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  • My cat burned off some of her whiskers?

    I light a candle and I put it up high but not high enough I turn for a minute to get a towel and she was trying to bat the flame and her whiskers were smoking and she didn't seem to care... should I take her to a vet? She looks fine and is eating... just super bad... they are kind of curled up at the end.

    3 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Any suggestions for a cat behaving badly?

    My cat is 5 years old. I buy her many toys to chew and balls to bat. But she rather chew on my hair ties, cell phone charger, scratch the wall and washing machine, and chew through the garbage bag. What can I do to change her behavior? I work, but not away too long, I play with her and she loves to be close to me and get affection as well.

    4 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • My cat has a attitude after she got spayed today...?

    I have a 5 year old indoor cat, she is very skittish and scary. I took her to the vet today to get spayed, de wormed, and her shots. When I brought her home I can see a major personality change. My cat is usually sweet, but I took her to get spayed today and she won't come near me, she avoids me... and it seems like she is mad at me. Is this normal? Should I leave her be?

    10 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Best way to rebuild credit?

    My credit sucks. Last time I was trying to rebuild my credit, I ended up making things worse. Over the past three years, I've been using cash only. I have a repo on my credit. I have some charge off's. I recently pulled my credit report, and I sent out a letter to the collection agencies agreeing to settle the debts. All the debts on my credit are old, almost past the statute of limitations... I'm hoping that I can get the collection agencies to take a lower amount while taking it off my credit... we will see. I have been paying my student loans for about 5 months... I recently got approved for a Capital One Secured Credit card. I put down a security deposit of 49.00, I have a 200 line but I'm so used to using cash... I want to rebuild my credit but I don't know if I'm doing the right thing... Does anyone have any tips? How long will it take to have a decent credit score? Will one secured card be enough? I planned on making one purchase on the card a month and paying it off, something 50.00 and under... I'd appreciate any advice you have to give!

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Is there a HMO provider or plan offered in the State of Texas?

    I was just wondering, can't find any at all...

    2 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • Doge Stratus windows will not roll up?

    My Dodge Stratus windows all of a sudden will not roll up. The fuse is good. What can it be? It is a 2006 Dodge Stratus SXT only 2 years old!

    3 AnswersDodge1 decade ago
  • How do I protect my 2006 Dodge Stratus SXT from being broke into again?

    This is the second time that my car has been broken into in a year, for some reason, people keep trying to steal it, costing me hundreds and hundreds of dollars! I'm stressed out, have little money, the car has anti theft, but they are still breaking into the car! What can be done to protect my property?

    4 AnswersDodge1 decade ago
  • Do you have any tips for keeping my cat comfortable while she is in heat?

    I'm really shocked. My poor kitten is in heat! I haven't even had her 6 months yet, well, I got her at the end of November, well, that is almost 6 months. I read somewhere that you were supposted to get the cats spayed at 6 months and I was going to do that but she beat me to the punch. She's not screaming, but her butt is in the air and when she sees me or my boyfriend she bends over, she screamed for a little while. I want to keep her near me because I can tell she doesn't know what is wrong with her, she looks so confused. I know for sure that I can't take her to get spayed while she is in heat, but do you guys and gals have any tips that I could have to keep her comfy until this heat cycle is over and she can get spayed? I feel guilty that I waited so long to get her spayed, I just wasn't thinking about it because she is still a baby... but not anymore! I feel like I am causing my baby such discomfort and I feel pretty horrible...

    11 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Is it bad to mix 2 different brands of toothpaste?

    I mixed 2 brands of toothpaste today when I was brushing my teeth, I bought a while ago the Colgate Plus Oxygen Whitening, and I usually use Crest Pro Health, but I mixed them today? Is that good or bad for my teeth? (Don't ask me why I did it, I just did! LOL!)

    6 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • Dating a older man...?

    I am dating my neighbor. I met him on Valentine's Day when me and my ex were breaking up. He never tried to put no moves on me until me and my ex were broke up! And he gave me some time, I mean, he comforted me and everything. But we started dating and I really really like him, I am getting attached. Here's the thing. He knows my age. He knows I want a husband and kids. He has already had a wife and he has 3 kids. One who is 18, the other 2 are 10 and 11. He's had his children. I like him and he like me but I am afraid to fall for him because I could end up childless! And having a child is so inportant to me! He knows what I want, should I just wait and see what happens or should I just let things be the way they are and just not bother? He treats me so good, tells me i'm beautiful, cooks me breakfast in bed, he's just wonderful. I just like him. But I have reservations! What do you all think?

    28 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What does UFA mean?

    I am looking on Yahoo! Sports, and I see this UFA! What does it mean?;_ylt=AnrH8sd.VeTN...

    5 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • If i'm sick, can I get my cat sick too?

    My cat likes to be in my face, she likes to rub noses with me. But I am sick and I don't want her to get sick too! What can I do, and can I even get her sick?

    16 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • I am confused...?

    I have issues! I was in a relationship that keeps giving me problems. I was with a guy, everything was going great! We wanted the same things, children, a family, we just meshed together. It felt good, but he has isues from his past that makes it hard to commit. He told me that he wasn't ready. I began to accept it. I started dating and going out and he is so jealous! But this takes the cake! A friend of mine that just lost his grandmother practices football down the street from his house. He was feeling bad and I meant to get out there to see him but I was busy. He called when I wasn't doing anything so I just went to him to offer him some comfort in his time of loss. My ex saw me and he's pissed off at me saying I have no respect for him. I tried to tell him that it's not about him, it's about a person in need as a friend. I want to work things out but he won't answer my texts or my calls. What can I do? I love him so much, but I can't stop living my life!

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What to do after a breakup?

    Ok, once you break up and break up for real, but you still love your ex and he loves you, but he tells you that he is not ready for a commitment and wants to have me in his life but he not ready for a commitment. At first I wanted to do whatever I could to make it work but I realized how stupid I was, so I told him that I am going to go anywhere I want and do anything I want and if he doesn't like it then make me his woman and i'll change within reason. I met a guy and I want to start dating him. I still love this other guy but I don't want to waste my life waiting for him to decide that he loves me and wants to be with me, because he say he not ready for a relationship. But when he saw me at the club with another man, he was very upset. I don't want to disrespect him, I just want to move on with my life! What can I do? I mean, if he told me he wanted to try again, I would put my all into it, but I don't want to wait around like a idiot!

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • My cat's destructive behavoir! Help!?

    My cat eats and chews on everything! I get her lots of toys she can bite, but she bites slippers, my rugs, anything she can get her hands on. She jumps up high, she knocked over my purse and chewed up my money. She chewed up a money order. She has so many toys I am so fed up with her I put her in her room, i'm not letting her out when I sleep and am not there because she just is so destructive, like a dog! What can I do to stop the behavior! I'm ready to give her to the SPCA. It seems like she is never satisfied with the toys that I give her, she has so much, and she takes over things that aren't cat toys too, like my loofah, and I just let her have it! But my purse and my money? I have to draw the line!

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • I have a question about my hair!?

    I have ethnic, thick, chemically relaxed hair. I got it cut last month. But i'm having a lot of problems with my hair, there are soft spots that hurt when I touch it, like it's tender and I have so much dandruff I used to have to wash it once a week and now I have to wash it so much to keep the flakes at bay! And my hair itches a lot! I have tried Head and Shoulders, that stuff in the yellow bottle, and Paul Mitchell Tea Tree! I need to get a handle on this hair! Can anyone help please???

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • How can after all this time can he be confused?

    My boyfriend told me that when we got toghether that he wanted to settle down, wanted to be married, wanted to have a son, and that I had the qualities he wanted in a wife. I fell for the crap because he sounded so genuine, so real. Things were going well then all of a sudden he pushes me away, then brings me closer. He hasn't had the best luck with women, his baby's mom took off with his daughter, and his ex lied on him and he ended up with a charge with domestic violence. I have tried to be there for him and be good to him like I would anyone else I was trying to be with, I called him and I told him I felt like we was going backwards and he told me that he was confused about if he wanted to be in a relationship, he says that he loves me and doesn't want anyone else but not sure if he wants to be in a relationship at all. I told him he couldn't have his cake and eat it too, he says that he doesn't like anyone else doesn't cheat, but is confused about what he wants so I told him

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I need some relationship advice please!?

    So, i've been with this man for about 6 months. He's complicated. He hasn't had the best luck with women. He had a bad accident, almost died, his baby's mom got 10,000 dollars for the child, and she took the child and moved away, then his ex girlfriend lied on him, saying that he hit her and he didn't, but he did kick the door down, which was bad so he could get his clothes and move out. He just hasn't ever had a good relationship and I don't know if it's him. He was a good boyfriend and all but then he started pushing me away, asking me why am I doing everything right, and all of that. He doesn't want to see me too much but he says he misses me. We talk on the phone a lot, but I don't understand why he wants to be by himself so much, when it hurts me that he doesn't want to see me that much but wants to talk on the phone all day long! I need help please, i've tried telling him how I feel, I don't think he gets it and i'm ready to move on.

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • For the men that proposed marrage: How did you know when it was the time to pop the question?

    How does a man know when he has found the right woman?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Is it okay to cut a cat's hair?

    My cat has long hair, and twice she has had feces caught in her hair near her anus. So I cut the hair that was around her anus so it's not so long so it won't get caught when she goes to the bathroom. Is this okay? When I cut her hair she didn't react but I am just wondering if I am causing harm to my kitten.

    14 AnswersCats1 decade ago