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Lv 612,580 points

Pastor Chad from

Favorite Answers34%

I'm the webservant of and, currently waiting for the Lord to open doors for me for full-time vocational ministry. Drop by the sites and feel free to drop me a line!

  • How to extract a video from a news website?

    Could somebody tell me how to extract and save the video at the following link? It's a news story on an old friend of mine who died and I'd really like to be able to save the video to my computer:

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Trying to find a Christian book for a friend who lost his wife...?

    The wife of a friend of mine died a year ago, and as you can imagine, losing her is still continuing to affect him in huge ways. I'd like to find a solid, Biblically-based book that can encourage him and help him continue to heal. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Wondering what forms/schedules I'll need to claim home improvement tax credits?

    I recently signed a contract to have my roof replaced and the roofing contractor is also going to be adding a thick layer of foam insulation to my attic when he starts the job in the next 10 days or so. I've been filing my taxes online for several years, but this will be the first year in which I'll be claiming deductions and/or credits as a homeowner. I'm assuming--unless I should assume otherwise--that the tax-filing providers linked from the IRS website will be asking about home improvement tasks that make me eligible for tax credits or deductions. What specific forms and/or deductions do I need to look for, and how will I know if I'm getting all the deductions and credits to which I'm entitled for home improvements? I'll also mention that I'm getting a metal roof, which should last at least the rest of my life (another 50 years or so).

    2 AnswersUnited States9 years ago
  • Why is the audio suddenly gone on my computer?

    I'm not sure what's happened, but the audio seems to have gone out on my Toshiba laptop in the past 24 hours or so. I was pulling up a video on Fox News and couldn't hear anything despite the audio level being all the way up on my speakers. I tried pulling up a YouTube video as well, but still nothing. Could there be some kind of software problem and/or update that didn't resolve?

    1 AnswerOther - Computers10 years ago
  • What is taking up all of the space on my hard drive?

    I noticed recently that, surprisingly, the hard drive on my laptop was nearly full--only about 14GB still available on the 287GB drive. So I just bought a 2-terabyte external drive and transferred everything from the C drive on my laptop to the external drive...but it's taking up less than 7GB of space on the new drive! So I'm guessing there's something that's clogging my laptop's hard drive and taking up a ton of space, but I was sure I had a LOT more files on my laptop than just 7GB. What can I do to figure out if I've actually transferred all of the files from my laptop to the external drive, and how can I see what's taking up how much space on my laptop to see if in fact they're all legitimate files or if spyware/viruses are to blame for my lack of space?

    2 AnswersOther - Hardware10 years ago
  • Why don't all states have their presidential primaries on the same day?

    I've been reading the news about all of the jockeying among states to have their primaries earlier and earlier to gain influence in the presidential nomination process and got to wondering, why can't all states have their primaries on the same day? Is there a practical reason why this isn't done, or is the reason more political than practical?

    5 AnswersElections10 years ago
  • Looking for great wedding reception hors d'oeuvres ideas that won't break the bank...?

    My fiancee and I are trying to come up with food ideas for our wedding reception on a very tight budget. We've got a food budget of only $500 (our single biggest expense), and with only about 85 guests we should be able to get a lot of mileage out of our money, but we're blanking out on ideas--I chalk it up to the fact that we have just 86 days until the wedding and so much left to do. We're not sure if we want hot or cold hors d'oeuvres, just cake and punch, or a combination of things. Any ideas and/or recipes (or links with ideas and recipes) anyone would like to offer would be greatly appreciated.

    6 AnswersWeddings10 years ago
  • Needing to obtain my public passenger chauffeur license but wondering which info I need to know...?

    I have just started driving a taxi part-time to bring in extra cash and need to obtain a public passenger chauffeur license (I live in Indiana) but there's nothing in the Indiana drivers handbook that tells which information is relevant specific to the PPC license. There's a lot of information to wade through in the booklet, and I hate to go over a lot of stuff that I won't need to know just for the PPC. Any suggestions or recommendations would be appreciated.

    2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation10 years ago
  • Something is taking up a ton of space on my hard drive...?

    I just noticed that my laptop's hard drive has only about 7GB of space left out of 300GB, which probably explains why it's running so slowly. But I'm puzzled as to what is taking up so much space, as just six months ago I was using only about 120GB, and I really haven't added a lot to my hard drive since that time. I've run multiple antivirus/antispyware scans and at this moment I'm running the compression function on my C drive. I defragged the computer twice, but the defragging didn't really change the amount of space taken up, and the antivirus/antispyware scans have come back negative. Is there some other way to tell what might be taking up so much space? Is there a way to view all the files on the C drive in a single window without subfolders so I can see how much space each item is taking up and delete larger files I don't need?

    3 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • I keep getting a message on Blogger saying I have a broken <td> tag, but I can't find it...?

    I'm trying to format a page on, but when I go to preview the page, I keep getting a message saying that a TD tag is broken. Here's the coding from the page, minus the content:

    <table border="3">

    <tr><td align="center" valign="top"></td>

    <td align="center" valign="top"></td></tr>


    <b><font size="4"></font></b></br>

    <table border="3">

    <tr><td valign="center" align="center" width="384"></td>

    <td valign="center" align="center" width="384></td></tr>


    Any idea what I'm missing or somehow overlooking? Maybe the fact I've been staring at my computer for hours isn't helping.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • One bit of advice I've read about planting fruit trees is to not let them bear fruit for a while, so...?

    I planted three apple trees a few weeks ago and had read advice on one site recommending that I not let the trees bear fruit for about the first three years so that all of the resources going into the tree's growth will be put toward growing the trunk and limbs first. I've got thumb-sized buds starting to appear on each of the trees, which you can see at this link:

    Should I just pluck the buds off, or should they be pruned in some other way? The trees are semi-dwarfs. I'd really appreciate any advice anyone can offer.

    4 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Just planted apple trees and hoping they aren't getting too much water?

    About a week and a half ago I planted three semi-dwarf apple trees and made sure the soil around the root ball was adequately watered as I was planting them. Then early this past week, and still continuing, we're getting record rain here--about half an inch to an inch a day since this past Tuesday. Is it possible for the trees to get too much water at this stage, and if so, would it make a difference if I put a tarp or something like it around the base of each tree, on top of the mulch around the tree, so that the water seeps into the soil but is not directly around the roots? Or is there something else I should do?

    Also, what should I do with regard to periodic fertilization of the trees, and when and how should I do it?

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Why am I suddenly unable to download updates or uninstall programs on my laptop?

    The motherboard on my Toshiba laptop (running Windows 7) that I've had for less than a year just totally went kaput a couple weeks ago, and since it was still under manufacturer's warranty, I took it to the Geek Squad desk at Best Buy (where I bought the laptop) and they sent it off to their repair center. I picked up my laptop last night, and now it seems that I can't install or update any new program files, whether it's patches to my operating system, updates on my antivirus program or even uninstalling programs--none of these things can be completed, and I keep getting error messages when I try to update or uninstall programs. Best Buy's tech people said they didn't think a power surge is what hit my laptop since they were able to do a total data backup on an external drive--they said that if it'd been a power surge, the hard drive probably would've been damaged or destroyed--so I'm wondering if it's more of a software issue. Is there any other way I can try to uninstall and reinstall affected programs, or any programs at all? Or does this sound like a hardware issue?

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Is my landlord allowed to show my apartment to others before I move out?

    I am living in a room in an old schoolhouse that was converted into an apartment building several years ago, and I just gave 30 days notice of my intent to vacate as I am buying a house. The leasing company that administers the building (but who is not the owner of the property) notified me yesterday that they will be showing my apartment to other prospective renters tomorrow, even though I haven't moved out yet. I'm not sure I want to let strangers in my still-occupied apartment--it feels like an invasion of my privacy, and I really don't want to have anything stolen. Is this sort of thing typically allowed under rental laws? (I live in Indiana.) I realize that landlords are allowed to come onto the property for repairs if they give at least 24 hours notice, but showing my apartment to other people while I'm still living here just doesn't feel right. Any idea what the law might be in Indiana that would allow (or prohibit) the leasing company to do this?

    8 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Trying to add Feedburner or other widget to my WordPress blog so people can sign up for update notifications?

    A friend of mine has a WordPress blog and I get updates from it via Feedburner whenever he posts new content, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to add a widget or other function to my blog to allow Feedburner to send out notifications to people who want to know when I post new content. Could someone help me figure out the best way to go about this? Thanks!

    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Wondering if there's a way to get Google to index iframe content?

    I'm trying to create a layout that imports one site into a page on another site, and so far the only thing I've found that seems to do the trick is using iframes...but I understand from a bit of research that Google has trouble indexing iframe content. Here's the URL where I'm tinkering with things:

    Is there a way to do something like this without using iframes, or if there's a way for Google to pick up iframe content, what would have to be done? Are there easier ways to do what I'm trying to do besides iframes?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Trying to import blog content in PHP into a cell on another site?

    I'm setting up a blog in PHP on one site but the blog site itself isn't set up well to allow modification of a sidebar for custom content. So what I'd like to do is import the blog content from the first site into the main table on the front page of another site I'm setting up so that I can put my own content in the sidebar. Could someone tell me a PHP function that will import content from a cell on another site?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Looking for a script that will randomly rotate ads on a site?

    I'm starting a blog that I'm planning to eventually run ads on, and I'd like to have a way to randomly rotate the ads. Do any of you know of a script that will randomly rotate ads when a page is refreshed?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Having trouble setting up my blog, need advice?

    I posted this more than 12 hours ago and I've only gotten one reply so far and figured the post was probably getting buried under new threads, but I'd really like some help in setting up my blog on Blogspot. Here's the original thread:;_ylt=AvQBd...

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. :)

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Trying to figure out how to add a custom stats counter to my Blogspot blog template?

    I just started a new blog on and I've got a stats counter that I'd like to add to the blog so I can get detailed stats on each page, but I can't figure out which box to add it to so that the counter script will appear on each page. I've used this company's stat counters for seven years and have been extremely satisfied with them, so I'd prefer to use their counter rather than the stats that Blogspot provides. Any idea how I can add the counter script so it will show up on each page? I'm hoping to sell ads on the blog eventually, so having detailed traffic stats would be very helpful.

    3 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago