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  • I want to expand my house how do I go about doing so?

    I want to add two rooms, a bathroom and maybe a laundry/ kitchen to my house how would i go about starting this process i.e. looking up blueprints, getting approval to add to the house and finding contractors to do the construction. I live in california if that helps.

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Did anyone notice the bad referee?

    In the Machida Silva fight did anyone else notice Yve Lavine pull Machida off because the round ended and then stared at Silva for a while before he even realized he was unconscious. Heck the last time Machida fought the same guy trip and fell during the fight he is a really crappy ref. Does anyone else think this or is it just me?

    I know there is a lot going on in the ring both if it takes you that long to see someone is unconscious you are putting these guys at even further risk.

    4 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else find the focus on marriage over education irritating?

    Many of my cousins are getting married and I am not because I want to get my PhD. I work a lot at a job I love and go to school full time and like it that way. I want to continue my education and have a good job and be somewhat financially secure before getting married and having kids.

    Some cousins have a degree of some sort but not a graduate or doctorate and the other is a salesman and my family swoons over them like they are doing huge things because they have a spouse and some have kids.

    I want to be a complete person on my own before I get married. I will be the first person in my family to have a masters or doctorate and my family looks down on me because I don't have a wife and kids. Does anyone else think this focus on family rather than education is irritating?

    10 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • Where is a good place to exchange money?

    I was told that it isn't a good idea to exchange currency at the airport so where is a good place near the airport to exchange American dollars for Euros?

    5 AnswersNetherlands1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else think it is funny the RNC hasn't a single issue?

    I have been watching the RNC but they have yet to say a single thing they will do to fix the economy, win the war(define what victory consist of) or anything else. They talked more about the set of the DNC than anything that will help this country.

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is the netherlands a cool place to travel alone?

    I will be traveling to Netherlands later this year. And I will spend a portion of it by myself in Amsterdam and Utrecht and meeting up with people sporadically. Is the Netherlands a cool place to be by yourself. I can't imagine it being anymore dangerous than the US. But will it be easy to just kind of hang out and how are people about hanging out with tourist?

    6 AnswersNetherlands1 decade ago
  • Where can I get directions?

    Is there a good website to get directions and maps of the Netherlands in English. I will be traveling there for new years I just want to make sure I can find my way the train station and my hotel.

    2 AnswersNetherlands1 decade ago
  • Shouldn't the Burden of proof be on the person making the claim?

    I have read several atheist say the burden of proof is on theist but if the burden of proof is on the person making the claim wouldn't it be on who ever is trying to push their beliefs. If a person that believes in god posts a question about something here and an atheist comes in an says there is no god do they not become the person making the claim and then the one responsible for providing evidence?

    I personally don't care what anyone believes I just think you shouldn't be a dick about it regardless of what it is. But I think that saying the burden of proof is on the other party is just a cop out whether you are a theist or an atheist. I honestly don't think you can really prove it either way.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Humans more closely related to fungus?

    In my biology class there was a video shown in which the speaker stated humans are more closely to related to fungus than to most species in the kingdom animalia (I am sure apes are more closely related to us than fungus hence the most rather that all) and that is why we get a lot of anitbiotics from fungus. Is this true?

    3 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • What is a good way to bring the New Years in Utrecht?

    I am planning a trip to the Netherlands for New Years I will be staying in Utrecht and visiting friends there as well as friends in Amsterdam and good ideas for New Years. Any ideas on how I can save money on the flight and hotel.

    1 AnswerNetherlands1 decade ago
  • How much is enough?

    I was thinking of taking my girlfriend to Madrid for a week for new years how much money would you estimate I would need in euros. Hotel and flight will be covered how much for food and being a tourist?

    3 AnswersOther - Spain1 decade ago
  • Micro and Macro evolution?

    Why do people here keep say that creationist made up the terms Macroevolution and Microevolution and that they aren't "real"? The are real terms used by biologist microevolution is a reference to Anagenesis and macroevolution is a reference to Cladogenesis. I admit that creationists using the terms completely incorrectly but the terms are real and have their roots in biology.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How come dads get the short end of the stick?

    How come when Mothers day comes are there are commercials that talk about getting her jewlery and candy and clothing and spas and taking her out to dinner and stuff but when fathers day comes around the only commercials are for power tools? Its like gee thanks for actually staying here so I can have two parents provide for me and have a decent male rolemodel now why don't you get cracking cuz that toilet ain't gonna fix itself. Or they get a tie which they should and in honesty will probably have to wear to work no matter how tacky. It is like dad is nothing but a work horse. Don't get me wrong I love my Mom she worked hard to make sure I grew up right but so did my dad how come there is such a disparity in gifts. Also a little tidbit before everyone had cells phone and there was unlimited long distance the number one day for collect calls was and maybe still is Father's Day.

    1 AnswerOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • Scientific process?

    I am currently a student and I have heard both my Bio and physics teachers say that it is easier to disprove a negative than to prove a positive but I thought that in the scientific method you can't prove a null hypothesis ehich I took to mean that you can prove that something that isn't true or doesn't exist doesn't exist how do you disprove a negative than?

    2 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • How years between the writing of the Old testament and the New Testament?

    How many years went by between the Old Testament being completed the and the New Testament being started?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Advice for a road trip?

    I am planning a road trip with the family from California to the Canadian Rockies. We were thinking of going to Nevada to Idaho to Montana to Calgary to Edmonton to the Rockies can't decided between Banff or Jasper then to Vancouver. And then down home through Washington and Oregon. It is a crazy plan but I was wondering if you have any advice on how to plan places to see on the way. Also should I go with Banff or Jasper or should I go to both. Also whether there are really good places to stay or eat (you know the you gotta eat there places)

    1 AnswerOther - Canada1 decade ago
  • Say a dua for me?

    I know this isn't that severe but I have an Organic Chemistry midterm and a Biological Sciene midterm today will you all do me a favor and pray for me on these. I am really nervous.

    8 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • Is it ok to donate my hair?

    I have been told by a lot of people that I have nice hair and well I was planning on getting it cut but I am thinking of letting it get longer so I can donate it to cancer patients. I know hair isn't the most important thing in the world but it really helps a lot of them when they lose their hair while undergoing chemo and I would like to do something nice. But I was wondering if there is anything in Islam that is said against doing such a thing.

    9 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • Why do people say moderate Muslims don't denounce terrorism?

    I will tell you right now I denounce terrorism. I hate terrorists and I don't believe in harming innocent people. I get a lot of crap because I am too much of a pacifist most of the time. I am not the only one either a lot of Muslim organizations have condemned and denounced terrorism.

    Do the people that say we don't denounce not actually look to see if we do or is it that just like in politics the moderate voice is never heard because your never going to see moderates chaining themselves to fences or screaming into megaphones?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Some good verses?

    What are some good verses of the quran to read for encouragement in difficult times or to help when you are struggling with faith? Please post the verse if possible or the numerical reference i.e. 2:10

    6 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago