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==)* Irish Coffee* (==
我是學生, 從來沒有到過大陸地區.
因朋友住上海,也想逛香港, 想先到香港, 再搭車到上海.
4 Answers中國1 decade agoWhat is being measured when referring to the "vert"?
I was watching some volleyball and someone said one player has a 44 inch vert. What is that implying? A body measurement? Please inform!
1 AnswerMathematics1 decade agoWhere can I find downloads from the Czech band The Plastic People of the Universe?
Where can I find free downloads (one or two songs will do) from the Czech revolutionary band The Plastic People of the Universe?
I would extremeley appreciate some help.Thanks in advance!
3 AnswersMusic1 decade agoQuestion for serious Catholics: How do I give Christian advice in the following situation?
I have a female friend (not very close,but close enough)who is a few years younger than myself (she's 19).Her parents are very very devout Catholics(Mass once a week in church,a mass weekly in their famliy home,1-2 bible study meetings each week,famliy prayer each Sunday for one hr..etc.) yet for the past year my friend has refused to participate in these various activities.In the past year,her parents have expressed their objection to her,but have never insisted on her attending,at most telling her that she was committing a motal sin. Recently my friend has approached me and told me that her parents told her that they have "finally seen the light and it's their responsibility for her faith while she is still living under the family home,and that she MUST attend mass,bible-study meetings in obedience to her parents".My friend has now left home this evening totally upset and angry with the whole situation(i think staying in a motel).I am also Catholic(not like her folks),what can I do?
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhat is your personal view on Condoleezza Rice?
Condoleezza Rice.An atomic bomb that blew American politics apart.A savour among conservatives.A lingust.A diplomat. But what do you see in her,through her? I'm baffled,undecided in which direction I should fall.Help me out.Anything goes.
12 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoWhat would happen if one took 4 panadol and 2 ponstan?
Seriously,medically and please no meaningless answers....if you know answer,if not,click of this page.Thanks~
2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoWhy are the filters of cigarettes in Europe brown and in Asia white?
Why are the filters of cigarettes in Europe brown and in Asia white?(The piece of paper around the filter-can't smoke it)
3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago如何用VB寫While-wend N的5次方方程式?
我也不知道是要用命令按鈕還市直接空白開始...please help me!!
3 Answers程式設計2 decades agoWhy,after so so many years won't the British presence in Northern Ireland just GO AWAY?
After starting a project on the affect of British military presence in the North of Ireland, it seems more and more unjust that the British government allows this unbelievably hostile presence to continue on, jeopardizing Irish national security? I may be in error, if so, set me on the right path. Also, information/picutres/brief explanations would be appreciated a lot.
6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government2 decades ago20點漢代的胡人是指哪一族的人?維吾爾.西戎.夜郎還是吐番?
2 Answers歷史2 decades agoBad day? Me too. What's your drink of choice to wash away the pain tonight?
Bad day.Everyday? Nope.Today?Hell yeah.
I'll have the whole bottle of Bailey's Irish Cream (Yep,the 2L bottle),a bucket of ice and a disconnected phone line,please.And you,my dear?
13 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits2 decades agoWhat do you believe will eventually save the world from evil and destruction?
Every religion speaks of a "day of judgement" or similar scenarios. What do you think will save the world from future destruction? Explain a little if you can!
35 AnswersPhilosophy2 decades agoCan the War on Terror in Iraq be justified? What are your views as an American?
Speak the truth.Say what you feel that has struck you the most in the past few years of war. Do you (still) support the cause? If you were George W. Bush, what would you do today regarding the war? I support our boys out there to the very last step. They're courageous and honorable.
21 AnswersMilitary2 decades agoWhat are your views on Taiwan's president Chen Shui-Bian,his Stock Market Queen of a wife&his corrupt in-laws?
What are your views on Taiwan's president Chen Shui-Bian,his Stock Market Queen of a wife & his corrupt in-laws?
* * *
In the past few months the president of Taiwan (also known as the Rep. of China) Chen Shui-Bian has run into scandal after scandal.It interests me what other people think about his notorious family.Specifically his son-in-law Zhao Jian-Ming,his son-in-laws father Zhao Yu-Chu and most of all his beloved wife,,,who happens to be earning astronomical amounts of money in stocks/bonds and gift vouchers up to 4 million New Taiwanese Dollars.
I would like to know what an insider to the currant situation predicts and most of all...insight.
2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government2 decades agoWho is Peter North and what does he represent?
Who the hell is this guy, some extremist politcian? Or some freaky sportsman? Who the hell is this guy? And what is he famous for? Any introduction sites? Please be specific! Thank you. (No other topics please.)
13 AnswersPolitics2 decades agoWhat's the correct amount of CHOLRINE for each litre of water in a 25m long,7 lane pool?
I need to know what amount of chlorine is necessary for a pool.Any other info on chlorine and eye senitivity/bodily reactions will increase your chance of slamming those 10 points!
2 AnswersChemistry2 decades ago!輕鬆拿20點!<<急>> 新ASUS 筆電這樣買太貴嗎?
看到一台 華碩 ASUS AD6530 筆電
老闆賣 23000元
這樣是不是被騙了???? !!
If so...
4 Answers筆記型電腦2 decades ago