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Patti Willoughby
How was Christmas and New Years? Did you get everything you wanted.?
I got what I wanted, a trip to Wisconsin to see family that I have not seen in 23 years. It snowed and it was -5 below zero very very cold. We went out for New Years and well. my sister got a lil over drunk that night so we had to take care of her, otherwise it was a great holiday :)
5 AnswersChristmas8 years agoAfter 7 years of marriage?
My husband and I have been married almost 7 years, and for the past 2 years we have resided in his parents 3 bedroom 2 bath house with my one son, and our two cats. The problem is his ex wife over the past 6 months to a year has done nothing but put her nose all up in our marriage. We didn't have pr obs until she started nosing around and doing things to find me cheating or doing my husband wrong. I never have, though I did try to make him jealous by talking to anther guy but that didn't work all he does is shove it in my face i even talked to him. Everyday we argue about something and its getting pretty old, just like living in this house, in our bedroom everyday. When we got married, he was this kind, sweet loving tender sweet man who had feelings and emotions and would show me PDA all the time. In the 2 years we have lived in his parents house, he has slowly changed, to someone who shows no emotions, has no feelings, is still nice, but not kind, not sweet, unloving and uncaring, and shows me no PDA at all anymore. The past two years we have lived here, he has gone from being this sweet guy to this cold hearted man showing no emotions or feelings. Today I got to thinking about his ex wife and how after 7 years she has still not married her bf of that long, well I got this crazy idea that because of email she wrote him that told him she knew where to hurt a man the most is in his pocket and my husband has for the past 2 years been working midnights on Saturday and Sunday, and the first time I asked him why he worked so much he flew off the handle and told me hes been paying child support for 2 years on a 15 year old daughter he just found out about, needless to say he drove me right to the pokey where i stayed for ten days. I got out went back to work and things got a lil worse with him, he got colder, meaner. His answer to when I asked him why he stayed he said he loves me and I love him. I asked him where he got these weird ways of thinking that showing affection and attention is not right, no one should show emotions or feelings because it makes you weak. He also told me to cry when a baby is born and rejoice when a baby is born, which that is not how i was raised at all. In time he slowly drifted away from me, and it took me 2 years to get him to say I love you. Our sex life is null, zero nothing, Nada. Its been 2 almost 3 months since hes even touched me. Where he learned how to be all these mean ways is from his ex wife, C ant say her name in public, I might get fired for her stupidity. He never shows me love or attention or affection saying that his ex wife taught him that you dint need them they are useless and to get rid of them. When she came to get mine. I jerked it out of her hand and slowly made con tat with the customer. Everything is well today so far. He says hes working every weekend and only stays home if i have to go out of town. I went out two times he stayed home two weekends. I know you cant change a person but this woman has this man brainwashed for 14 years that evil is good and if you cry your a Sissy and you don't hug or kiss in public or private. Shes got him brainwashed, shes his puppet master, hes her puppet, he wont leave her world after 7 years and has a live in boyfriend, get social security disability and doesn't need it, she can work, she gets money from her Wilmar where she worked bc she fell, and i truly believe she is getting alimony payments from my husband just to give us grief and aggravation and try to break us up. Shes a very jealous english thing from England and that i have told her she needed to go back she don't belong here that blew her out of shape and finally 2 weeks ago she got quiet. Now we're waiting on the calm before the storm and she will come out of hiding in a couple of days or weeks. When she feels that I need to be disciplined on how to treat her ex husband.. shes due to come out of her shell about right now. Ok now what should I do? Do away with the ex wife so she never returnsit has stressed us both out so bad but my husband acts like hes all cool and not letting ppl see his feelings or emotions show.. I think he hides so we dont see him and we cant call him out on it. I blame her for our marriage going down the tubes, if she stay in her own business I wouldn't be this on edge cranky person I am today. Karma will take care of her, karma is good. Karma will get me through the day so I don't have to look at her all day long. Shes a eye sore for shore lol
1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce8 years agoUncontested divorce and spousal support?
When a couple files a uncontested divorce can spousal support be ordered to be paid? How long after the divorce is final can the decree be amended to include spousal support if it was not done when filed? My husband and his ex wife filed and got their uncontested divorce 7 years ago. Two years ago my husband began working 2 extra shifts on the weekends and I never thought about it until now, that his ex wife, who has been with the same man since the divorce was final has never married him. My guess is that he has been paying her spousal support these past two years knowing if she does get married she will loose the money. I confronted my husband about this and he got upset and said yes I am if that's what you want to hear. It makes angry that shes getting payments if she is. She already receives social security disability and her boyfriend works, and she was getting some kind of settlement from her job because of a fall or accident. She does not deserve the money and does not need it. If she is, shes doing it for spite and to break us up. She has already told him she would hurt him where it hurts the most, in his pocket. So I wouldn't put it past her. If she can get payments how long after the decree is final can the papers be amended to include the support if at all?
1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce8 years agoWhat is your favorite holiday and season?
Just bored and passing some time, curious to know what your favorite holiday and season are. Mine is Christmas with lots of snow and I love the fall, with the leaves changing colors.
24 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years agoWould you be mad if your going to be a grandma?
Would you be mad if your going to be a grandma? is how my son told me his girlfriend and him are expecting a little boy, Ethan Sean, April 26.
No Im not mad knowing Im going to be a grandma for the first time, a little surprised, and very excited and cant wait to meet him... I heard that its more fun being a grandma then a mom.. wonder if its true????
8 AnswersParenting9 years agoIf you had the chance to live your life over again, would you do things differently or do them over again?
If you had the chance to live your life over again, would you change anything or would you do everything over again the same way? What would you change or not change?
16 AnswersPhilosophy9 years agoAre children a part of your life?
Do you have children? If you do, were they planned or pleasant surprises? I have 3 sons, 21 19 and 17, none planned, all surprises. At 25 I had my first child and wanting my tubes tied was refused by the dr who told me i would regret tying them before i had a sibling for him to grow up with. She said A sibling, I had my 3rd before she finally decided I had enough and tied them while having a 3rd csection with my last son. I love my kids, I just wish I had more say so and decision making about my body, how many children i would have.
8 AnswersParenting9 years agoNot happy living with husbands parents not sure what to do?
We've will be married 6 years in May. Hes a great guy, works hard, doesn't drink, doesn't do drugs or abuse me or my kids. My problem? We live with his parents after loosing our house after 4 years. Living with them short term to find another place is what I had in mind. Two years later Im sick of being here, not being the wife i should be or the mother i should be. I don't feel married anymore. I want to find our own place and hes happy living here with mom and dad, as being a only child is spoiled by his mom. Twice now with our taxes we had the chance to move and he wouldn't even try to look and find us a place. Being a native of the Chicagoland area and not being home or seeing my family in almost 30 years he encourages me fly home for a couple of weeks. I already have it in my head, to buy a one way ticket making him think its rountrip and never return to him or this marriage and being unhappy as much as I am. He does not understand my feelings, hes never been in my situation and away from family for as long as i have. When I tell him how I feel, he has no emotions about anything. Go home and visit and return or go home and visit and never leave. Make the rountrip ticket a one way secret? Confused on what to do. I usually do what I put my mind to, and my mind is thinking about going one way with no return flights and telling no one just never coming back here. I really do love him, and it wont be easy to leave him or my kids who are at the age where if i leave and don't come home, its not abandoment.
6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agoIf you could live your life over again would you?
If you could live your life over again would you? Why? What part of your life would you keep and what part would you change? What people in your life would you keep or change?
4 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years agoMedicaid and insurances controls woman's choices on having more children?
A pregnant woman, 25, her first pregnancy and child, decides she wants no more children a final decision she has made about her body and life, well medicaid or her insurance and her doctor refuse to tie her tubes telling her she will regret that decision later when she may want a sibling to grow up with the first child? Since when is it ok for Medicaid and a doctor to decide if a woman wants more children or not? If a woman chooses not to have more children that should be her decision and not anyone elses and should be the doctor and the insurance to abide by her wishes. If the government is in such financial distress they why do they allow woman to have more kids that they cant afford, go on welfare and foodstamps. It costs less to tie womans tubes then for her to have more kids.. If a woman with 1 child wants no more kids should be able to permanitly prevent unwanted births by her own choice.. not the choice of insurance or a doctor.. what do you think? For some reason Medicaid refuses to tie a womans tubes after her first child even though she made the decision not to have more kids...
5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years agoIf you found this in your husbands email sent box?
If you found 3 emails (2 with pictures and 1 without) in your husbands email sent box to craigslist to the men seeking woman category and he denies knowing anything about them and that someone must have hacked into his account, what would your thoughts be and what would you do?
25 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agoI have a 401k question?
My husband at the time and I were legally still married but separated when he withdrew a 401k that he had with his previous employer. Would I be entitled any of that money? Also can a 401k be garnished or used to pay back child support arrears?
3 AnswersPersonal Finance10 years agoWhat are your thoughts and opinions when you see someone "sagging" their pants or jeans?
What are your thoughts about saggiing pants exposing ones boxers or underware? How does it make you react? Have you ever asked someone to pull them up? Would you ever ask someone to pull them up. What should be the fines and punishment for sagging? Should all states have laws against sagging? I myself think its a nasty disgusting way to attract attention.
10 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender10 years agoI have 2 male cats both neutered and.......?
I have 2 male cats. Tiger is a brown and grey tabby 13 years old, de-clawed and neutered. I have a 5year old ragdoll cat we call StinkyRat who is also neutered and de-claweded. The thing is my ragdoll will cry out real loud and then grab Tiger by the neck then straddle him and well hump him. Tiger does the same thing to Stinky but not as much. Why do they do this? To show dominance? do they still have the urge to have sex even though they are fixed..? Do they know a male from a female? I break them apart when i see them doing it, doesn't look or sound right..Other then that they get along great...they dont fight at all.... Thanks....
5 AnswersCats1 decade agoMy niece who was just diagnosed with breast cancer?
My niece who is 44, 13 months younger then I just found out 2 weeks she was diagnosed with breast cancer in her right breast. She is waiting on a gene test to come back to find out if she will have to have both breasts removed. This news came to a shock to not only me, but everyone in our family and her close line of friends. She is the first one in out family to be diagnosed with breast cancer. I've put her in my thoughts and prayers but not sure what else to say or do for her. She lives in Illinois and I live in Louisiana and I do plan a visit back home and to see her in Jan or Feb, when i get my taxes. I'm just not sure what else do for her or say to her right now. We haven't seen each other in over 20 years but have kept in contact thru facebook,emails and a occasional text message or phone call.. anyone else gone thru this, going thru this or have any ideas of what to do or say? This is my first experience with breast cancer. Thanks
1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade agoHow would you react, feel, say or do if..?
Your 18 year old son told you that he had a child?
The child is a boy, almost a year old, and this is his first time finding out about the child?
This has happened to a close friend of mine and I asked her if he was positive it was his and she said he is very sure it is. I told her that a DNA test needed to be done first before anything else happened.
The child is a boy almost a year old. My question for the girl and her parents is why did she wait so long to tell her son about the baby?
But my question to you is, how would you react, what would you say or do if this was you in this situation?
1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoDwarf Calico? Has anyone heard of or had a cat of this breed?
Has anyone ever heard of this kind of calico cat?
Is it true that they can not get pregnant?
We have a calico cat that showed up on our porch in July of last year and we've noticed shes not gotten any bigger since the day we found her. Shes very loveable, loves to be petted and headbutts our hands when we go to pet her, and she really dislikes being held.
I was just wondering if anyone else has heard of this breed.
3 AnswersCats1 decade agoA 17 year old boy gets shot in a drug deal gone bad, who do you blame, the people who fired the gun or..?
A 17 year old boy living with his mother in a known crack house. Four people arrive to buy crack and the deal goes bad and one of them pulls out a gun and starts shooting, hitting the 17 year old in the head while sleeping on the couch. He staggers to the street looking for help only to be found dead in the middle of the street where he collapsed and died. The boys mother is a crack addict and lives with the man who owns the house, a run down home on a block of nice homes, clean yards and children. The boy has no choice but to live with his mother and is no way involved in drug activity. What my question is, is who would you blame? The people who shot him or his mother, or both? I blame his mother more for what happened to her son. Shes the one who put her son in a dangerous situation. The person who shot him is also to blame but his mother is more to blame in my eyes.
This is a true story that actually happened in the town I live in, only 2 miles from my house, and the boy who died was a friend of my oldest son, went to school with him and had been to my house many times in the past.
This house has been known for its drug activity and about 3 weeks after this incident, 4 more people were arrested at that house for drug possession and intent to sell. Why this house was not found unfit for human occupancy and allowed to continue being a dangerous drug house is something I ask myself everyday, Its a shame a innocent life had to be taken because of addictions, stupidity and greed.
3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoIf your husband told you this?
He wants to move out because he cant live this way anymore. This way being that your kids, (his step kids,) dont listen, have no respect, wont help with chores/ housework and even with you doing your best to make them respectful and listen they dont listen to you either. Its not anything that you have done or not done, its the kids that he just cant handle anymore. He is the love of your life, your soulmate, and your kids are your whole world. Your feelings? What would you do? How do you think you might react in this situation?
17 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoMy cat got possibly got bit by a spider?
My 10 year old tabby, Tiger who is a indoor cat, escaped out the front door last week. He has never gotten outside before and got scared and wouldn't come from under our trailer for 3 days. When he finally decided he was too hungry to stay any longer he came in and I noticed a spot on his shoulder area that looked like a scab and took it to being he got into a fight with another cat outside, this was about 4 days ago. Today my son called me at work and told me something was wrong with Tiger, he has a sore that's got alot of puss coming out of it. By the time I got home and looked at it, the puss had all drained out but there was a hole that was seeping a watery fluid from it. I cleaned it with a warm washcloth and put a lil peroxide on it to hopefully kill out any infection. About 4 hours later I showed my husband and the hole had literally gotten bigger. There is no odor coming from it, but it does feel warm at the swollen area.
I wasn't able to take him to the vet because it was late, and his office already had closed for the day. We think its a brown recluse spider bite. Has anyone ever experienced their cat being bitten by a spider? Does what I described sound like a spider bite? If you know a site that could offer me more information and possibly pictures I'd appreciate any help. Thanks!
9 AnswersCats1 decade ago