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  • To run a shell Script ?

    What is the different between these 2 commands?

    Are they both to run a *.sh (shell script) file ?




    gnome-terminal -x ./ 


    1 AnswerProgramming & Design4 weeks ago
  • find command on linux. Learning?

    $ find ~ -name delete_me -type f -print0 | xargs -0 /bin/rm -f

    Q1.What does it meant by -print0, why is it required ?

    Q2.Why /bin/ ? why not just rm -f ?

    This command only delete matched file in ~ directory; it won't delete matched file in subdirectory or sub sub directory..

    Q3. How to modify it so that it will find and delete all the matched file in  subdirectories as well ?

    Q4. How to modify it so that it will not find into a certain directory ?


    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 month ago
  • Is youtube video and rumble are using flash ? My youtube video and rumble video are not playing now.?

    Any body who are expert in computer know that is youtube video using flash ?

    My computer was playing youtube video just fine before i suspend it to ram.

    Now i want to continue to view what i left of before suspend to ram, it just turning circle and circle on the youtube video screen.. nothing work.

    I tried with firefox, disscenter browser, vilvadi browser.. nothing works.. all just turning circle on screen..

    Rumble also no playing.. but at least i can drag the timeline and rumble can actually sort of "playing" ..

    Why all browser not able to play rumble and youtube altogether ?

    Is javascript server in our computer stop running ? like to xserver, ....those service server on linux pc ?

    Can someone explain , to enlighten me..


    1 AnswerYouTube2 months ago
  • How to find processes that access sound hardware or communicate with the sound infrastructure in arch linux ?

    What command can i execute to find a process that access sound hardware or communicate with the sound infrastructure ?

    The purpose is:

    a hidden process is play sound on my computer, that i have no idea what is causing the sound.. no way to shutdown the process...

    How to locate the thread ?


    Other - Computers2 months ago
  • archlinux: package launched but it does not load?

    I have experience several instances, that application when clicked to launch, it bounces a few time; and that's it. not outcome.

    Today, i tried to lauch Kdenlive.. it just bounces 3 times and didn't launch.. what's the problem ?

    It was fine when i fresh installed it. But now it does not launch anymore be it from cli or from launcher.

    archlinux/ plasma

    Software2 months ago
  • Archlinux cli command?

    Anybody know what are the archlinux cli command for logout session, lock session, restart , shutdown...  ?

    Can someone with complete knowledge of this list the whole cli command for the purposes ?

    I am so confused.

    I understood

    $shutdown now

    $reboot +1

    but what are the rest , instead just reboot and shutdown ?

    I tried $halt, and it causes the whole computer to freeze in blank screen... until i force reset it..

    what does $halt  do ?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design2 months ago
  • RTV for gasket for gasoline engine?

    Does RTV gasket withstand 2 stroke gasoline engine ?

    Does RTV suitable to make gasket for carburator of 2 stroke engine generator ? it will need to be able to withstand heat , combustion and gasoline vapor.I need to make a gasket for between engine block between reed valve.


    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs2 months ago
  • PH value to bleach after exposing to organic matter?

    PH of bleach  is 12 to 13, which is very alkaline.

    But what is the bleach after a handful of dirt being mixed in ?

    To simplify:

    After oxidation process of bleach, what is the PH value become ? will it reaches 7 PH ?

    Chemistry3 months ago
  • Attachment image

    Linux program that can use to see which program funnel traffic to what host or vice versa?

    I would like to know if there is a detailed Linux program that can use to see which program on my computer funnels traffic to what host in the cloud or vice versa , that specifies PID (program id or the program name) and host (IP address)  ?

    I have program that can do such in windows os which i adored, i am wondering is there such compatible tool in linux ? I have attached phone to tcpview tool for win os)

    Software3 months ago
  • Attachment image

    How to assemble Corrugated Fiber Cement Ridge Capping?

    Anybody have any idea how this roof ridge capping is installed  ?  my old garden roof is capped with this ridge capping.. some cracked, would need to replace it, but i don't know how it is assembled , hence don't know how to disassemble it.

    2 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)3 months ago
  • Where is the Ebay language change button ?

    I am in ebay germany, but i want ebay interface language to be english.  Where on earth is the place where i can change the interface language ?! I just can't find it even i spent several hours on it..

    Darn it, why ebay have to make it so difficult to do a simple stuff like that.. 

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products3 months ago
  • Which mac address does server of my connection ?

    I am using cable tv internet (behind router came default with cable tv internet)

    So, i am using linux , access internet with ethernet cable thru router.

    So there are 2 mac address in this case, my Laptop ethernet port mac address and router mac address.

    If i access a webserver somewhere in internet, which mac address does the server sees when i access it ?

    laptop ethernet mac address or

    the router mac address ?


    2 AnswersComputer Networking3 months ago
  • where is pope francis ?  που είναι ο Πάπας Φράνσις;?

    που είναι ο Πάπας Φράνσις; βρίσκεται ακόμα στο Βατικανό; Άκουσε νέα ότι συνελήφθη; ή μερικοί άνθρωποι στο Βατικανό συλλαμβάνονται .. κάποιος το είδε;

    Languages3 months ago
  • What do you need to make a own media file server without involving big tech ?

    What do i need to make my own media file server ? I mean without relying on big tech company ?  So that fate like parler won't happen ..

    2 AnswersOther - Computers3 months ago
  • AWS vs linode ?

    What's the diff between AWS and linode ?

    Why AWS is so expensive compare to linode ?

    1 AnswerYouTube3 months ago
  • about file hosting server?

    I am much clueless of how to host a file server. I was hosting my own ftp server .. it was so easy, with just fixed ip address and a old desktop and minor setting.. the ftp server is up and running.

    But apprently a real media file server is not as what i think it is. it requires AWS, DNS server...

    Someone can share the knowledge to me , pls ? I can't get the whole picture of what needs to be done.  I used to think, that' easy, just buy a powerful desktop and install linux and setup the server for it.. so easy.. but now i know it is far more than that..  Pls enlighten me..

    2 AnswersComputer Networking3 months ago
  • possible to restart linux mouse module ? mouse scroll wheel (scroll downward suddenly not working), scroll upward still works?

    I was pressing "ctrl" and scrolling the wheel of mouse up and down and up and down.. because the browser is a bit slow.. hence i overly zoomed in the webpage and overly zoomed out again.. (because the page reacted too slow, and i am too fast/ impatient)..

    I did like scrolled to zoom in and scrolled to zoom out.. this i did about 10 times.. it kept overshoot the zoom size i want.

    Then suddenly, i found out that i lost the "scroll down" feature of my mouse scroll wheel.

    When in a long webpage, i can use "page down" but i can't scroll down any more. however i can scroll up the page when i am already paged down.

    wherever i am, in terminal , in browser, in file manager... i tried scrolling feature, i can only scroll up, but NOT scroll down.

    I highly suspect some software module of mouse somehow have go insane...

    Is there way to restart mouse module.. i believe if i restart pc, it surely will fix itself.. but i would like to learn new trick of restart only mouse module.. also because i have got too much opened program i hope i don't need to shut down one by one and later have to open them up one by one... too lazy.

    2 AnswersSoftware3 months ago
  • how to fix Desktop folders default opened in wrong app on KDE arch based linux.?

    After i have installed "inkscape",

    I have noticed whatever folder on desktop, when i double clicked it, it will use "inkscape" to open the folder instead of using dolphin file manager.  

    How do solve this on Plasma Endeavouros ?


    Software3 months ago
  • install package in arch linux: $make?

    After i downloaded a linux package from official webpage in *.gz format. (foo2zjs.tar.gz)

    After i unpack the gz file by $tar abc.gz; it will create of folder called foo2zjs in my current folder.

    After i execute the $make command and "$make install", it will generate some file, and copies files into each individual location where it think it should..

    After that, can i simply delete the foo2zjs folder that i have unzipped into my current folder ? Or that folder will be  the folder where the program reside permanently like those of windows software folder ?


    2 AnswersSoftware3 months ago