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  • Squirrels trying to eat through to get back in my attic - HELP - Can't trap them?

    I had some squirrels that a few years ago got into my attic by eating a hole through my soffit. It was impossible to get rid of them (tried everything). It ended up costing almost $2k in damages which I just paid out this April. Now they are BACK! We tried to trim back some branches which still need a little more trimming, but they are high and hard to reach. I'm having a line guard installed this week by an electrician to keep them from using the power line to get on the roof.

    I bought and tried an electronic rat trap which caught nothing. I have a have-a-heart trap that's been baited w/ peanut butter, also w/ sunflower seeds and they walk right by it. They steal tomatoes from the garden, which I put in the trap, and again nothing!!

    I'm desperate.

    I live in the suburbs in PA. Can I use a BB gun/air rifle to shoot them?? Fall is coming and I know they like to eat the red berries that form on the dogwood tree. The tree is maybe 20-25ft from my 2nd floor office window.

    I considered poison but I don't want 1) a dead squirrel trapped somewhere in the attic 2) another animal/someone's pet eating it and getting poisoned.

    The constant chewing sound over my head (I work from home) is driving me CRAZY. I bang on the wall and they keep chewing.

    14 AnswersHunting6 years ago
  • Confused about claiming parent as dependent and the "allowance"?

    I was starting my tax return and I read that I can claim my senior mother as a dependent, as she lives w/ me full-time, 24/7!!! This year is the first time doing this although I've had her for years. I read that you can claim a $3,950 allowance for tax year 2014. How does that change my return? I pretty much finished my return and it's about the same as last year. I only make 45k if that matters. THANKS in advance.

    7 AnswersUnited States6 years ago
  • I need to borrow money from my 401k, need home repairs. Bad idea?

    I need to make some serious home repairs. The estimate was $3800, and may end up costing more if other materials are needed. I don't want to use my credit card. How bad of an idea is it to use this money? How long will I be given to repay it? How will it affect my tax return? What happens if I suddenly loose my job?

    4 AnswersPersonal Finance6 years ago
  • How much can I "hide" on FB from my BF's sister?

    My BF's sister confronts my BF about stupid harmless things his friends post on my FB. They may post a video from youtube saying that it reminds them of my BF. Which I find funny, as does he, BUT she says it's not funny. I'm tired of hearing her yapping at him for things we find funny but she doesn't. It's none of her business. I don't want to "unfriend" her and lead her on to my undoings, I just want her to see what I care to post, and that's it. Is there a way??

    4 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • Thinking about dumping my BF of a year?

    Of this, is it justifiable to cut the strings?:

    His bday I picked thoughtful gifts and took him out for dinner (est cost: $500)

    My bday, he gave me (no joke) a case of Miller Lite and a bottle of Cuervo. That was it.

    Christmas comes...........

    I give him thoughtful gifts: Columbia jacket, a beautiful merino sweater, new bedding, and others, etc.

    My gift: a $50 gift card to the local beer distributor. He said he WOULD HAVE gave me jewelry, but had no idea where to start. :(

    I don't care about the costs, it's a matter of his thoughtfulness, which I see as zero.

    Other issues: I buy him little gifts, and he gives them to his son. This is because he puts his son first (which is fine) but why does he give things I gave him, instead of buying them himself?! And YES, he can afford it, he makes just under 6 figures a year, lives in a modest house, drives a modest car, and has NO debt. Plus he has 50k+ in savings (in cash).

    I do everything for him and his son, including cooking meals and doing laundry when he needs help. He says he's never loved anyone more than me, but at times I feel like I'm getting screwed. I haven't even received a single rose from him. I've been with guys for less time that were more thoughtful and more appreciative.

    OH and I made Xmas gifts for some of his coworkers. I later found them at his house after I took them to his work! He said a couple of the guys didn't deserve it, so he kept them. However after counting I found out he kept all of them!!! That pissed me off, big time!!! Especially after most of these people gave him gifts.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • My boyfriend just asked for a break, I don't understand why?

    I've been with him for almost a year. We grew into best friends. We never even had a fight. We talk for maybe 3 hrs a day, everyday. This morning he didn't sound right, I asked what was wrong, he said that he thinks we should take a break. I asked why, and he said that I do everything for him, he doesn't do enough for me, we should spend more time together and that's not fair to me, and that this may not be permanent. I just called him to get more answers and he said that he doesn't know what's wrong, but there's something that's not right and he wants to figure things out. When I met him, he didn't want a GF, but within a month of seeing each other he asked for a committed relationship. He said that he was always fine with being alone, and he liked that. But then he said that no one has ever been so good to him as I have, that he couldn't have picked a better girlfriend or wife. I have never smothered him, infact he was always the one to call me. He told me that he wanted to do this now, to avoid tagging me along, and perhaps not hurting me more later. I know he's stressed lately. His son (which he has full custody of) is a handful. He's also been working on a promotion. The other thing is that he has OCD. He lets little worries turn into him losing sleep. I've been able to work with him on those things. So I'm not sure if he was over obsessing and he jumped to this decision. A few months back he did the same thing where we broke up for two days only for him to ask for me to come back, that our breakup was literally making him sick and he missed me too much. Lately I do recall him saying a few times that I deserve someone better than him. He says I do a lot for him, which I do, but only because I love him. But those are things like cooking, or helping him remove stains, cutting his hair, picking up meds when he's sick, etc. Granted he doesn't do tons for me, but I don't need anything. I don't require flowers, or fancy dinners. I've always been happy just hanging out with him. Now I'm completely lost, I feel like my heart was ripped out. I feel like we went from everything was great to complete heartbreak. I know there isn't another woman, so that's not behind this. But he did say that it wasn't because he was unhappy, or that he didn't love me anymore. He just needs to figure "things" out. I think that's a pretty shitty answer.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • HELP! How do I fix a pvc pipe with a small gap?

    I noticed a small leak/drip coming from a repair my father did about a year ago on some pvc pipes. He fixed the first leak with some fiberglass wrap. So I removed the wrap he put on and I removed some caulk I found underneath. Upon doing this I notice there is a small gap (1/16") at the top where the pvc pipes meet. There is barely any give to try to bring the pieces together. If you try to pull them together, they just shift back into place. Is there something on the market that I can use to seal this gap? I plan on using this same type of wrap over the joint afterward. Replacing the surrounding pvc might bring more problems since somehow my dad was able to join the pvc to a heavy metal drainage pipe. I'm afraid if I try to wiggle the pipe next to this connection that it might break lose and I'll just have more problems. I can't ask my dad how he managed to get around this gap since he just passed, and on top of things I'm a single woman with a limited income and I'm afraid a plumber would cost a fortune. Any help is greatly appreciated!! Thank you.

    6 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • My husband is a complete a$$hole! Would you agree?

    I've been separated for 4yrs. There was a glimmer of hope at times that we'd get back together. I found out he started seeing this beast of a woman a year ago. I only found out because I knew his email login, and he forgot! Dumb! That's where I saw messages from her saying she loved him, and he even bought plane tickets and went to see her for a week!! So, with that I decided to see other people. I ended up seeing one guy for a while, it didn't work out, but now I found a man that I truly do love. He is an absolute dream. I wish I found him years ago. So in the past couple of weeks my husband would call and I could hear the other woman in the room with him, I don't care anymore. So I decided to tell him (once again) that I wanted to go through with the divorce. At this point he said he'd finally agree and that would make him happy, and mentioned he wanted to get remarried. I said a divorce would make me happy too since I was seeing someone and we were in love. He said he was happy for me. I kinda mentioned who I was seeing and he freaked out. He said he always knew that I was sleeping with him (he used another word!). Which is SO far from the truth, because I actually just formally met him months back, after him moving in over 2yrs ago. (new guy is my next door neighbor). So since that all went down, my husband says I owe him a new heart since I broke his, and not counting he's been calling me every nasty word you can think of. He owes me money, which he used to be good with, now all the sudden he doesn't make deposits, he doesn't answer texts, and he ignores all calls from me. I think my husband always saw my new guy as potential competition. He's extremely good looking, with a killer body. So I think he always said bad things about him to brainwash me into disliking him. He had no reason to dislike him because he never did one thing to make him think that. Why the hell should my husband care who I am now with if #1: he's been with his beast for a good year now and #2 he said he wants to marry her??!! I have even told him that I wrote off of our marriage when I found out about this other woman. I would have filed already, but him up and leaving four years ago has left me on a strict budget since I am carrying all the house bills myself.

    18 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How aggressive should a woman be with the man she wants?

    I've been seeing this guy off and on for a couple of months. Recently we've been seeing each other at least two or three times a week. We usually text back and forth. And lately we exchange a number of texts daily. However I haven't heard from him since the night before last. I want to call him or text him, but should I wait for him to make contact? He has told me to call him or text him as much as I want, but I don't want to come across as a stage 5 clinger. I really like him, and he said he really likes me as well. I'm just kind of afraid if I don't do anything he'll think I'm no longer interested. I just don't want to loose this one.

    In the past I have been aggressive with men, whether it's making it clear I like them, or making the first move. I haven't really had that come back and bite me in the butt, but I'm just unclear on how to approach this one without scaring him off.

    He also has a very stressful job (law enforcement) and is a single father w/ full custody so I know he has his hands full.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Would you dump him over these things?

    Dating for 7months, thinking about breaking up. I'm 32, he's just shy of 34.

    He has not met any of my friends or family, although asked several times. Even blew off Xmas at my sisters since he suddenly had a tummy ache!, cancelled when he should have already been there. I have met his family, some several times, and I have even met and spent a lot of time with his friends. ** He gets very moody, a lot, out of no where will kind of snap at you ** I question if he really graduated college, on LinkedIn it says graduated in 2001, facebook says 1999, his mother also said he didn't graduate although she was a little tipsy at the time. ** He does not kiss me like a boyfriend should, I only get pecks, when I try for more I get told he doesn't feel like it ** He's the first guy I've been with that it seems that sex is not that important to him (I know he's not getting it from somewhere else, so he's not cheating) just he prefers it in the morning, and we don't live together so that is an issue ** He's not romantic at all, we'll cuddle on the sofa and all, but in 7mos, not a single flower or even a card. **

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How would you define our relationship?

    I started to see this guy back in 2/09. We've known each other for maybe 15yrs. We're in our early 30's. Things slowed down over the winter, and I got hurt in the spring so I was a hermit for a while, but since June we see each other 2-3 times a week. We have a sexual relationship, so sleepovers and long weekends together are common. Sometimes we just cuddle on the sofa and watch tv. He's told me that sex or no sex he just likes having me around. I've met and hung out with his friends. I over heard him say to someone on the phone "I'm down the shore with MY GIRL". But we haven't really discussed what our relationship is. This past weekend he spent some time with his buddy who came in from out of town and they ended up going to this party. Knowing who's party it was, I was curious to know if he did "anything". So last night I asked if he hooked up with anyone this past weekend. (I just calmly asked) He came back with "Noooooooo! Nooooooooo! I promise, I swear!!" Then he was like, where did that come from?! I did spring it out of the blue while we were watching tv though. After that he grabbed and held my hand. He also talks about making plans for trips out of town together. Talked about us going skiing this winter, etc. As far as I know, he hasn't been seeing anyone else, however I never asked. However back in June when we got back together it was asked of each other if either of us had been with anyone else since Feb, and we both answered no, and he back then made the comment "that's good". I think we're old enough to where we don't have to ask for each other to be boyfriend/gf, but I don't know if it's happening, and I'm kinda unaware of it. LOL. Thanks guys.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Noticed recent hair loss, was told due to lack of protein?

    Since the spring I lost more weight, now 5'6'' 108 lbs. I really don't eat much, and what I do isn't the best for me. I noticed some hair loss, was told by a nurse I know that it's because I don't eat enough protein. So my plan is to hike up the protein and zinc intake. So I plan on taking approx. 60-70 grams of protein on per day, if not more. How soon can I expect the hair loss to stop and see an improvement in my nails? I had no clue how much protein a woman needed, now I know the hard way!! THANKS!

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Crappy husband story.....?

    Ok, so we've been apart for three years, mostly very civil to each other the entire time. I found out he was "seeing" someone months back. He denied and denied again, which I expected. Ok, whatever! So I asked if he was still in love with me, he said, I'll let you figure that out!! That was like this past weekend! SO I recently saw him, and he hugged me a few times and kissed me in between the cheek and lip area. And as I left, he said, I really do love you! Uh huh! So I see this past week he changed his facebook status to in a relationship with this she/male. (he actually has laughed at that, and said I wasn't the only one to call her that, meaning yeah she looks like a dude). Not to toot my own horn, but I'm maybe a 9! Soooooooooo a couple weeks ago I sent him papers. He said his lawyer had to look at them, then he admitted he lied, and had no lawyer, and he never even looked at the papers I sent him! What the hell is he doing?! I want no relationship with him NOW. Why not just look over the papers I sent?! Is he trying to play the she/male and me?? Playing me does not work anymore!

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Seeing this guy, don't know what to make of it?

    So I've been seeing this guy I've known for 15+yrs. We first got together back in February. Off and on since then we've been hanging out. I had to take a two month break since I got into an accident, and I looked horrible! So now I look good :) I'm ok with going out. So for the past month+ we've been out almost every weekend. I've met his friends, he took he to a fourth of July party and all seemed good. This past weekend, we went out, and I ended up staying over, at his request. We've spent nights together prior. He's a great guy, and we have so much in common. When we're together he has full attention on me, however once I leave, we barely talk. No calls to say what's going on or anything like that, here and there he messages me. Knowing him, he's always been hard to pin down. He's 33, I'm 31 and I'm hoping for a relationship with him. He's terriably sweet, says nothing but compliments to me, will rub my back or feet w/o me even asking! The other day I mentioned coming over to make him dinner, then he said this week wasn't good for him, and MAYBE next week will work. But he did say that my bday was coming up and he wanted to do something nice or special, I forget what exactly he said, my bday isn't for another 2 months. I know some guys don't like chatting on the phone, but am I putting too much thought over this?? A week or so ago, he asked if I would be interested in going to the mountains with him. Since, he has not brought it up. I wanna ask all these questions, but I'm afraid it may scare him off. I'm pretty sure he likes me, he was very open on how he did not want me to get any matching "girlfriend" tattoo's with my friend. OR any piercings either. I'd love to get into his head to see what he thinks about me. Any thoughts?? I really like him, he's been my crush for years. Plus, we had some history 15 yrs ago. So he knows me, and I know him. Since Feb, I asked him if he was seeing anyone else, and he said no, and I do believe him.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • New scars on my face, what to use, pic included?

    About a month ago I had a nasty fall and did a number on my face. I have a 3/4" cut/scar over my eye and scuff marks on my upper cheek. The plastic surgeon thought my eye would look better without stitches. It's actually redder than the picture shows. I have some cream from the plastic surgeon but I think it makes it redder. I also just got mederma, but haven't been using it long enough to see results. I read about the Curad scar patches too. Which of these three treatments might work the best? I'm desperate to look better. The past month I've been hiding behind sunglasses. :( I also look pretty bad still because I fractured my face and have a chip fracture. The black eye is almost 100% gone!

    With the Curad patches, can you wear makeup over them?

    thanks for any help you can provide!

    6 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Need help on taxes, home office deduction questions?

    I started working from my home office Oct 1st 2008. I would like know how to deduct the costs of the electric used, and I read that a portion of my mortgage/real estate taxes can also be deducted. How do I apply this when using TaxAct? I went through and I did not see a spot for these deductions. Thanks!

    4 AnswersOther - Taxes1 decade ago
  • How can u block someone on facebook not knowing if they are on facebook?

    I want to block someone on facebook (an ex, who I'm pretty certain is on there, somewhere). I do not know what email address he would be using, but there are quiet a few people under that name that do not have a picture of themselves on their profile, so I am unsure which one might be him. Would I have to block every single person under that name in hopes that will work?

    I still want other people to be able to search for me, so that's why I'm going this route.

    Thanks, new to facebook so I don't understand it completely yet.

    2 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • New to facebook, got a privacy question?

    I just started a facebook page about a month ago. I had it set up so only my friends could see my page. If you did a search under my name, nothing would show at all. I'd like my name to ONLY be searchable to my former classmates. Is that possible? To date my education is only mentioned on my page, and not included in a network (as far as I know). Thanks for any help.

    1 AnswerFacebook1 decade ago
  • invite a married man and a date to a party?

    ok, there's a married man that's separated from wife, they're still very intimate with eachother. Wife sees an invite to a party (via email) and it says feel free to bring so and so (spells out another woman's name). Husband says that nothing is going on, and this other woman is a friend. The couple that sends the invite knows very well this man is married and perhaps working through this separation. Your thoughts...

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • invite a married man and a date to a party?

    ok, there's a married man that's separated from wife, they're still very intimate with eachother. Wife sees an invite to a party (via email) and it says feel free to bring so and so (spells out another woman's name). Husband says that nothing is going on, and this other woman is a friend. The couple that sends the invite knows very well this man is married and perhaps working through this separation. Your thoughts...

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago