay people personally. College is just around the corner though, so that'll change.