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  • Yahoo Answers just sold out - Advertising Movies on Answers now.?

    I thought Yahoo Answers was supposed to be a tool to help people and not a tool for advertising movies (like Number23). I get sick of companies just whoring out every little thing to advertise to us. It is sicking and I wish they would stop. What are your thoughts on them using Answers to advertise movies and other stuff now.

    9 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Do you know this Children's Story about a twin that is always late?

    Friday morning (1/19/07), I heard a man reading a childrens' story on the radio about these twins, one of which was always late. It was a cute story and I'd like to buy the book but I had to get out of the car before they said the name of the story. I don't know the name. I don't know the name of the story but here are a few details that may help you recognize it.

    *It was about two sisters, the younger sister was always late. When the girls were born, the younger sister was 5 months late.

    *The late twin not only is late herself but she makes others late too. She is late to everything.

    *At one point in the story, the older girl gets tired of the younger twin always being late, decides to call Oprah. Oprah sends over a bunch of people help, including a Doctor, a Nurse, and a Lady with an alligator purse to look at the little girl.

    1 AnswerFamily1 decade ago
  • If you could ask God one question?

    what would you ask? His response would be spoken word - to you.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Ever notice how much John Mayer?

    Sounds like Michael Franks? Weird huh.

    7 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • If there is no DNA in red blood cells...?

    How do they figure out who did a crime from blood evidence?

    9 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • Anyone know any good tricks for removing pumpkin seeds from the pumpkin pulp after carving a pumkin.?

    I hate pulling out the seeds and wanted to know if there is a quick way to do it.

    8 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Loan Forgiveness Programs for Optometrists?

    I am looking for Loan forgiveness programs for Optometrists - particularly in Michigan. Thank you for any help.

    1 AnswerFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • What is the best place to shop for baby clothes online?

    I'm looking for website that sells clothes for babies and small childeren (18mo and up). I've tried Amazon and a few other sites, but I'm not finding anything that is really grabbing me. Does anyone have any good ideas or places they shop for baby clothes online?

    12 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • 16 years old, pregnant, and no health insurance. Where can she go for pre-natal care?

    My step-sister (16) has gotten pregnant and I want to help her but I don't quite know what to do for her. She is roughly 3 mo pregnant, hasn't been to the doctor yet, and is not taking care of herself. The boy is not in the picture and her mother is not dealing with it well. Her mother is very upset and ashamed. She has ran away twice, each time she has called me to come get her. Her mother hasn't taken her to the doctor for whatever reason and I know that she needs prenatal care. Her mother is upset with me for helping, but I really don't care about that right now - my focus is on helping her and the baby. What can I do to help her? Where can she get free prenatal care in Southeastern Michigan (Detroit Area)? She is not interested in an abortion or giving up the baby for adoption. Also, please don't be harsh or crast in your suggestions - constructive help appreciated. Thank You

    14 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • How many people don't like the new Yahoo front page format?

    I don't like the new yahoo front page format. We are being forced to use the new one as of September 1st. I like the old one as is and would like it to stay as is. What do you think

    10 AnswersInternet1 decade ago
  • Do tasers really work or is it just in their minds?

    Watch these videos of people getting tasers - yes they funny, but thats not why I want you to watch them.

    Notice that in some of the videos, there are people holding the person getting zapped, yet are not getting zapped themselves. In other videos, people are holding hands and all of them are getting zapped. Based on my understanding of electricity, the people holding on should get zapped too. Why are they not getting zapped? I checked for gloves or some other insulators and I didn't see any. I thought low voltage, but that doesn't explain it quite good enough.

    PS. I am fairly certain that they work - Ive seen a few folk get zapped on tv and the police here carry them. I even saw them zap the pitbull in video. I know the dog isn't faking.

    3 AnswersOther - Science1 decade ago
  • I want to expand my sexual trick bag. What's making women crazy?

    I'm happily married and want to rock my wife's world (even more). I am doing this to get new ideas in ways to please her. I don't want it to get boring for her. I have to spice it up every now and then. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated. Only rules are - no extra people and not in my butt. Everything else is fair game.

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Women - What is the hottest thing a man has ever done to you or that you would like one to do to you?

    I want to spice it up for my wife. I want to set it off for her. I like variety and she does too. There isns't much I won't do for her, but there are a few rules - Here are the rules:

    1) One-on-One only. No outsiders.

    2) Not in my butt.

    Everything else is fair game.

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Rejoicing in others misfortune...How can I change my heart?

    3 yrs ago, my exwife ran off with one of her students. I was crushed, but got myself together. I lost most of what I had through the divorce &my mental state was rocky for awhile. The student is in a big street gang &sells drugs. She has gotten hooked up into the drugs.

    I moved on, met another woman, got married, had a kid &lived happily ever after.

    Last month, out of the blue, my ex sends me a letter telling me that she loves me, misses me, &sorry for what she did. I haven't heard from her in 2 years. Says she is seeking closure. She says she's moving away &going to marry a different guy. I had strong feelings about the letter, but chose not to respond. I wasn't sure what to say.

    Last week, my sis ran into someone that knows the student tells me that they are still together &that he is going to jail for murder. The month before, her mom was on tv for messing up school money & may lose her job. Deep down inside I like hearing bad stuff about her. How can I change? Its not right.

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce2 decades ago
  • My son is very bow legged and pigeoned toed. What can we do for him?

    He's 15 months. He's been walking for about 3 months now and he is very bow legged and pigeoned toed as well. He walks ok otherwise and is very healthy and well proportioned. The doc's say that he'll grow out of it but I've seen people who didn't grow out of it and I am worried. I have heard of docs breaking the kids legs so that they grow straight, but that seems a bit barbaric and old fashioned. I'm sure that there is something better than that now. What can we do for him? Who should we go see for a good second opinion?

    14 AnswersToddler & Preschooler2 decades ago
  • Do you think Jesus was a virgin?

    One of the points of Jesus's life was to see what is what it was like to be human and be the example of how man should live. How can you get the fullness of humanity without sex? Do you believe that Jesus was a virgin when he died? Do you think a 33 year old virgin, a man that is not a preist or a monk, is normal? Do YOU personally know a 33 year old male virgin? How would you precieve a man, a virgin, that was 33 years old and hung out with all guys and one girl? I don't mean this question to be offensive or evil or anything. It is just conjecture.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 decades ago
  • My wife is upset with me because I made her go to the doctor? What should I do?

    She lost vision in one of her eyes temporally and had been experiencing migraine headaches. I thought she might have a stroke, retinal detach, or tumor. She ended up staying three days and they found nothing. She hates the hospital and blames me for them poking and prodding her. I think she is completely irrational and needs to grow up - but I know better than to express that. I've tried talking to her and she is being very shitty. I know I did the right thing and I'd do it again if I had to. What, if anything should I do to make it better for her?

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce2 decades ago
  • Did any of you NBA fans notice that Lisa Salters has a big ole pumpkin booty?

    She is one of the sideline commentators on ESPN. She's covered all of the Piston Playoff games (by the way DEEEE-TROOOITT BASSSKETT BALLLL - now that ive gotten that out the way), but the game aint all she's covering - She got a lot o' junk in her trunk. That girl got a nice pumpkin booty. Have YOU SEEN IT? She always wears that jacket to cover it up - but she shouldn't. Every now and then she flicks it out so I can see. I have offically been watching the playoffs too much

    Basketball2 decades ago
  • Detroit Piston Luv. Put as many Piston questions up here as possible.?

    Piston Fans. Ask as many Piston questions as you can. If you answer a question, fit the pistons in some kind of way. I get sick of seeing all the questions about the losers (bron bron, kobe, kg, etc). Let's let them know we are here.

    5 AnswersBasketball2 decades ago