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  • Interview went great....but no call back?

    I ve been trying to find a job for a year. I dress nice. Am polite and lot of the times me and the interviewer have several chuckles and get along quickly.

    I ve applied to 25 jobs. Half of them I have over a year experience. Half I have some experience st home .

    I ve went to 9 interviews.

    For 1 I thought I got the job as I got the interview . The lady loved me. I got along well with everyone. After the interview she said csn ya work soon and I said yes so they had me work a day. 6 hours which is normal shift. She said she would call me when I d work again.. 3 weeks pass nothing

    So I apply other places.

    Interview is good. Local place. She desperately needs people. She said she d call me monday.... norhing.

    Well I go to the most recent one. I m there for an hour or so. Lived the place and it felt like home going in. The lady was hilarious and we got along great. She was so thrilled that I don t have a job and said she s gonna have the administrator interview and she didn t want to do anymore but she had one for interview friday. The administrator said they would call me no later than s Monday .

    I just don t know what else to do! I am giving up hope. I did well and liked the place.

    What am I doing wrong? Why am I having so much trouble with finding a job!

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • Am I lesbian, bi, etc?

    NO rude comments please.

    I am 24. Never been in a relationship at all. I know I'm part of the ace spectrum. Again do not be rude.

    I find men very attractive. Certain ones.

    I find certain women attractive.

    I would be fine marrying either m or f doesn't matter

    I like breasts. I think penis are gross.

    I feel emotionally connected to females more than males.

    I don't really want to have sex with anyone. Lack of confidence maybe. Just don't desire to.

    I felt pan at one point. As if I found someone who liked what I did that it wouldn't matter what you are. But I then thought about it. I couldn't be with a trans person who wasn't fully trans. If you have breasts and a penis I couldn't date someone with that. If that makes sence.

    I find butch women more attractive.

    I like watching 2 men together in tv shows etc.

    Anyone have anything they think?

  • Interview went great and I worked a shift but?

    I went for interview on Tuesday. Got along great and such great people. Well she asked me to come in thursday for a shift. I worked 8 to 1. Went smooth.

    She said she would call me when to come in.

    It s now sunday. Almost Monday.. 4 days and no call. She had another interview Friday.

    Sad thing is she wasn t very good at her job. She didn t show me things to do. I have lots of experience from pervious job. All went great.

    What do you think?

  • Sexuality question. ..confused?

    I'm 23f. Never had sex or a first kiss.

    I'm attracted to guys. I like muscular men or tattoos and the thicker farm boys.

    I'm emotionally attracted to females. I feel more comfortable around them. There has only been a few women I've been attracted to and I like medium skinned women all plus size as well.

    So I have a type for both apparently.

    Growing up I was a huge tomboy and still am. Most of my clothes are from men's lol. Every once in a while I'll wear something nice.

    I want to be with a woman. But men are still attractive.


  • Lesbians? Advice or anyone .....?

    Okay I m 23 female and still a virgin.

    I have never been on a date before or anything. And when people do ask me out I m just not interested unless they catch my attention or like what I do.

    I think guys are attractive. Channing Tatum is gorgous lol. I ve only found. A couple women attractive. I do feel emotional connection with a women and not ever with a guy. I prefer to talk to women more than men just because they are more comfortable to me.

    I had a friend of a. Friend hang out with us and asked me oit. He liked my animals and things I liked wasnt too horrible looking but he held my hand and I wanted to punch him in the face.

    As for penis I rather look at beasts.

    I wear guy clothes. Always shot in guys. Sometimes rarely girls section. Jean s or a nice top for special occasions.

    I thought u was Pansexual but I don t know...I m very picky but yet if someone liked what I did I d be happy.

    What do you think I am?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Period ...... strange irregular?

    I m 23. I started period later than average I was 17. And it started out 7 days. Then as I got older 3 days 4 at the most. I could miss a whole month or 2. I never know when they would start.

    Well this week s period is very weird.

    I bled bright red specks and then it stopped that morning. The next day brown . The third was normal and by the fourth brown again. Well day 5 no bleeding. Day 6 no bleeding. Day 7 I m bleeding bright blood again. And it feels weird like heavy insude.

    I m not pregnant. Impossible as I ve never had sex.

    I normally don t cramp or have issues. My body will tell me if I m starting by having diarrhea. I never did have it this time. And my tummy higher up is achy and my back has sharp pains.

    Any ideas?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health5 years ago
  • What am i? I m so confused.?

    Ok I m 23f.

    Never had a relationship or sex.

    I had a bf for a day then broke up with him the next day because when he kiss my hand I felt utterly repulsed.

    My first kiss was with a girl at 12 years old. And I haven t kissed anyone since then sadly.

    I thought that I was pansexual because if I found someone who likes the same thing as I do I would be completely alright with any sexual preference leather and be lesbian trans excetera.

    But now all I m looking for is a woman. I even caught myself checking out one which I never done before. I think guys are hot. But I really couldn t see myself with one. I rather look at boobs than a pens tbh.

    I wear guy clothes 70 percent of the time. Hair was short now it s a purple mowhawk if that counts for anything

    So what do you think?

  • Questioning my sexuality?

    I m 23 female.

    *Never had a bf or gf*

    Still a virgin

    *** I had a 1 day bf . A friend of a friend asked me out and I would of felt bad to turn him down in front of his buds so I agreed. He liked things I did and wasn t ugly but when he started to hold my hand and even kiss my hand I felt repulsed. I didn t like him touching me at all.**

    I think certain women and certain men ate attractive. I prefer to communicate with women because I find it easier to talk to them as most guys talk nasty and dirty which I hate and seem to want just sex.

    When I was between 10 and 13 I made out with my neighbor friend in the back of a truck. She was my age. But I have never kissed a guy yet.

    Sex is the least important thing in life in my eyes. Yes I masterbate but I would have to know the person or be very comfortable with them.

    Guys just I don t feel comfortable them touching me. One of my friends bf would bug me and I just didn t like it.

    I concider myself pansexual because if I found the right person who happened to be m, f, or trans I wouldn t be bothered by it. But I m not sure.

    I want a romantic serious relationship as well.

    Any advice or thoughts would be appreciated?

    No rude comments please. Thanks

  • Squirrel hit by a car help?



    This one I have had 2 hours. No rebabbers in my area called vets to ask and none. So I'm his only help.

    He had feeling in legs and tail but drags his legs. I'm going to see if he deficicates on his own or not. I have rodent blocks and fruit as well as h20 in his cage. He likes the apples but doesn't eat much.

    No open wounds but he is in pain. Got him children's motrin as I've heard people use it and had success. But I need to know how much to give. ?? How often??

    The other squirrel wasn't in pain like this guy.

    1 AnswerRodents6 years ago
  • Squirrel was hit by car?

    I rescued a female squirrel that was I'm guessing hit by car. It was dragging back end a bit but used bathroom on its own and starred getting stronger. I first got her a d she was cold and not moving and very dehydrated.

    It's been 4 days now. She is now walking completely. But no longer let's me touch her.

    It's sad but happy moment.

    Can I release her in my area? There are a few squirrels here that I see sometimes

    2 AnswersZoology6 years ago
  • Veterinarians? Need advice. .. squirrel?

    Okay I got a squirrel yesterday. It was laying in a driveway at friends house. She called me it wasn't walking or moving but alive.

    I arrived and brought it home. I gave it an apple and it emmediatly ate it. It was still laying down but eating. SHe didn't do anything that day but I placed fruits in cage late last night which she has eaten.

    Day 2 and I have been massaging her to keep everything circulated. She was a bit cold and her body is pretty tense or stiff. Well in shock she climbed the cage. But I noticed she wasn't using back legs she was just dragging her body.

    She grips the food when eating. She will even clean her nose off.her body undercarriage is complatly covered in urine. Like she was laying in it. I find that odd especially if it's been outside it shouldn't be that nasty.

    Her mouth has brown discolor I don't know if it's blood or not. I thought she was hit by car. She can see me and food. She climbs up my shirt as I'm trying to make her stronger.

    She's on a black and fruit diet temperarily.

    I called wildlife rehabber and a few no answers and I left message yesterday. One answered and told me to let it rest.

    Right now it's starting to warm up normally as it was cold. It's an adult. Not agressive at all. Let's me handle it.

    I notice it's body has shakes like almost a seizure but very very light.

    It pooped and peed.

    Drags it's rear legs.

    What else can I do?

    It's in a cage with food and water but doesn't seem to want water.

    3 AnswersZoology6 years ago
  • Injured squirrel. ....advice needed?

    A friend of mine called me yestwrday morning an had seen a non moving squirrel in her neighbors driveway. She wrapped it up and called me to see what I can do. Since I ve reared and rehabilitatEd fox, raccoons, birds, etc

    I called the wildlife rehabber and left a message. Their is only one rehabber within my town as all others are 4 hours or more away. I haven t heard anything from anyone yet.

    I got it home and observed it s body. No bit wounds from dog or cat. I noticed it was female. Teets were visible not lactating luckily. It had urine all on its underside (stomach). It wasn t really moving.

    I felt around its body (it allowed me to hold it and didn t make a sound or acted aggressive at all) it has feeling on its feet but doesn t hold its head up or walk around. I touch it s hackle area behind head and it tenses like it s hurt.

    I wanted to see how strong it was so I had it on my leg and when it slid off it pulled itself back up but not too well.

    I put some apples and rat blocks in and she lifted her head up and grabbed the apple and at it. It s eating. I pit it s mouth on the water bowl but it doesn t want to drink. It seems dehydrated which is why I m trying to get her to drink.

    I notice her mouth looks like dried blood or its been burned. It s scabbed up .She is also a little cool. I had put a towel in dryer and warmed it up a little and had her in in.

    I don t know if it was hit, fell , or what s wrong

    What could be wrong? What else can I do for her?

    2 AnswersZoology6 years ago
  • Sexuality confused....?

    Ok I'm 23 female, never been in a relationship, virgin.

    All my friends think I'm a lesbian apparently. I find guys hot. But they make me feel sorta uncomfortable. It's hard to explain. Like a guy can hold my hand and kiss my hand and I feel disgusted. I had a one day bf who like the same things as me but I felt nothing with him. He wasn't the most ugliest person but when he held my hand it made me feel grossed out.

    This may be TMI but watch porn every now an again and I always go under the category big ****. I always look at the women and every now and again the man.

    I wear clothes that are nice and flattering sometimes but I get most of my clothes from mens.

    I watch tv shows and like same sex couples in the show...mainly male on male but some girl on girl. I watch a lot of gay lesbian themed movies.

    I support gay right and marriage equality 1000 percent. Most of my friends are gay.

    When I'm talking to men vs women on sites I feel more comfortable talking to women. Guys only seem to want sex or send dick picks make me mad.

    I'm def. A tomboy. Ride quads, go mudding, love trucks I have one. I even walk like a guy my friends say.

    I'd be completely okay with anything but idk what i am.

    What do you think?

    No rudeness please

  • Is their something wrong with me? Confused?

    I hav ben on outs with my 2 friends for awhile.

    Emma has started drugs which is why we argued. She's tried a bunch and done pills. She isn't doing them anymore but their is always a chance since she is around people who do it. She also has std from her bf of 3 months. He is a manipulator but keeps going back. It's only sexual. She may not b able to have kids. She is 20. We had 1 big fight and she unfriended me. Then we reconciledand talked but it's still awkward. It's just uncomfortable.

    Sammy is 20 and has a baby. She has unprotected sex and is with a hardcore druggy. Everytime I try and talk to her emma always tries to get her to do something she shouldn't she was on weed but stopped. But she is a great mom. But idk how she would let him around her baby. We always have a great time together. We binge watch tv shows.

    They continue to make bad choices and I'm a virgin and they are always talking about sex and Emma always says I don't know anything about relationships as I'm still a virgin and need to get laid.

    I don't really find sex to be something I need. I want the right one to come along. I admit I masterbate and it feels amazing but the thought of being with someone kinda is uncomfortable. I'm a big girl so maybe that's why. Idk.

    I find men sexy as hell and said oh id **** him but I never actually mean it lol. I'm still trying to figure out what I wnt

    1. Am I wrong for trying to help them? Am I being too judgy?

    2. Is it normal for a 23f to not really want sex?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Outside dog run floor?

    I have 3 dogs. A rat terrier, Mastiff, and Pitbull.

    Rat is 2.5 years. Mastiff is 2yrs. Pitbull is 10 months.

    From day 1 of getting my pitbull Rafael at 2 months I have been having issues. I rescued him from horrible situation m he has parasites and mange. And after treatment he was better. He also suffered uti. He would pee and poo in his cage until 4months. And continue to pee until 7mo. It was a hassle.

    He would be caged when we work and it wasn't more than 5 hours. Yet pee would be in

    Now he no longer has potty issues..sorta. he holds it but if you don't let him out fast enough he pees. He can only be inside when I'm inside. He hurts the cats....pouncing and dragging them everywhere.

    We decided he would benifits from being outside to let off some energy as he and my mastiff go crazy playing.

    He digs holes upon holes.

    I hate to leave him out but the cats jump over the gate I put up and else emmediatly gites after them. And I have a special needs cat so I don't want her getting g hurt. He has however gotten a lot better. He is after all still a ouppy.

    He can do basic commands that I taught him.

    We put toys in and he still digs.

    When I bring him in later that day he is so much calmer.

    We plan on putting in a cement floor. Is that the most common? Any other suggestions?

    4 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • Once abuser always one?

    My friend has a 1yr old from a guy. Well they broke up after he cheated and he also hit her and made her miscarry after first baby.

    Now he has someone else pregnant and was talking to her while he was seeing the other girl.

    He has went and got therapy for anger and meds for bipolar . He seems like a different person but I just worry.

    She's sneaking around with him behind her parents who hate hom. She is 20.

    I see once a cheater always one...and abuser too. How do I try to convince her to not go down that road.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Eating with pcos. ..advice?

    I am 23f.



    I was diagnosed with this when I was 18. I have always had problems with my weight. Have since I was little. Sucked being the biggest in class.

    I have decided to eat better least try.

    My normal foods I eat are :

    Dairy products like cheese...a lot of cheese I eat cheese everyday ...its like addicting. Mossorella, Colby, and American. Sour cream comes in second and sourcream last.

    Bread: I eat breads everyday as well. I eat white bread. I did eat wheat and it was fine. But white has been much softer.

    Fast Food. I eat a lot of fast food. I have actually cut down a lot. I use to eat ff 4 outta 7 days a week. I'm down to 1 or non a week.

    Pop. I'm addicted to dr.pepper. I can drink one after another. I have cut back a little but I feel sick without pop. I drink water too but mainly pop.

    I'm a picky eater so I was wondering if these foods would be good or if there's a way to make them more healthy.


    . Toasted bread with ham slice

    . Fruits

    . Milk

    . Egg in basket (egg inside bread)

    . Plain bagel and 1/3 less fat cream cheese.

    Lunch and or dinner:

    . Grilled chicken tacos (sr.crm, lettuce, cheese,)

    . Tuna w/ Lt. miracle whip (I hate mayo) and toast bread.

    . Spinach/romaine lettuce salad w/ buttermilk ranch(I make packet...tastes better than bottle), diced ham, shredded cheese, croutons.

    . Grilled ham and cheese sand.

    . Loaded cheese fries (orida, cheese, bacon, ranch )


    .cubed cheese

    . Fruit

    Any advice or suggestions?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Dog chews tags and eats them?

    I have a normal nylon collar and one of my dogs, a 10 month old pitbull can pull them off. I have no idea how. There is only one loop so it's not to long and dangling there. And I have tightened collar as much as put 2 fingers in snug. To no avail.

    We put up a camera and if I could upload it you'd be shocked. So when I'm working I can see how he does this.

    He uses his paws and pulls it off. It's crazy.

    He has at his rabies tag, microchip tag, and one liscenes I got last year.

    Is there collars that have a thing where y o u can slip it in a pouch that's see through or do they not exist?

    2 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • Friend drama... life changing advice ?

    Im 23 hav 2 bfs. Friend 1 is 20 (f1) known for 5 yesrs. And friend 2 is 20 (f2) known a year.

    F1 started to date this guy. He was gr8 until drugs meth cocaine, and heroin. Now f1 has gotten into it.She no longer has job or house. She's changed into someone I barely recognize. She also wants a baby with the guy.

    We argued that he's bringing her down and manipulating her. He's possessive. she pretends to be f2 on f2 cell so she can make him feel bad so they get back together.

    F2. She has a baby. She's made bad choices with men. But she is going to nursing school to be a nurse. She's a great mom.

    Well she had unprotected sex with a guy(F1 bfs friend) apparently kept the fact he has hepatitis to herself and has know the entire time. Even worse he may have hiv.

    The fact that f1 knew about the hep. And not told f2 pissed me & her off. So I chose then and there to end all connections with f1.

    Theres a chance f1 could also have something because they snorted stuff 2gethr

    F1 leaves and me and f2 hang out I told her that no matter what happens I'll be here for her.

    Am I wrong to end things when she isn't trying to help herself and no longer cares? She only needs us if she needs something.

    F2 we are going to get her tested and then tested again in 3 and then 6 months...I've been researching as best I can.

    Do I seem like a bad person? She's being bad by saying things behind our backs. Calling f2 a whore and be a ***** that needs to get laid (I'm a virgin) but I ignore it.

    3 AnswersFriends6 years ago
  • How to choose between 2 family members....?

    Ok. I'm 23 and currently live with my dad. Money wise I ear from being a full time babysitter and I barely get by but I get by.

    My dad's awesome. I lived with him since I was 13. All my friends and pets are residing there. I have 2 dogs, 4 cats, and pouktry living on our land. We have 2 acres. In ohio.

    My mom I have started to contact her more. I'm the only family she has as no one else cares about her. She is dating this guy for over a year. They travel all over the states but now she is going to move to Tennessee. ... she wants me to come too. I can bring all my pets too. They live on a farm.

    Idk what to do.?.... my dad's all by himself too. I really am at a loss of what to do. I truly am.

    3 AnswersFamily6 years ago