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Dark Age of Camelot players - Devon Cluster question (more of a request)?

So I quit the game a month or two ago, no big deal. Haven't really quit reading the Herald or anything, but within a few weeks I'll probably start playing again in the evenings, due to some circumstances.

I want to come back, but I'm not sure where I want to play, and I don't really want to restart off alone (again, part of the reason I left, I was tired of soloing). Anyone want to start duoing with a 35(ish, I can't remember for sure) savage on the Devon cluster?

Note: Devon cluster is Tristan, Galahad, Morgan le Fay, Bedevere, and Igraine.

Note #2: I'm not a noob or anything - I've played the game off and on (mostly on) for the better part of 3 years. So, yeah.

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've been not playing lately because alot of my friends don't play that much anymore....and alot of my GMs keep quitting...but if you ever wanted to move to Midgard/Gareth I'd hang out with ya all the time :) My toon's name is Sheros (skald)

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