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60 years of age with 160 life years on my being. God is Love & that's all there is. Striving to be always kind even when I least want to be.

  • What is it like to really laugh because because of something good?

    It seems when I see people laugh it because something icky happened to someone even if its really a tiny icky. What are the good things people laugh about?

    1 AnswerPhilosophy8 years ago
  • Why do people try to own "Life"?

    I have a special personal interest in this question. Just as with many people, but even more special in the rarity arena as in one in billions rarities… and my number is up now. Any day now a major organ can go pop, snap, & cackled. I am chronically 65 years of age but my bones, joints… all the innards stuff is about 75 although I won’t let my medical condition have its way. I still do the things that indeed do endanger me-pooh on it.

    Anyway, why is all the fighting to own this or that whether it’s a favorite bar stool or a huge plot of land with a flag flying over it going on. All we are doing is going around the sun once a year in the end anyway. No matter how one fortifies hers or his grave site eventually down the road sooner or later the owner of us will have our molecules blowing in the wind or inert in outer space or inner space. Once our costumes are separated into a billion specks… ya know?

    Souls… Did someone mention souls, eternity, etc… TIME! ain’t time one of those things that has no middle? If someone really, I mean really figures out there is not such a thing as time better keep in hers or his image department because by the “time” it takes to tell someone…


    My number is up… I think. And just in case if God is truly into this sin and hell stuff, which I honestly believe that My God is not, unless of course I beg My God for them as My God is quite obliging, My God is letting me do a lot of my Hell in this costume so I won’t have to do it in my next costume when I once again will try to bring Love where Love seems not to be. I wonder how many places or spheres are there.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • do you think there are many, many unlikeable people like me?

    I have been likeable now for 65 years. I wonder how many others are like me. I'm a crazed killer, I am not antisocial. I am asocial though. And most of all. Why bother. I know God might have a reason for me to be here. I be damned if I know. It is miserable. My pitiful self can fool a person for a small moment then poof unlikeable...

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Do you live to eat or eat to live or somewhere inbetween?

    I survive on a dull highly individualized regimented diet. An educated person were degrading the value of the fruit tomato. As it is it is the most nutritional fruit there is. I cannot use the skin so I peel that away, I find eating to be a nuisance. It is so boring but if I am to live--I gotta do what I gotta do.

    6 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • Isn't unconstitional for Michigan to punish poor peeople for getting sick?

    I have 24 ft amputated body. Michigan is going put punishing tax on any Medicare Medical Claim I make. Taxing me for an insurance plan I paid for while I was working. Like double taxed? Have people in power gone completely mad or are they just plain wise evil people married to Satan itself? People better wake the person Hitler surely has a warm place in the after-world but Hilterism is alive and well. There modern terms like totalitarian but it is Hilterism... a rose by any other color.... The word Hilterism is in Webster's dictionary.

    3 AnswersGovernment10 years ago
  • Will someone make me a meal. I don't have energy; too tired to eat and live just for God?

    Can you be a little quick? Not so quick though, do at your pace and be done yesterday. I hate being hungery it eventually makes me be so exhuasted while vertical. Can I cook and eat amongst othr fg

    3 AnswersDiabetes10 years ago
  • Why do I get hungry. I know the general reasoning but mean just why?

    I have the rarest medical condition, I really do. There might be few in the whole wide world but very few. It is just a bother to eat. Another thing that bugs me because of medical condition "Short Bowel Syndrome" is generally rare amongst adults. However, my particular form short bowel syndrome is utmost rare amongst sbs people. Whether Cancer serious as Cancer and such I don't know or live their stories... We sbs quits can and do just drop dead--a vital organ(s) just up and quits There is not one gut-doctor in my area so far who can explain why my body still lives. That mostly is caused because they are not any "no-gut" surgeons and doctors. There are plenty of gut doctors around but there are very few if any "no-gut" doctoral I get very tired 24/7 and it bugs me when my fingers cannot correctly find their way back to the "home-keys" on my keyboard. My broken body sucks! 24 feet of amputated bowel. Medical will very often reply or explain what they see--" look fine!" But, "I have 24 amputated bolew. But, "You look fine" and I have other patients waiting who really need me. And I am way low on water and about to experience kidney failure.. but you look fine. One the things by the way my shortened bowel cannot uptake toxins so I look kinda on the outside while the inside is slowly starving to death and part of the body is the brain so it too is detoriating along with the rest of little remain body... "But you look fine and other patients really need me. It all sucks. God has a use for my badly main body still, so I will remain alive as long as God has use for me so I stay here the awful lonely coarse... I just can't wait to it is time to shed this awful costume for my body. Enough whining, hun? Why anything, why is there air, why is there water, why is there other people and too many other people and too much wrong behaviour to idefy... and so on. I am sorry for a Rhetorical question... but not as sorry as I am.

    1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups10 years ago
  • Why does Michigan Wilderness Searchs end with every listing rendered has guns in it?

    I think it would be a lot fairer and braver if the deer and bears had guns also. Can you see the deer and bear deep in the woods pointing over to that tree with a human head cut, stuffed, and hung... yep, I got that dude over canyon nowhere. It was a close call. He was a dead shot. But, I back tracked him real good. I took his head off in one swipe. He didn't taste good. Must had been eating nothing but greasy food, yuck! I bet there be a lot less hunters out their. It would take at least a little bit of courage to face another critter well armed. Oh well, I ain't much longer to live. I'll be able to share a mug of coffee with god jaw jack about why the things are the way they are.


    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government10 years ago
  • How come: gov'mt order media complain of health care cost when...?

    Obama Administrations and Congress eliminated environmental protection controls which led to pollution caused diseases needing treatment then government bitches about our money being spent on us. I guess government staff needs their $600 toilet seats paid by our money and never lowering their medical care and retirement costs and private protection forces and more… but it okay not to use our money to treat our diseases that the government actions causes…?

    1 AnswerGovernment10 years ago
  • How come I cannot ask about where the US flag can and cannot be displayed.?

    Who owns Yahoo? Meijers depart store cannot display the US Flag, how come. It can display other flags but not US flag, why. What is going on?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • How come "Meijers Depart. Store can't display the US Flag?

    I do not know if I spelled Meijers name right. They probably could display foreign flags of the oil countries but not the US flag. In addition, oil producing country foreigners can built their places of worship here but we cannot build churches there? What's going on?

    5 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • If there is not a God, why act right?

    Be good, don't cry because Santa is coming or

    is it be good don't cry because God will get you!

    Then if there is not a God to please, to avoid hell, why act right or wrong for that matter?

    14 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Why is suicide not murder?

    because murder is usually punishable by death, and the holy suicide dead gal or guy can't be punished by death, ya know. Actually suicide is illegal because the Big Brother State God says when you can die, mostly, The State/thee big Corporation is Thee God, the Corporation God's language is "policy", its axiom laws are written in or on documents, ever hear, "It's documented right here" and so and so on. I have bad accelerated aging and the medical industrial corporations, which once were called self-indentified hospitals, hate me for it because they being part of and protect by the big Corporation State God which did the 24 feet mutilation wants to say when I should be dead not my 24 ft / 7.32 m amputated body that the God Corporation, which is supposed to be all knowing but knows squat about 24 feet of amputation. Rambling hun? Un-un... axioms under every rock along with the rest of the piss ant ****. The Corporation God and the Tower of Babel have a lot to do with each other as with the Anti-Christ and the Anti-human. Amen. I never get a qualified sensible response to my claim of accelerating aging. 75 or so of age at 64 chronicle age. Anger, that is useless teeny bitty creature when there's no choice to it just more persecution stress which speeds the accelerated aging even more. As long as there is a well paid large middle class... nonsensical this is. It is a good thing that there is not any such thing as death ever. I cannot wait to visit some human monsters in their dreams. Well, that's hopefully another 20 or 23 years from now. Oh yeah... is eternal celestial or eternal physical time to the left or to the right?

    Living in the middle of time,


    6 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • are there or can Catholics build churches in all places in mid-eastern area?

    Lots of questions like that I guess. I sure do not understand this world of people. It is just my guess, as in just my guess that Goldberg does not consider so called "White" people to be her people. She just doesn't care where where her money comes from. -- Hold up a sheet of typing paper next to a "White" person's skin... which is white? Do the the same with sheet black card paper... which is black. "Races does not make prejudice; it is the other way around prejudice makes races,"

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Can I tell what the score will be even before footballl game starts?

    Sure, 0 to 0 before the game starts.

    2 AnswersOther - Soccer1 decade ago
  • According to all and any of your God beliefs...?

    If God forgives me even when God maybe ought not too, and I don't forgive me, will me not forgiving me keep me from heaven even if I ask God for forgiveness, which I don’t. My God is a perfect God and perfect Love does not keep a record of wrongdoings to forgive. I do over and over share with my God that I am so very sorry for hurting My God and all his parts (you all). I ask this of any of your Gods, and yes the OneGod? By the way, why is that particular "OneGod” that so many worship, not able to be more than one of that OneGod? I always wondered that. Isn't all powerful, all powerful? I do believe My God can and cannot make a stone so heavy that my God cannot lift it, (and can lift it simultaneously). The structure of human language so constricts our imagination that we cannot imagine God even.

    I do have my own God. You did not want to know me before my God and I created each other—divorced from my old me. In fact you don't want to know me now. Because, I bounced as far up as far as I was down. If you are not honest in front of me, I will check you. And this is a scary collective world to be honest in. I have yet to meet anyone in my 64 years and travels from east, to west, to south, and back to north to be totally honest in the face of the collective bias and judging. I must check myself seven times a day still. The collective and especially the elite are still building the "Tower of Babel" and your so called "Anti-Christ" has been here way before some or ones evented the term, "Christian or Christians". In addition "It" is within all religionous subgroups.

    God is born every time some one comes to believe.


    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How come I can't find patient beatings by hospital staff on search engines?

    I was beaten my four large hospital staff men at Henry Ford in Macomb County, Mi. I would like mock up or not to use in a personal letter but can't find a picture. I know the common belief is that hospitl staff are holy people who can never do wrong but it ain't so. I have met some hospital staff that are darn near holy though. But there are the horrible ones and the hospital fight like hell to keep the violation and violence in their closets.

    3 AnswersCommunity Service1 decade ago
  • Before physical creation what was God doing?

    If all this earth, outer space, inner space is temporal then what was God doing before this temporary thing. Supposedly after the temporal God will have his chosen people with God... I think I read that? But what was God doing before the temporary physical and the subsequent chosen people?

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago