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Investors: Is there *Synergy amongst selected stocks = "Diversified Portfolio is GOOD" OR Mutually Exclusive?
*Synergy = The Sum of the WHOLE is Greater than the Sum of the PARTS.....
For example#1: Let's say, there are 2 corporations (A & B). Are Corporation A & Corporation B, Better off TOGETHER or APART? Will the Merger Work??? If there is Synergy, then, the Merger will work, Like: Corporation A has better Management, Size, Advertisement, History dealing with Public - Customer Service (has a History of Retaining Customers), and Corporation B has a Better Technological Product at a Lower Price with a Key Patent.... When Combined, in a GOOD WAY, that WORKS!
For example#2: Sprint/Nextel. NO Synergy. Don't Merge! Unable to Integrate. Increased Costs & Complications..... Gets in the way of what you are really trying to do!
My Real Question: Investors..... Stock Selection, Diversified OR NOT?
Is there "Synergy" Amongst Stock Selections?
If: You Choose 5 Stock Picks, Amongst 5 Different Sectors...... Does that Yield a "BETTER AVG. RETURN" than just selecting the "TOP 1, stock that you Researched? Note: "Keeping the same Percentage of Cash [Range] and Dollar Cost Averaging, as New Cash comes in or the Long-Term Investment temporarily goes DOWN in Value...." Cash is Important, has use, and Value, in the Real World, And, Real "Gambling" should be Minimized, which is Different than defining the ODDs..... Experts say: Diversified Portfolio. But, WHY? Are the "Group Selection" of ODDs increased -- Synergy? If so, I don't understand, because: Aren't Stocks Mutually Exclusive Events (Mathematically)? Each Company is Different!!!!
Someone, please Explain in FULL about, why or why not, stocks are Mutually Exclusive, and do or don't have Synergy in a Portfolio of Investments..... Think: Risk Aversion, with Better Avg Return. After, a Simple one word - Is a Diversified Portfolio GOOD? "YES" or "NO" is given, as the 1st part of your Response! Thank you. :)
2 AnswersInvesting9 years agoShopping: NEW Cell Phone Suggestions?
Here is what Im Looking for... (Not in any order)
1. Unlocked, GSM phone.
2. Smartphone.
3. 4G.
4. QWERTY Keyboard. (for Txt MSG)
5. Bluetooth. (for My car)
6. At least a 1.2 Dual-Core Processor. (Speed = a Priority)
7. 16+ GB On Board Memory. (Memory = a Priority)
8. Facebook App.
9. E-mail App.
10. Scriptures App.
11. Slacker Music App.
12. 2+ Megapixal Camera
2 AnswersYahoo Shopping10 years agoWhat's the Best way to Tax: Income, Savings, or Spending?
Note: Just the Idea of Taxation is "Unfair." But, Let's say, You "as the Government" has to do it to Pay for Necessary Services, and YOU Must Pick a Method. What would you choose and why? Where = Income is what you make, Savings is your Accumulated wealth! If Money (Not other Assets), the Money Supply can be Taxed via "Printing the Money" - Inflation, and Spending is anything a "Sales Tax" can be put onto.
Some Key questions to ask before answering this question are (which I thought about, for example - there are More that can be thought up of):
What percentage of Income, do people put into their Savings, where the leftover is Spent?
Is this percentage different for Rich & Poor people? And, is it "Fair" to Tax them Differently, on a Percentage Basis?
What Percentage of People have No Income, but have Plenty of Savings and Spend a lot? Is it Fair to Give Retirees a Tax Break?
3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government10 years agoIf you had to Tax 1 of these 3, which would you Tax, and why?
Income = The Growth of Seed-Grain each year.
Savings = The Seed-Grain Storehouse (Safety-Net)
Spending = The Human Consumption of the Seed-Grain
Also, Keep in Mind:
The Class of People Taxing Income Helps is Retirees. (Q: Is this a Loop-Hole?)
Principle: Stop Hording. Taxing Savings Helps with this. (Q: What about, Prepare for Retirement?)
Principle: Everyone Consumes & Scarcity. Tax Spending. (Q: Isn't Free Trade a Good Idea?)
1 AnswerPhilosophy10 years agoIn Worldly Terms, What makes someone Rich? Why?
A. The Amount of $$$ you make per year. (Income)
B. The Amount of $$$ you have in Total. (Savings)
C. The Amount of $$$ you use on ALL Goods & Services (Spending)
D. The Amount of $$$ you use Only on Discretionary or Luxury Goods & Services (In Part, Spending)
E. The Amount you have, which can be Converted into $$$ (Net Worth)
F. Other (A Combination of the Above OR None of the Above)
4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government10 years agoPersonal Choice vs. Group Control - Where do you "Draw the Line?" Please Explain.?
To put another way, positively: Libertarianism vs. Idealism.
To put another way, negatively: Anarchy vs. Dictatorship.
Example #1: Money.
How much % Taxes, should Everyone have to pay for the Greater Cause? (at the Expense of Discretionary Income).
Example #2: Gun Control. Drug Control. Etc.
How much % do you FEAR, yourself and others, with Potentially "Harmful" Materials?
Example #3: Law.
How much % Behavior Control, should Everyone have to agree to, in order to: Achieve at least Reasonable "Order?" (at the Expense of Freedom). In other words, What % of Society are Criminals? (Have Broken any Law). Note: This question doesn't address Punishment & Rehabilitation!
Example #4: Trust.
Do you Trust yourself More or Others More, with Regard to: "Decision Making?" Who's the Expert? (at the Expense of Pride).
5 AnswersPhilosophy10 years agoHow were YOU, "Sold" on what you cannot see? Why do you Express a degree of Confidence in that mere HOPE?
Idea: "Faith." Definition: Hebrews 11:1.
1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoAre ALL Choices made out of Desperation?
There is a % chance that with each Choice, we make: it can be Good or Bad, or even Good or better or Bad or Worse!
Time (as well as other Variables) Compels us to make each Choice - Given: a Degree of Uncertainty!
Otherwise: The Default is Being Indecisive, as we "Learn" about each Choice and weigh it Out...
Isn't what I described here: Desperation???
6 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade agoIs 100% Faith Attainable?
This Formula Demonstrates the Approximate amount of Faith I will Have throughout My Lifetime...
Where My percentage of Faith is based on a Function of Knowledge I believe I have, and the Variable X = Knowledge.
Note: Each Token of Knowledge I have is a Positive Integer where (X >= 1).
And, My 1st Knowledge is "I think; therefore, I am."
All other Knowledge I have is Based upon this Precept.
f(x) = (X-1)/(X+1)
Question: How can I improve My Faith to 100%? *Being that I obviously Value Faith, as With each Token of Knowledge I gain - It goes Up as this Formula Demonstrates - However - Being that Faith involves Uncertainty - I will always be Uncertain...., I believe in God, for Example. With all the Knowledge I have - there is No reason for me NOT to Believe, but, How can I know it 100%?
Note: Knowledge is Not the same as Faith, and yet I base mine on it (Is that Bad?)....
7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoDo YOU Trust Logic or Experience? Why?
Experience says: If Bad, Change what you're doing... If Good, Keep it Up or Magnify!
(Rewards & Punishments from the World). Role: Follower.
Whereas Logic says: Regardless of the Past Trend, The Law of Truth, Not Short-Term Trends of Good or Bad Experiences, should Dictate to YOU, your Behavior...
(This takes Discipline) Role: Leader.
8 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade agoIs it a Good idea or a Bad idea to "Pass Judgment" on Others?
It seems like I am NOT Understanding the definition of it (which I have looked up)...
Basically, in my own words, it means - To form an Opinion about someone, and, to me, that means to Stereotype! How can this be Bad?
If, for example, I want to get Married, I need to form a Positive Stereotype about Her to Propose and Her of me to Accept. No Opinion = No Action.
If, for example, I see someone without Authority (like: Police or Army) pointing a Gun at someone, isn't it wise to form a Negative Stereotype about that Person...
Note: Stereotypes and Opinions CAN change... but isn't it a Good Idea to use the Statistical Data and form one - based upon our "Quick" senses and Past History, just like an Insurance Company does! This seems SMART...
What is it, I am NOT understanding about Passing Judgment on Others? How CAN this be BAD? Even Judge NOT, unless I be Judged sounds GOOD to me!!! (Because I want to be Judged - I see myself as a Good Person, and even if they saw me NOT as one, I still want them to Judge because their opinion can Change and I want them to make "SMART" decisions.... that's the BEST). :)
2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoHow much do People Individually Spend, per Month on...?
Food, Drink, Drugs (Medicine), House & Real Estate, Home Improvement & Maintenance, Car Expenses & Gasoline, Appliances - Washer/Dryer/Dish Washer/Microwave..., Clothing, Hygiene related, Recreation & Toys (Discretionary expenses), Loan Interest, Misc. Equipment, Technology - Cable TV & Internet on a Good Computer, Education - College Tuition, Travel, Cell Phone, Electric Utilities, Water Utilities, etc...
Where does someone find a database filled with this Information???
2 AnswersEconomics1 decade agoIn Chess, which is MORE Important... when determining: Opening Strategy?
1. Tempo. “Do the Most, in the Least Number of Moves!” Idea: Gambit.
2. Defense. “Prioritize: Reacting to Immediate Threats first!” Idea: Survival.
3. Tactics. “Do the Most, with the Most Pieces!” Idea: Material.
3 AnswersBoard Games1 decade agoIs Greed the Opposite of Charity? Explain. What is Greed?
I know that: Greediness is Not Necessarily being Rich because it is Possible (although Difficult) for a Rich Man to Enter the Kingdom of God!
Mark 10:25 says, " It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”
However, I do know that Being "Greedy" is a Serious Crime.... See Below.
Ephesians 5:5 says: "For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person—such a person is an idolater—has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God."
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoIn Life, What is MORE Important? In other words... Your Potential = What? Assign Percentages, if Necessary?
Is it?
A) To Have Fun. (Emotionally: Do what gives you - Happiness or Joy)
B) Responsibility. (Logically: Do what's Morally and Ethically Right, Problem Solving, Progress...)
C) Love. (It's MORE than Personal Happiness.... It's MORE than Problem Solving.... What is it? Maybe = Charity... Putting Others First? )
4 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade agoHow should you Typically Interact with People - given these Choices? What are the Exceptions?
1. Cooperatively = GROUP 1st! (You must make Sacrifices, just as Jesus did).
2. Friendly Competition = YOU 1st (Motive: Profit), using ONLY HUMANE means Necessary at your Disposal. Society has Laws/Rules to keep Order...
3. Ruthless Competition = YOU 1st (Motive: Victory), using ALL means Necessary at your Disposal. Don't let anyone EVER get in your Way!!! This means WAR!
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhy Must there be an Opposition in ALL Things?
Hot - Cold. Black - White. Darkness - Light. Good - Evil. Knowledge - Ignorance. Wet - Dry. War - Peace. Love - Hate. Life - Death. Etc...
I was Reading in the Book of Mormon... 2 Nephi 2:11 - "For it must needs be, that there is an opposition in all things."
My thoughts, Insight, and Confusion:
[Speculation] The Reason why there is Opposition is Because Everything isn't Perfect. Perfection = No Opposition. Right??? * Also, IF Having a Universe with "No Opposition" AND "Perfection" can NEVER exist, because of this verse, then I am to Conclude that Perfection is un-attainable? But, then Mormons say that they can eventually Progress to become Gods... How can this be? Isn't God Perfect in Everything? And yet - he created an Imperfect Universe filled with Opposites... Now, I believe in God, but to me it sounds like He is Progressing too! And, Progress can be Measured by the Scientific Method...
12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWithout Committing Blasphemy... Describe God and His Universe!?
God is a ______ and the Universe is His ______.
For Example:
1) Scientist, Laboratory.
2) Dreamer, Imagination.
3) Artist, Painting.
4) Composer, Song.
5) Playwright, Stage.
6) Comedian, Joke.
7) Dealer, Deck of Cards.
8) Bus Driver, School Bus.
9) Philosopher, Logic.
10) Father, Creation.
Fill in the Blank:
11) ______, "Big Bang"
Also, put into your own words, the Best you Can, describing fully, the Implications of what this Means!!! :)
10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoConcerning the Meaning of Life: How much Time should The Typical Person Budget, per Category - Be Specific?
Major Categories:
1. Sleep - Commonly Accepted as 1/3 of your Time... (8 hours per day, but could Vary)
2. Responsibilities - Defined as: School, Work, Eating, Exercise, Household Chores, Church, Charity, Paying Bills, Transportation, Basically anything that YOU Have to DO!!! (not optional)
3. Fun - Defined as: Games, Sports, Hobbies, Social Activities, Vacation, Television, Internet, Basically anything that YOU want to DO!!! (and consider Optional)
How does the answer to this Question CHANGE, given The Life Cycle?
Phases in Life:
1. Kid [0 - 18 years old]
2. Adult [18 - 30 years old]
3. Middle Aged Adult [30 - 60 years old]
4. Old Age [60+ years old]
2 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade agoWhy did God create the Universe? Give an Explaination behind your Reasoning...?
A) God is a Scientist and the Universe is His Laboratory
B) God is a Dreamer and the Universe is His Imagination
C) The Universe was God's Purpose, so He Created it
D) Physical Reality has always Existed, Regardless of God
E) Either God or the Universe doesn't Exist, and this is a Silly Question.
F) Other...
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago