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Lv 2382 points


Favorite Answers13%

I like answering questions and the occational asking of questions...though this website is pretty lame with the 'levels'....I have 1 hour to go to work and I cant answer anymore questions because I hit my limit! How queer.

  • Is anyone aware of any casino card dealing schools in IL and/or IN?

    I'm looking to get certified as a casino card dealer, however the NW Indiana/Chicago metropolis area do not seem to have these schools or training programs. I am aware that a few casinos in the area offer to teach only poker, or at best poker and blackjack. I am looking for certification in at least poker, blackjack, and craps. I also wish to be certified in razz, omaha hi-low, and baccarat.

    2 AnswersGambling1 decade ago
  • How do I recover a computer admin acct that is still showing in the system but isn't showing up on the login?

    I tried to create an account on someone's computer through their computer administrator account. It didn't allow me a Limited account so when I OKed the account for it to be a second administrator, the first administrator account (original administrator acct on computer named Administrator) was no longer on the login screen. How do I recover the original Administrator account? Please help, there's 3GB of files that can't be lost, and I don't want to get beat up in the process of trying to fix this mistake. This is an XP computer.

    4 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Help with weird guy behavior?

    A friend of mine through work is the 'everybody-likes-this-guy' type of dude, friendly, funny, gentlemanly, and while we always went out together after work with other co-workers there was never really anything more than friends having good times.

    Then he started showing more interest and asking me out with them whenever he was going out, that went on for a few weeks.

    Recently we ran into eachother at a bar on a shared off-day and we bar-hopped together; the night ended up in his room. We only fooled around and after that the last thing I'd have imagined happening was him completely blowing me off and never talking to me again, which is pretty much what he did. He's been a friend of mine for nearly a year and I've never heard anything about him and other girls, and all I got from him after that was a text message saying 'I'm going out tonite i'll call u' the next day. He didn't call me back when i've called him a few times. Any insight into this? Serious answers only please.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I can't sleep! What do i do??

    I work evenings, usually 5pm-1am, and I get home and I can't just go to sleep...I'm normally wired despite how little sleep I got the night before. Does anyone have any tips to get me to drowse up a bit so I can put in a few good hours of sleep before my next shift? I hate going into work still tired :(

    Side note: I usually read before bed and that getting me drowsy hasn't been working lately.

    11 AnswersOther - Health2 decades ago
  • To screw....or not to screw?

    There's this SEXY guy I work with who pretty much offered his, ah, services, for lack of a better word. And by 'pretty much' I mean he very much did. I'd take him up on his offer, though there are a few snags in the plan:

    1. We're co-workers. Sex+Work=Disaster. Usually. I've done it before without a problem, however, which makes me believe I can do it again. Without a problem, I mean.

    2. There's a language barrier. He speaks about...40% of the language. Does this matter? I don't really know. It could make things easier to manage, I would venture to guess. Keep in mind, this guy is SEXY.

    3. Another co-worker, who I would say is friends with Mr. Hot (Senior Caliente, I'll call 'em), has been lusting after me since Day 1. Should I take this as an issue considering my motives are entirely lust-based, as are Sr. C?

    Please, ladies and gents, I could really use some direction here. I've been lacking on the action front for some time now, so keep in mind...I'm no whore. Just a bit needy.

    12 AnswersSingles & Dating2 decades ago
  • My 21st birthday!!! Any advice??

    Sunday, July 2nd is my 21st birthday. Any advice before I go out and get wasted?

    34 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits2 decades ago